Win10 - Gripe List

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby blue » Sun May 19, 2019 6:26 am

Hi Leren,

Following the "massive feature updates" in May there have been at least three (3) further updates on each of my PC's, presumably to fix bugs or security problems from the "feature update".

The feature update is yet to come -- some time in "late May", was the last thing I read.

Anybody else having this sort of experience ?

I had one update on the 3rd, and on Tuesday, 3 more updates plus May's "Malicious Software Removal Tool".

In the last bunch (on the 14th), one of the updates apparently "didn't take" on the first try, and it installed a 2nd time.
I did a "Check for Updates" after the reboot, and caught it right away.
It installed again, and rebooted again, and after that everything has been fine.
[ If I hadn't done the manual check, after 24 hrs the next auto-check presumably would have caught it ... and forced another reboot. ]

Last edited by blue on Sun May 19, 2019 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby champagne » Sun May 19, 2019 8:17 am

Just for fun,
I have been warned 2 days ago of a pending update on my laptop (to come soon). Having no other information that the PC was ready for an automatic update, I did nothing, and the PC is still running :D
Still no sign that the pc is ready
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Sun May 19, 2019 11:09 am

Hi blue, yes, I began to suspect that the "you beaut feature update" had not happened yet, by checking my version number (1809) on all 3 PCs vs the advertised start version of 1903.

But Microsoft had tricked me and did ask me for permission to proceed with the first of the 3 x 4 updates this month, (so I thought that the "great day" had arrived) but not with the subsequent updates.

Does that mean that there are another 3 x 93 = 279 updates to come before we get to the magic version number of 1903 ? I hope not.

Also I've noticed that in some cases you can bring an update on by checking for updates. In some cases the update will download (takes quite a while) then install (another long process) and then be Implemented (with all the terrifying blue screens, black screens and restarts). It's fairly obvious that Microsoft can't update every PC at the same time, so there is some sort of queuing process going on, so in some cases you are told you are up to date (even though you know you aren't "really" up to date, you just haven't reached the top of the queue).

PS Just checked for pending updates and have been told I'm up to date - for tonight at least.

PPS - anyone game enough to fly in a Boeing 737 Max after they fix their simulator software bugs ? I'm not :D

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby champagne » Sun May 19, 2019 12:47 pm

Leren wrote:Hi blue, yes, I began to suspect that the "you beaut feature update" had not happened yet, by checking my version number (1809) on all 3 PCs vs the advertised start version of 1903.

On my side, the assumed "up to date" PC's had all twice KB4494441 applied
The laptop last update is KB4499167
all of them with version 1809 (September 2018 release??)
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Sun May 19, 2019 10:57 pm

Another day, another 3 updates, and we are still haven't got to the magic version. On this occasion I routinely checked for updates and the response was that they were required on all 3 PCs.

They downloaded and installed without any problems.

The updates were all described as a cumulative update for version 1809, and checking the version number on one PC after the update it is described as Version 1809 (OS Build 17763.504).

So far this month I count 5 updates on each PC so far, and we still haven't got to the new update policy version 1903.

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Mon May 20, 2019 6:32 am

OK, I'm starting to get a bit of a handle on the W10 update "process". You can view your recent update history in the Update and Security section of the settings menu.

On my 3 PC's I have had 8 + 11+ 16 = 35 updates this month, an average of 11.67 updates per PC (and it's only the 20th of the month). However I gather that not all updates require a restart, so they are effectively invisible, but I'm pretty sure that about 5 updates on each PC required a restart this month. The updates that seem to require restarts are major ones like "feature" updates and "cumulative" updates. There has one "feature" update this month and a number of "cumulative" updates, and Champagne and blue are right, the "cumulative" update KB4494441 appears to have been applied twice, on 2 consecutive days in my case. I read one article that said that "cumulative" updates were intended to be applied on or about the second Tuesday of the month, but this doesn't seem to be the case for this month, I've had 9 "cumulative" updates on one PC.

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby blue » Mon May 20, 2019 5:56 pm

KB4494441 installing twice:

Microsoft's story seems to be that it was supposed to happen like that -- taking 2 days, two downloads, and two reboots to complete -- and that the only problem is the update history showing it as having been installed twice !

"Corporate BS", I say.
If it needed two reboots to complete, then fine, but it shouldn't have taken two days to get it installed (for most people).

