Afmob wrote:I can confirm that F11 has no valid puzzles. I had to check 4.2e9 ED puzzles which took about 10 hours though I added some lines to my otherwise general code for this pattern to filter out invalid puzzles, otherwise it would have taken too long.
Glad to see your result, well done!
Afmob wrote:Serg, do you have an estimate on how many patterns you have to analyze for this study?
My estimations are in accordance with yours. Sadly, but I found an error in my algorithm. For some patterns not all possible puzzles were checked. So, the speed of search was too high. It is evident, that exhaustive search for F11 pattern couldn't be done in 7 minutes

So, my result (and timings) for patterns F7, F9, F10 and F11 are not correct (but the rest results, including the search through F12, should be correct). I will execute really exhaustive search for F7 and F11 patterns after bug fixing. (If F11 has no valid puzzles, it will be no sense to check F9 and F10, because they are subsets of F11.)