Here is the address of the film clip: can't really conclude if it's intentional with the video, even though it's in slow motion. When I play I often accidentally step on somebody's heel

. But I never like Bruce Bowen as a player anyway.
And this is the quarter-by-quarter score of the Pistons-Bulls game:
- Code: Select all
Pistons 18 10 32 21 = 81
Bulls 20 24 17 13 = 74
As you can see, the Bulls outscored the Pistons 44-28 in the 1st half, but was outscored 53-30 in the 2nd. Not that extraordinary I'd say.
And what do you think of the All-NBA teams this year

1st team:
Nash, Kobe, Dirk, Duncan, Amare
2nd team:
Arenas, T-Mac, Lebron, Bosh, Yao
3rd team:
Billups, Wade, Melo, KG, Dwight
I would have opposed to the selection of Amare over Yao as the 1st team center, but I guess it's legit since Amare is in round 2 and Yao isn't.

Of these 15 players, only 5 are in round 2 (Nash, Billups, Lebron, Duncan, Amare). Perhaps these 5 deserve to be the first team more...