udosuk wrote:But I cannot be sure if this approach cover the maximum number of unicorns we could put within the field...
Me neither...

getting desperate, Hinter wrote:Sudoku (数独, sūdoku?), ...a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions")
udosuk wrote:But I cannot be sure if this approach cover the maximum number of unicorns we could put within the field...
getting desperate, Hinter wrote:Sudoku (数独, sūdoku?), ...a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions")
The really desperate hinter wrote:From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sudoku (数独, sūdoku?), also known as Number Place, is a logic-based placement puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numerical digit from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 8×8 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various digits given in some cells (the "givens"); each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral. Completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability.
emm wrote:I see the hint RW: 8 x 8 = 64 and we have 64 squares of 3 x 3 and the hypotenuse is 4.24 and the net is 4.25 and we have 65 unicorns so two are in one square and ... so they're done for?
Name is O____, not R____, ___!
|9 8 7|3 2 6|45 1 45|
|34 34 2|5 9 1|6 7 8 |
|1 6 5|4 7 8|3 9 2 |
|6 5 8|7 4 3|9 2 1 |
|7 9 3|2 1 5|8 4 6 |
|2 1 4|6 8 9|7 5 3 |
|5 2 9|8 3 4|1 6 7 |
|8 7 1|9 6 2|45 3 45|
|34 34 6|1 5 7|2 8 9 |
RW wrote:"A hint can be found by solving this unique solution puzzle:"
udosuk wrote:Name is Othello, not Reversi, Poms!
Name is Ocean, not River, Sea!
Name is Oprah, not Ricki, Lake!
emm wrote:All I can see here is that O is the 15th letter of the alphabet = sum r1 and R is the 18th letter of the alphabet = sum box 4.
Is this going to get me anywhere?
MCC wrote:This puzzle does not seem to be unique. I've got as far as this, with 4 solutions
Cec wrote:I'm not much good at sussing these riddles out but I suspect RW's hint that this puzzle has a "unique" solution was intended to be a "clue" to this riddle - if you know what I mean That said I'm still none the wiser to a solution!
Hinter wrote:r1c3=7
Answerer wrote:Name is Orton, not Rosie, man!
udosuk wrote:And suppose the hidden logic is "palindromes", then the sentence could be:answerer wrote:Name is Orton, not Rosie, man!
No idea whatsoever about the meaning of this though...
udosuk wrote:Besides "a grid of palindromes", it has also the following 2 properties:
1. All adjacents cells are consecutive (it's what got me going into filling up most cells, and great fun in the process)
2. Each entry is in fact the length of the shortest orthogonal path from the particular cell to the centre cell.
- Code: Select all
123 456 789
A |7.8|..1|6..|
B |.3.|.5.|..2|
C |...|4..|9..|
D |.8.|7..|..9|
E |..3|...|7..|
F |16.|##4|.3.|
G |..6|..8|...|
H |.1.|...|.7.|
I |...|5..|8.6|
What am I?