From Microsoft:
    "Some customers report that KB4494441 installed twice on their device.

    In certain situations, installing an update requires multiple download and restart steps. If two intermediate steps of the installation complete successfully, the View your Update history page will report that installation completed successfully twice."

    "No action is required on your part. The update installation may take longer and may require more than one restart, but will install successfully after all intermediate installation steps have completed.

    We are working on improving this update experience to ensure the Update history correctly reflects the installation of the latest cumulative update (LCU)."
PS: "Socks for Christmas"

I got a laugh, reading this:
It rings "close to home" :)
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Tue May 21, 2019 2:29 am

I suppose the thing with KB4494441 is not that It required more than one reboot, but that it required more than one download on separate days. After all, many "single" updates require multiple reboots - I've watched this happen many times.

So when I said earlier that each of my PC's has had about 5 updates that required a re-boot, I really meant at least one re-boot. The average re-boot update usually requires about two re-boot stages. So maybe I could say I've had about 15 re-boot update events this month with about 30 update required re-boots.

I suppose the real question is - why has Microsoft gone beserk with updates this month (just prior to the magic [is that black magic?] 1903 update ?

What's the betting that when 1903 is finally rolled out to us beta testers (oops, I should have said users) that it is quickly followed by several updates with fancy corporate friendly names like "consolidation" or "experience enhancing" ?

Good to see blue in full gripe mode. Good for the soul, isn't it :)

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Tue May 21, 2019 5:19 am

Not one of this month's updates (3?) produced any forewarnings or indicators on my system, they all just resulted in "oh, we killed your jobs and rebooted while u slept, hope that's ok, ha ha!". :evil:
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Tue May 21, 2019 6:33 am

Nice gripe MM, Lambert would be cheering for you, keep up the good work.

One thing you can do is check for updates as late in the day as possible. I've done that and managed to bring them forward, so if you can do that you can at least be around when they occur, or change your active hours settings while you sleep.

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Thu May 23, 2019 2:13 am

Update alert !

W10 update KB4497934 requiring restarts is pending. If you want to do this under your control, check for W10 updates manually and it will download and "install" the update, ready for "implementation" outside of your active hours.

Alternatively you can interrupt any jobs you have currently running and proceed with the update straight away, if you don't want the inconvenience of overnight jobs being terminated without notice.

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:59 am

I just updated 2 PCs, supposedly successfully, to the much "anticipated" build 1903 this afternoon. On checking the update status just before retiring, I found that another update would be required on both PCs and would have happened overnight, without my consent. Don't they do any beta testing at Microsoft ? I was suspecting that further updates would have been required within a few days of the feature update, but 3 hours ?

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby champagne » Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:32 am

Updating started here
Apparently, 2 successive updates needed everywhere

EDIT checking history of updates, this is just a start with updates on the 18 09 version, 19 03 updates are just being downloaded in the first pc updated
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:36 am

Thanks for the warning Champagne. Have got all the updates done. For some reason one of my PCs remains on the 1809 build, with no updates pending.

The 1809 update was a real doubler, not just multiple restarts, but 2 completely different requests for restarts. Fortunately for me I brought on the update to the 1903 build on 2 PCs a week or so ago, so this went quite smoothly.

When the 1903 build is installed you will have a new option in the Update and Security screen to suspend updates for 7 days, which you can increase, but you have to have this feature turned on, otherwise it's the same old process.


PS - Checking my update history this morning, yesterday I had 2 updates each on the 1903 builds, and 4 updates on the 1809 build, that's 8 updates in one day, with 4 restarts required.

Checking for updates this morning I'm supposedly up to date, but you never know, there are still plenty of hours left in the day :D

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:29 am

Haven't had a W10 Gripe for some time, and the gripe urge has become overwhelming.

Had another update on 2 PCs today - both went smoothly so no real gripe there. What's potentially worrying is that my slightly older PC is still on the 1809 build. Microsoft says:

The Windows 10 May 2019 Update is on its way. We're offering this update to compatible devices, but your device isn't quite ready for it. Once your device is ready, you'll see the update available on this page. There's nothing you need to do at this time.

What exactly does that mean ? Presumably the 1903 build can't be installed on all W10 PC's, so they are trying to make up a new build that will. And if they eventually succeed will they install the new magic build on all PCs worldwide ?

Anybody else in this situation ? Leren
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