Jimi Hendrix wrote:
And if 6
turned out to be 9,
I don't mind …
I was (and still am) so enraged by the process-killing unauthorised restart "feature" of Win10 that I totally forgot to mention the other major issue that plagued me from the very start …
The late, great (and still sorely missed) author of
"If 6 was 9" would be greatly amused, I like to think, to learn that Win10 performs tricks just like this, like turning "Shift+6" into, well, not "Shift+9", but something very similar … courtesy of the RKMR feature! (
Random Keyboard Mapping Reassignment)

When you are writing code, lots and lots of it, you use the "special characters" (like @#$\|&) a hell of a lot, so you can imagine how disturbing it is when all of a sudden none of these keys work, they are mostly scrambled.
To the uninitiated (as I was when this all began) you might think somebody had hacked into and hijacked your system, or simply that your cheap keyboard has broken down. I thought the wireless kbd/mouse that I was using was the cause and so I went out and bought cord-connected replacements, but the problem persisted. I finally found out that it wasn't the keyboard, it was those @#$\|& clowns at Microsoft, again!
This problem has not gone away, but I am now so conditioned to invoking the magic keyboard sequence that fixes it (hold Windows key down, then press spacebar, Enter) that the 3 weeks it took me to find out how to recover my Kbd layout have faded from my memory, replaced by all those other Win10 "features" that don't have such simple work-arounds ….