Win10 - Gripe List

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Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 3:07 am

Now that I have had several months on my new PC with Windows 10 (64-bit), it's time to air some grievances!

I choose to do this here, in the quiet obscurity of the SPF Coffee Lounge, rather than anywhere else, because here at least I am amongst friends, who are more likely to understand my POV (and make allowances for it!).

There are of course many good things about Win10-64, eg it's support for 32-bit apps, without which my VB6 wouldn't run, and this thread would not exist.

But I come to bury Micro$oft, not to praise it ... 8-)

I will start with the two major complaints I have, and for which there appears to be no remedy.

Members are cordially invited to contribute their own gripes. These need not be specific to Win10 (hell no, let's get all those gripes out in the open!)
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Gripe #1 - Taskbar

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 3:51 am

The first gripe on my list is that Taskbar!

Win7 users will be familiar with the old Taskbar - if you have multiple copies of an app running, you click on the Taskbar button for that app, and get a popup menu with all the copies running as menu items. If you want to make a particular window visible you just click on the popup menu item and that becomes the new foreground window. This interface is simple, convenient, and non-intrusive.

But those jokers at MS apparently decided, "oh, we need a new look/feel for Win10, so let's mess with the Taskbar!".

And mess with it they certainly did! They took a silk purse and turned it into a sow's ear.

The popup menu is now a lavish affair - each item is shown horizontally as a "preview pane", so it's no longer a "popup menu" as we know it.

This is both intrusive and inconvenient. Especially when you have the default mode. This popup display is shown not when YOU decide you want it, but merely by moving the mouse over the Taskbar button. If you spend just a fraction of a second with the cursor over any taskbar button ("hover time"), up pops this feature like a jack-in-the-box!

Even worse, we find that, in an OS that is otherwise jam-packed with "user experience" settings and options, mostly useless IMHO, that there is NO option offered anywhere to modify this behaviour!

Only after searching the web did I learn that the only thing we can change is that "hover time", there is a registry entry where we can set a value that at least reduces the jack-in-a-box effect.

But alas, NO option to use Win7 style, with click + popup-menu.

Typically I have anywhere from 3 to 12 CMD windows active. Switching from one window to another is no longer a simple two-click operation, but a bloody nightmare!
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Gripe #2 - Auto-Reboot!

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 4:25 am

The taskbar gripe is just a persistent annoyance. :?

But having your system re-booted without your permission really gets my knickers in a twist! :shock:

Memo to MS: This behaviour is UNFORGIVABLE, you jokers!! I just might have apps running!!!

On Win7, I never had this problem. If you had "Windows Update" enabled, it would tell you when a reboot was need, and an option that said something like "Ask me again in X hours".

But now when Win10 pops the question, the "Not now, Later" option no longer has any time options (perhaps uses another registry setting?). It isn't clear to me what that default interval is, but maybe as little as an hour or two.

And here the mystery deepens. Many users have reported reboots that happened without any explanation (or user involvement), and alas, I have too!

You just wake up to find all your apps have been murdered while you slept!

No sensible answers have come out of MS (surprise!).

Whatever the alleged reasons behind these reboot cases, one has to wonder:

  • is it popping the question? Who knows, this only happens when we are not looking!
  • is it using that same default "Not now, later" time-interval? After which it assumes "Go ahead!" is the default answer?

I regularly run app's which are unlikely to finish within a few hours, some may take days. Now I can no longer trust my system to stay up (given a reliable power supply) I have to go to some trouble to build in some restart capability just in case. Yes, I know, it's "good practice" to do so, but not always possible, and rarely convenient when these apps are all bespoke, and not intended to be used more than once.
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Mon Feb 18, 2019 4:52 am

All right !!! I've been waiting for an opportunity like this for some time. Here are just some of the gripes I've had about the "wonderful" Windows 10.

