Cec wrote:During conversation we often say "I am" or "you are" or "she/he/it is". Is it ever correct to say "I is.......
if I is an object rather than referring to myself, then the sentence should be correct IMO.
Cec wrote:During conversation we often say "I am" or "you are" or "she/he/it is". Is it ever correct to say "I is.......
cec wrote:My comment was intended in a light hearted manner to acknowledge my appreciation for your participitation. It now seems I should have simply said "Thank you RW for participating".
tarek wrote:"If I is an object rather than referring to myself, then the sentence should be correct IMO.
RW wrote:Your paragraph is just as odd and unusual as this paragraph! How confusing... I must think about it for an hour or two to find a satisfying solution.
Cec wrote:RW wrote:Cec wrote:sorry RW to change your concentration so quickly
Don't worry, if you read my answer to the previous riddle you'll notice that I already had solved it and I should have got the "well done" instead of Luna
Well.. actually, I didn't "notice" that you had solved the riddle which Luna correctly answered.
Cec wrote:I now see MCC has posted the correct answer which completes the riddle. I'm not game enough to say who won - it's all meant for a bit of fun and breathing space prior to the next "Advanced brain teasers" which are usually beyond me to solve, but certainly always interesting.
Cec wrote:During conversation we often say "I am" or "you are" or "she/he/it is". Is it ever correct to say "I is..."
"I is hungry...", uttered my 2-year-old nephew who is not so fluent in English yet.
tarek wrote:"It's easy Cec, MCC gave the answer you wanted, MCC wins & gets a gold medal..... If there were more than one correct then you have to pay for extra Gold medals"
MCC wrote:What is the capital of:
Ivory Coast
'I' is.
MCC wrote:Apologies to Cec.
"What is the capital of:
Internet Information Services
IIS which I assume is pronounced 'eye-is'.