1. Try the active hours option, like I said above.
2. Google "Windows 10 turn off automatic updates". There are plenty of hits but they all sound a bit geeky to me, and they may depend on which update of W10 you have. Not recommended by me.
3. The commonsense option of disconnecting your PC from the net while you are asleep. Of course I'm assuming this won't upset your overnight process, but it can't be any worse than if your net connection was interrupted for some other reason.
4. Another option is to right click on the Windows button and hover over the Shut down or sign off option. Mostly the menu that comes up says Shut Down, Restart etc. However, if an update is imminent, it sometimes says Update and Shut Down etc. Sometimes this is the first warning I've had that an update is imminent, so I am prewarned.
<edit> I've just realised that 4 works the way it does, because I am in the active hours period, so 4 is a consequence of 1. Maybe you can set your active hours twice a day, once when you get up and again when you retire. Of course that assumes that you actually do sleep, which in your case I'm not quite sure