1. First of all, I was a victim of the infamous Windows 10 Black Screen of Death. If you weren't a victim here is how it worked (or didn't). If you turned on your computer the screen would just go black. This happened intermittently, but when it did you just had to repeatedly turn on your computer until, miraculously, it came on. Just before I returned my new PC to the store as a dud, I googled black screen and found out the cause. Depending on what hardware was in your computer, W10 for some reason pushed over the display to a non existent external device, so your screen went black. And I bought my new PC after W10 had been released a year earlier !

2. The equally infamous desktop destruction update. I'll bet jobs were lost at Microsoft after that disaster. After an update my desktop turned up completely blank. I got in touch with the computer manufacturer, who said that my BIOS had been corrupted and guided me through the steps to at least get my PC running again. Unfortunately I had lost all added software, but at least my files were there, so I had to reload it all. Takes months to fully fix a problem like that. Subsequent W10 Updates came up with a box that said something like "Restoring Users Desktop Experience". For a few updates this worked very slowly, but seems to be working reasonably OK now. This feature was also added to Windows 7. As I said, I'm sure jobs were lost and Death Threats were made over that disaster.

3. The screen aspect ratio disaster. After one update, all my spreadsheets (including my Sudoku Solvers), all worked but the aspect ratio of the screens had changed, so I had to recast them all. A week later, another update came along and restored the original aspect ratios, so I had to recast them a second time. Again, job losses and death threats would likely have been the case.

4. The best feature of Windows 7 was the button on the RHS of the taskbar that would minimise all applications running and get you to the desktop in one click. Gone in W10 ! Well, not quite, but they have reduced the size of the button to a 1 mm wide strip at the right hand edge of the taskbar. It's still there, if you know where to look. If you don't you will probably never find it.

5. The desktop calendar function just would not work, for several months, and mysteriously started up again after several more updates.

6. At one stage it was impossible to use a date format of dd/mm/yyyy in Excel. W10 absolutely refused to allow it. Amazingly, after another update, it returned. Job losses and death threats perhaps ?

7. Office 16 (the latest version) and W10 have a peculiar display incompatibility. If you are not careful, it looks like Excel macros are not running. It's off-putting, but it's a display thing. if the file is saved at some stage the display somehow normalises.

8. The time for updates to complete was always worryingly long, with long periods of black screens. Every update was a potential disaster. More recently, updates are taking less time, so, finally, after about 4 years, the 15th version of Windows is finally settling down.

9. The mysterious application scroll bar. If you click on the Windows button you get a list of applications, but how do you get to the ones down the list? After about 6 months of frustration you accidentally hover over an invisible scroll bar and you can finally scroll down to the lower applications. No doubt this is documented in Micrsoft's million page W10 user manual somewhere.

In summary, W10 is without doubt the most aggressively pushed version ever, and they are clearly not doing any Beta testing. They are using ordinary users like us as the Beta testers in their unstoppable headlong push to make W10 look and feel more like a smartphone. If you are over, say 35, then you might as well not exist for the W10 "designers".

Well, that's about it for a first post. Not bad huh ? As I remember more faults that have occurred over the last 3 years I'll add to the list.



1. Tip for Cortana victims. (a) Never say the word Cortana in the same room as the PC. (b) If you right click on the Cortana box on the Taskbar and unpin it, it seems to shut it up permanently.

2. Tip for auto-update victims. I think there is an option in Control Panel to disable auto updates, but of course they have made Control Panel harder to find for us dinosaurs.

3. Tip for line format puzzle users with 0's. Don't use it ! Ever ! If you paste one of these into an Excel cell and don't format it as text, the millionaire geniuses at Microsoft know they are smarter than you so they recognise your puzzle as an 80 digit integer. But Excel cells only keep 15 digits of accuracy, so what ends up in the cell is a 15 digit integer with some exponent notation thrown in ! 65 cell contents wiped out!

