Sports talk (formerly NBA talk)

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Postby udosuk » Sun May 13, 2007 5:22 am

As we're talking about Barry Bonds here is an interesting article about how the American public react to the HR chase. In summary, most of the non-Bay-Area residents of non-African-origin are the ones expected to dislike the chase. Sad but probably true.

And yes, I guess it's hard for other parts of the world to fully comprehend the severity of the drought in Australia. Just like not many European/American people realise the threat of Bird Flu in East Asia. Every few seconds one child somewhere in Africa dies of starvation. We have too many problems in every part of the world.

In another forum I encountered a riddle as below:
It is shut out since Bill, Bryan and Steve.

The answer is a 2-digit number. I've cracked it with some additional info provided by the riddler, but I'm just curious if you guys can get the answer straight from this original form.:?:
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Postby Hud » Sun May 13, 2007 9:46 pm

Hmmm, my initial impression would be a retired uniform number. I'll do some research on Buckner, Garvey and ?.
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Postby re'born » Sun May 13, 2007 10:37 pm

As a Bay Area native who has been rooting for Barry since I 1993 when I was 14, I can't stop supporting him now. On the other hand, I fully appreciate this or this.

udosuk wrote:In another forum I encountered a riddle as below:
It is shut out since Bill, Bryan and Steve.

The answer is a 2-digit number.

If you replace 'Bryan' with 'Brian', then my answer would be 32

]Bill Walton, Brian Winters, Steve Carlton

Hud, I think Steve Garvey wore a 1 digit number...6 perhaps?
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Postby udosuk » Mon May 14, 2007 1:08 am

Hud wrote:Hmmm, my initial impression would be a retired uniform number. I'll do some research on Buckner, Garvey and ?.

rep'nA wrote:If you replace 'Bryan' with 'Brian', then my answer would be 32

Bill Walton, Brian Winters, Steve Carlton

Hud, I think Steve Garvey wore a 1 digit number...6 perhaps?

Okay guys, it's defintely Bryan not Brian, and the riddler didn't give any hints that it's sports-related, but to save you guys the trouble I can confirm that Hud's intuition is spot on. Here is the additional info I obtained later:
It is shut out since Bill M., Bryan T. and Steve Y.

If it's still too much, I can tell you the answer is 16 (don't view this tiny text if you want to enjoy cracking the riddle yourself).

Thanks for the links rep'nA. For the casual lookers The Onion is a site famous for running parodies and satirical new articles. Don't take anything too seriously!:)
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Postby Hud » Mon May 14, 2007 2:35 am

Just so I don't get too far down the wrong track, are the players all from the same sport? Is it baseball? I was thinking Bill Mazeroski, but he had a single digit number.
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Postby udosuk » Mon May 14, 2007 4:03 am

Hud wrote:Is it baseball?

Wrong sport.
Hud wrote:I was thinking Bill Mazeroski, but he had a single digit number.

Wrong person, the number is defintely double digit.

Just so you know, I haven't heard of all 3 persons before I encountered this riddle.
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Postby Hud » Mon May 14, 2007 4:21 am

Udosuk, nice call about the Jazz probably going to the final 4. I don't think the Warriors can win 3 in-a-row. It seems like every time a team starts relying almost completely on the 3 ball, the basket shrinks. That's my biggest gripe about the Suns also. I wonder what led up to Davis's elbow on Fisher late in the game? If Fisher was saying the wrong things to Davis, I can understand it.

Is the sport in question played mostly outside the US?
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Postby caliboywestcoast » Tue May 15, 2007 7:29 pm

I see Pistons Beating the Sun in the finals in 6 games them steal the second game of the series but the bulls are done and same with the nets, warroirs,
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Postby Hud » Tue May 15, 2007 10:30 pm

Welcome to the discussion, cali. The whole topic of conversation here today is whether Amare and Diaw should get a one game suspension for reacting to Horry's chicken shot on Nash. I think the NBA may have an out if they decide to not call it an altercation. I'd like to see the Suns make it to the finals, but it's not a sure thing by a long shot. The Pistons are very much like the Jazz I think. If the Suns and Jazz meet, it might give an inkling to how they would play against the Pistons. Word is that Duncan left the bench earlier in the game which also might enter into any decision. Stern is going to attend tomorrow night's game and maybe he doesn't want to influence it that way.

I drove 130km to Mexico today to get 5 teeth filled. I suppose it was worth it for $350 and $50 worth of gasoline.

Edit later:
As you now know, Amare and Diaw get suspended for 1 game and Horry (who was the instigator of both the incident and the altercation, gets 2. Surprisingly, David Stern changed plans and won't attend tomorrow's game. I suppose the Suns can still win, but it'll take a great effort and a bit of luck imo.
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Postby udosuk » Wed May 16, 2007 8:19 am

The Jazz eliminated the Warriors (sorry rep'nA, now you are on the same boat as me). The Bulls survived game 5 in Detroit, and is in position to force a game 7 if they win game 6 at home. I think the Cavs can be benefitted like the Heat were last season.

For the record, I hate the Jazz to the guts and wish they get swept by the Spurs. I said the Warriors were unlikely to beat the Jazz because they were down 0-2 (it's generally very difficult to beat a team from an 0-2 deficit, unless you're facing the Houston Rockets:( ).

The Suns surely were given a raw deal with Amare and Diaw suspended. Without Amare I don't think they can beat the Spurs. If all these were calculated by the Spurs in the first place then I must say they're very clever (and dirty). A possible plan for the Suns to retaliate is have Pat Burke or another relatively unimportant player knock out Duncan early in game 5. Perhaps that'll also get Parker or Ginobili suspended for fighting or leaving the bench. The game will be in Phoenix, so there's not much immediate danger with the home crowd. What the after-effects will be I'm not sure though.
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Postby udosuk » Wed May 16, 2007 12:47 pm

Hud wrote:Is the sport in question played mostly outside the US?

Let's say it's a North American sport.
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Postby Hud » Wed May 16, 2007 2:15 pm

I'm seriously depressed today. I tend to take sports much more seriously than I should. I suppose that's why I can't watch the games. At least my teeth don't hurt (never did). I had assumed the young woman who filled my teeth was a hygienist, but I suppose she was an intern to the regular dentist.
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Postby udosuk » Wed May 16, 2007 3:40 pm

Hud wrote:I'm seriously depressed today.

Think of it this way. If the Suns somehow beat the Spurs in this series, it'll be extra satisfying. Don't get depressed before the bad things actually happen. At least the Suns fared better than the Mavs, Rockets and Warriors.

I'm sure the teeth surgery went perfectly. Was the $350 covered?
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Postby caliboywestcoast » Wed May 16, 2007 7:47 pm

right the pistons dont really look like the pistons you saw in the first 6 games totally focused and they lost some of that and see what happens they almost lose game 3 and then they drop 2 in a row but once they bring that focuse there going to be hard to beat for anyteam. the only way that the sun can beat the spurs tonight is if SM get 25p 12r
and LB gets 25p 5a and JJ gets 10p 6r and KT get 10p 8r and plays and make ducan work
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Postby Hud » Wed May 16, 2007 7:53 pm

Udosuk, you're right that it'll be especially satisfying if we can pulle out tonight's game. I do look for Marion to have a big game and Pat Burke isn't really a bad player; just a little slow lol.

In this country dental work isn't covered by Medicare and it's usually not cost effective to buy coverage on your own. Even the Veterans Administration doesn't cover dental except for special cases.

Cali, I hope LB steps up tonight. He's been neutralized so far in the series. I don't think the fans will stand for it tonight if Nash gets brutalized again. I hope his package didn't injure Bowens' knee lol.
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