MCC wrote:A musician

Yes, that is correct!!!!
coloin wrote:## ? 2 sharps = f sharp and c
comprises the the d major key
That was the closest anyone got to figure out the initial clue...
- Code: Select all
123 456 789
A 748|..1|653
B 639|857|..2
C ..1|4..|987
D 485|7..|..9
E ..3|185|764
F 167|##4|538
G ..6|378|..1
H 812|649|375
I 374|512|896
Read left to right, one column of boxes at a time and you'll get:
- Code: Select all
C, E, G - D,F#,A,C - G, B, D
(C major) (D7) (G major)
The basic building blocks of any horrible pop song you can hear on MTV (not the kind of music I do, though).
Seems the "rise, not fall" confused you all... (rhyme again

), but that wasn't meant as a clue, just a rhyme to complete the limerick. The 'fiddle' and 'tune' was meant to focus you at music, which seemed to work well.
The four strings on a fiddle was to help people advance the puzzle all the way to the deadly patterns without advanced technique (r8c5=4).