The very first thing I did for the Sudoku X project was to recast RUUD's evilly 0 formatted puzzles into . format. Problem solved. That's not a W10 gripe, just a general one about Excel, but hey, it still complies with MM's Griping rules !
Last edited by Leren on Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:20 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:17 am

Great stuff, Leren ! 8-)

Ranting is apparently good for the soul … I feel better already! :lol:
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Re: Gripe 2

Postby tarek » Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:08 am

You will get Gripe 2 from me too :x. It is the one that I encounter the most. Serg, who probably still runs the XP version of Windows has very few -if any- gripes :lol:

Leren wrote:3. Tip for line format puzzle users with 0's. Don't use it ! Ever ! If you paste one of these into an Excel cell and don't format it as text, the millionaire geniuses at Microsoft know they are smarter than you so they recognise your puzzle as an 80 digit integer. But Excel cells only keep 15 digits of accuracy, so what ends up in the cell is a 15 digit integer with some exponent notation thrown in ! 65 cell contents wiped out!

The very first thing I did for the Sudoku X project was to recast RUUD's evilly 0 formatted puzzles into . format. Problem solved. That's not a W10 gripe, just a general one about Excel, but hey, it still complies with MM's Griping rules !
I identified this a while ago & I adopt the "." method. Tedious way to work around this if you insist on using 0s: To format column as text prior to import.

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:05 pm

Leren wrote:1. Tip for Cortana victims. (a) Never say the word Cortana in the same room as the PC. (b) If you right click on the Cortana box on the Taskbar and unpin it, it seems to shut it up permanently.

Amen to that! 8-)

Leren wrote:2. Tip for auto-update victims. I think there is an option in Control Panel to disable auto updates, but of course they have made Control Panel harder to find for us dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs are not qualified system administrators! Donkeys maybe ...

To get instant access to the Control Panel, go to the "Start" menu (or whatever the F it's called), go to Windows System on the menu, and when you see Control Panel, right-click on it, COPY, then go the desktop (assuming you can find it) and PASTE it. Voila!

That same right-click menu will also let you PIN the CP link to the Taskbar. Do both, then CP is never more than just a click away, just a click away ...

Speaking of the Start Menu, whose stupid idea was it to create "hidden scroll bars"??? A scroll bar that only reveals itself if you move the mouse over it? Brilliant, guys!

These almost deserve a Gripe post of their own, they are so stupid and pointless. EDGE also has them, grrrrrrr!!! Oh wait, I get it, the "new look" is kind of like designer jeans that are pre-torn, and the "new feel" is frustration!

PS: Leren can you put me out of my misery and describe EXACTLY where that 1mm strip on the Taskbar for "Show the Desktop" is located? I can't find the %$%#%# thing! :lol:
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby blue » Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:23 pm

Mathimagics wrote:PS: Leren can you put me out of my misery and describe EXACTLY where that 1mm strip on the Taskbar for "Show the Desktop" is located? I can't find the %$%#%# thing! :lol:

It's at the far right hand edge of the Taskbar.
Click it once, windows disappear.
Click it again, they come back.

The feature is also available on the taskbar's right mouse button popup menu -- "Show the desktop".
If you select it, the windows disappear, and the menu item changes to "Show open windows" (the next time the RMB is clicked).
While it's in that state, launching an app from the desktop or from the taskbar, resets it to "Show the desktop", and the original windows remain minimized.
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Taskbar Button - Show Desktop

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:11 pm

Thanks blue!

Ok, now here's a way to put a REAL button on the taskbar for "Show Desktop".

