Win10 - Gripe List

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:30 pm

I don't think it's Windows pushing Chrome - I have all those Notification settings disabled already.

I just found this: google! stop nagging me

I think that "Mark", the final contributor in that page, has got it right, and my suspicions were justified.

We are dealing with two different beasts here, the Elephant (W10) and the Giant Squid (Google). One is just clumsy, it's big and a little bit stupid, and whenever it moves it breaks something, but we try to find ways to live with it. The other is clever, sinister, malignant - could it be EVIL ? :shock:
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Sun Oct 20, 2019 2:35 pm

The download issue bit again!

I got 4 x 4.5gb Google drive links from coloin, and then totally forgot the plan, which is to use IE for the downloads ... :oops:

So I just went ahead and used EDGE. File 1 was ok, File 2 got to 4.2Gb and then ... :roll:

Technically, IE can't be cleared yet, it just has an extra decimal point in the progress, so it is easier to monitor. So until it fails under IE, we can assign blame to EDGE, but if it does ever fail the same way, we can exonerate EDGE and blame W10, it's a win either way (a win, get it? :? )
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Leren » Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:07 am

There are reports in the media that W10 update package KB4517389 is causing a reappearance of the infamous Blue Screen of Death.

I recall it once appeared recently during the day and there was one mysterious restart of the same PC one night. Anybody else affected by this ?

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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:14 pm

Thanks Leren,

In checking out some of those articles I came upon the "Fat Man Video".

I'm not sure which is more disturbing here, whether it's the message (plausible enough) or the messenger! :?

Essential viewing!
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby eleven » Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:56 pm

About 20 years ago i had similar problems with windows. I switched to linux, and never regretted it.
Easy for me, because i never depended on office or other windows specific software.
Not that i could not list a lot of frustration topics with linux too, but not in that "they do it, and we must swallow it" relation.
And minimal problems with updates, because of the better package management.
And no firewall needed. All clean for all the time.
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The Downloading Debacle

Postby Mathimagics » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:43 am

The Problem - A Quick Recap

Browser-based downloading of very large files (2Gb - 5GB) from Google Drive has become almost impossible since our internet connection was switched from ADSL/modem to the new NBN service.

The NBN connection is generally 4-6 times faster than the ADSL was, and various services like Netflix are operating normally, in fact ALL internet-based activity used by the household looks to be OK, and enjoying the increased connection speed.

All except ME! :roll:

The Theory

My particular problems seem to be due to two different causes, that when combined are fatal:

  • poor-quality DMS (download management software) supplied with MS browsers (EDGE, IE). Specifically, a total failure to provide adequate error recovery, eg from connection RESET's.
  • a higher incidence of RESET's with the new NBN connection. This is most probably down to the government's cost-saving "fiber-to-the-node" implementation, which means a copper-wire connection (the existing phone line) is used between our house and the nearest junction box, where the fibre-optic cable terminates.

A Test

I installed a demonstration copy of IDM ("Internet Download Manager"). This has a browser-integration feature, so it seamlessly substitutes itself for the EDGE DMS, and so I was quickly in a position to restart EDGE, and to successfully download a 2.6GB file, a download that had previously failed on no less than 4 attempts.

The IDM progress window was very instructive: 8 parallel connections, with individual status of each connection listed. And if you watched closely enough, every few minutes or so, one would change from state "Receiving" to state "Connecting", and back again. Any one such event would probably correspond to a broken download for the browser's DMS, but not for IDM.

The Verdict

To MS: Why don't you simply provide decent DMS in your browsers, cheapskates!!! :evil:

MS should simply buy the rights to include IDM in their browsers, since they clearly can't build a decent DMS themselves!
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby StrmCkr » Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:56 am

absolutely disgust with patch 1903
forced to download or lose updates in the future.
it auto downloaded its self and tried to install even when i had that feature disabled wtf.
which then lead to a blue screen of death infinite rebooting and attempting to roll back..
tried recovery discs to no avail as this patch disabled my raid system for backups and invoked havoc on the storage system.
not able to roll back the change either cant find/access the data points on the main hard drive. on-top of that it corrupted my backups when i used a back up harddrive with win10 on it to get back into windows to recover my data.. #### i lost a lot cause of this shit storm.

only way i managed to get the forced upgrade to work was after a clean sweep and reinstall every patch one by one from the ground up
2 days later from rebuilding and reinstalling absolutely everything
now the fun begins of attempting to restore my settings on my equipment that i lost -- painful took me 2 months to re-calibrate my 3d printer to work again and now i lost it all. man i had it down to +- 0.001 mm for inaccuracy.
not happy.

only bonus from the clean slate is the system boots faster with less background junk.
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Pupp » Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:43 am


Microsoft just announced Windows 11...

...and it will not support an intel i6700K.

I was planning on getting computer in a few years, but looking more in the 2026 - 2027 time frame.

I want to hold off until Thunderbolt 4/USB 4 becomes common on motherboards, and DDR5 Ram is available at a reasonable price. No doubt a few other items will pop up by then that makes waiting a few years worth the wait. Plus I would prefer to wait until new chip manufacturing gets going. At best we're talking 2026. Takes 5 full years to build a new fabrication facility. Intel just started this year breaking ground for the Arizona fabs.

DDR5 ram should start appearing as desktop ram in a year or two.
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Long time with no gripes?

Postby Mathimagics » Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:31 am

Goodness me, can it really be two years since the last gripe? :shock:

This is not really a Win10 specific problem, but it is about a Win tool called FindStr.

I assume that you probably know about this tool. (Real programmers use such tools all the time! Unlike MS, which uses real tools as programmers :lol: ).

It's actually quite a good tool:

  • it can identify files that contain the search string
  • it can identify lines within files that do NOT match the search string
  • it can identify lines within files that contain the search string

However, there is one notable deficiency:

  • it can NOT identify files that do NOT contain the search string !!!

There is an option /M which uses file-level reporting (as opposed to line reporting).

There is an option /V which uses "NOT matching", but this is done in such a way that the /M option is ignored,
instead you get an endless stream of LINES in files that do not contain the search string! :evil:
This is the worst of all possible outcomes!

I still use my old FSEARCH program (written in VB6) to list FILES that contain a search string. To make it
handle "NOT" matching required just one code line to be changed. How did MS get it so horribly wrong?

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Postby 1to9only » Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:46 pm

grep -L "foo" *

-L, --files-without-match print only names of FILEs containing no match
-l, --files-with-matches print only names of FILEs containing matches
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Re: Win10 - Gripe List

Postby Mathimagics » Sun Mar 19, 2023 2:54 pm

I'm struggling to see your point, my friend.

Is it simply that mugs like us, who run Windows, deserve nothing better? :?
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