  • Create a new Shortcut (right-click empty area on Desktop, select "New", select Shortcut)
  • Paste in this magic code for the location field:
    Code: Select all
    explorer.exe shell:::{3080F90D-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}
  • Click NEXT button, call this shortcut "X"
  • Having created X, right-click it and select Properties - click "Change Icon", put C:\Windows\explorer.exe in the "Look for icons" textbox to find a suitable candidate. Click on the desired icon. Click OK to finish.
  • Now right-click the desktop shortcut X again, and "Pin it to the Taskbar". Hopefully, Voila!
  • Optional: you can now remove the X shortcut that you created from the desktop

NOTE: there is a keyboard shortcut for "Show Desktop", too: WIN + D

[EDIT] Lest anyone be under illusion that I worked this out myself (ha, ha), I found it HERE. This is actually worth a look, particularly at the comments. "Danny" appears to have a slightly disturbed mind, possibly from over-exposure to Windows 10. RJ's response further down, while lacking subtlety, is still a gem!
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Show Desktop - Hidden Feature

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:46 pm

Now that blue has shown me where the hidden button is actually located, I can actually see it! It shows as a thin vertical line.

It has a hidden feature. If you right-click it, you get a popup that has "Show the Desktop" and "Peek at the Desktop" as options.

Peek is interesting. Having selected "Peek" you can then view the desktop by just moving the mouse (hovering) a little to the right of the line. Move back to the left and it reverts to the current windows display.

Curious, if not particularly useful ...
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Windows 10 in S mode

Postby rjamil » Mon Feb 18, 2019 4:22 pm

Who wants to use Windows 10 in S mode?

Added as on 20190411:
Who wants to switch back to Windows 10 in S mode?

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:12 pm

I'm sorry, rjamil but that is not a gripe! :?

It's just something else stupid about Win10 … "S mode", however ridiculous it seems (!), does not affect us adversely, so we can't really gripe/complain about it.

We can just laugh! And speculate, what does the "S" stand for? :lol:
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby creint » Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:35 pm

Don't have much gripes, most of the windows things can be replaced/fixed.
-Taskbar dragging 1 folder, drags the whole group, even with setting never combine.
-Random blocking popups about update
-Updates that aren't needed because everything already works. Updating makes startup slow (winxp)
-Restarting is so slow its way faster to kill power an start pc again.
-Sometimes a unwanted black sidebar.
-Login screen does not accept your password directly (after locking), first you must type something else, so win7 better.
-Still no window (management) options, because normal users don't use it.
-Newer office versions because nobody recognizes images faster on multiple tabs than just text.
-Bitdefender that never finds a virus.
-Internet explorer and even worse Edge
-Mspaint/notepad that still looks the same like 15 years ago
-New theme's and features to slow computers down.
-Startmenu with search, and free indexing that you never use.
-Location of desktop icons that suddenly resets when your resolution changes and will never restore, so its better to not use the desktop at all.
-When you have a strange zip file in a large directory and you scroll through explorer crashes.
-No option to disable dragdrop in explorer so sometimes you lose a file/folder because you did an accidental drag instead of a click
-Sometimes a window gets stuck on a hidden monitor and its very hard to get it back.
-Getting by default many useless processes in taskmanager.
-Feedback is under shortcut, so you get sometimes a feedback window, but how to disable that.
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:42 pm

Still looking for a perfect way to prevent auto updates.

I may have found a passable workaround. Click on the Windows Start icon and then on the Settings icon (it looks like a gear wheel). Choose Update and Security and then choose Change active hours.

These are hours during which W10 says it won't automatically update and you can have a maximum of 18 hours per day. You might be able to choose time settings that will prevent overnight run destructions. Hope this helps.

Also under Advanced options there is one that says : Automatically download updates, even over metered connections (charges may apply). Maybe if you set the slider button for this option to off, W10 won't ever automatically update.

Also just checked out the Peek at Desktop option on the Desktop button. I clicked on it and saw how Peeking worked. It has another option that says Show Desktop, so to turn Peek off you would think that you would click on that option. Not so apparently. To turn peek off, you click on it again. So why is there a Show desktop option at all, since that is the default ? :?

Last edited by Leren on Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:25 pm

Leren wrote:Also under Advanced options there is one that says : Automatically download updates, even over metered connections (charges may apply). Maybe if you set the slider button for this option to off, W10 won't ever automatically update.

I already have this button OFF - and it has been for months. But I still get unwanted auto-restarts. While these are not that frequent, they are still infuriating!
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