Sudokus with an original rare shape

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Re: Some X's

Postby m_b_metcalf » Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:31 pm

Mauricio wrote:They are minimal, but you can add clues to see the X pattern.

Nice. And here's a minimal St. Andrew's Cross:

Code: Select all
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  .  4  3  .  .  .  2  6  .
  .  5  .  7  .  2  .  4  .
  .  .  5  .  4  .  9  .  .
  .  .  .  9  .  1  .  .  .
  .  .  8  .  2  .  7  .  .
  .  2  .  3  .  8  .  5  .
  .  7  9  .  .  .  4  1  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . SE 6.7


Mike Metcalf
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Postby Mauricio » Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:25 am

Code: Select all

Don't call me nazi, this was a budhist sign before
Code: Select all

How to name this?

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Resembles a cross, not minimal, we can remove r7c6
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Surronded centers
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Code: Select all
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Postby udosuk » Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:16 am

m_b_metcalf wrote:... this pearl, that starts at SE 6. 7 and goes up to 8.5:
Code: Select all
  3        8                 
     8        6        4   
        9        7        3
  7        4        3     
        6        5        2
  8        2        7     
     4        5        9   
        5        8         

I'm puzzled why Mike post a grid in that manner, but here is the same grid in a more standard format:
Code: Select all
  3  .  .  8  .  .  .  .  .
  .  8  .  .  6  .  .  4  .
  .  .  9  .  .  7  .  .  3
  7  .  .  4  .  .  3  .  .
  .  .  .  .  9  .  .  .  .
  .  .  6  .  .  5  .  .  2
  8  .  .  2  .  .  7  .  .
  .  4  .  .  5  .  .  9  .
  .  .  5  .  .  8  .  .  .
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Postby udosuk » Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:36 am

Mauricio wrote:Don't call me nazi, this was a budhist sign before
Code: Select all
It would still be a buddhist sign, that is if you bother to fill in r5c56...

The Nazi sign should look like this:
Code: Select all
Don't call me a Nazi:!: , I'm a buddhist by nature...:)

Mauricio wrote:How to name this?
Code: Select all
A tortoise with a rhombic shell, a long neck and a big tail?:D
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Postby JPF » Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:25 am

Easy puzzles ; not easy patterns :

Code: Select all
 1 . . . . . . . 2
 . . . . . 3 . . .
 . . . . 4 2 5 . .
 . . . 2 . . 4 6 .
 . . 5 . . . 7 . .
 . 4 3 . . 8 . . .
 . . 7 4 9 . . . .
 . . . 1 . . . . .
 3 . . . . . . . 9

Code: Select all
 . . 1 2 . 3 4 . .
 . 5 . . . . . 6 .
 . 7 . . . . . 8 .
 . . 4 . . . 8 . .
 . . . 1 . 7 . . .
 . . . 6 . 5 . . .
 . . 9 . . . 3 . .
 . 8 . . . . . 5 .
 5 . . . . . . . 2

Code: Select all
 . . . . . . . . .
 . 1 2 3 4 . . . .
 . 5 . . 6 . . 7 .
 . 8 . 6 7 . . 2 .
 . 4 . . . . . 9 .
 . 3 . . 2 4 . 6 .
 . 6 . . 1 . . 8 .
 . . . . 5 7 4 3 .
 . . . . . . . . .

Code: Select all
 . . . . . . . . .
 . 1 2 3 4 . . . .
 . 5 . . 6 . . . .
 . 6 . 2 . . . 7 .
 . 8 5 . . . 1 6 .
 . 9 . . . 7 . 5 .
 . . . . 3 . . 4 .
 . . . . 1 5 7 9 .
 . . . . . . . . .

Code: Select all
 . . . . . . . . 5
 . 1 5 6 9 . . . .
 . 4 9 . . . . . .
 . 6 . 7 . . . . .
 . 8 . . 6 . . 9 .
 . . . . . 4 . 5 .
 . . . . . . 2 3 .
 . . . . 8 9 7 1 .
 8 . . . . . . . .

[Edit : added the last one]

Last edited by JPF on Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby gurth » Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:45 am

udosuk wrote:Thanks RW for correcting my mistake, and lead me to the thread...:)

Had a 2nd look thru it, and the discussion still appears interesting to me...

udosuk, most interesting. How can the addition of a clue remove information? It is indeed an astounding paradox which I don't think has been fully explained yet.

Uniqueness is a fascinating subject. I had a shock the other day: while composing a Sudoku with SE it solved a position using a very pretty bug-lite.
Feeling quite chuffed, I saved the Sudoku. Next time I loaded it, I happened to check for validity and it was invalid! Yet SE is quite happy to go ahead and finally announce that the puzzle is solved!
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Swastika right=wrong left=right

Postby claudiarabia » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:28 pm

Mauricio wrote:Don't call me nazi, this was a budhist sign before
Code: Select all

Hindu/Buddhist swastika

Hi Mauricio,

I'm always happy when people offer new phantastic sudoku-shapes here. As long as the hooks of the cross are not right-rotating and the spokes of the cross are not diagonal it is no nazi-Hakenkreuz. In one Media-Puzzler-Sudoku-sheet, in which the Sudokus come from Japan, I found diagonal swastikas as well, and it is known that many Japanese and have a different dealing with their history than we Germans have.

Anyway, it is a nice 'n easy puzzle and belongs to the Cartier-Class!
To construct straight lines seems so easy but it isn't even if the puzzle in the end is.

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Re: ribbon

Postby claudiarabia » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:38 pm

JPF wrote:
m_b_metcalf wrote:
claudiarabia wrote:Nice ribbon...
I agree that this is a great achievement. Well done!

Thanks, Mike.

Here’s an other 19 clues, with diagonal symmetry.
Code: Select all
 1 . . | . . 2 | . . 3
 . 4 . | . 5 . | . . .
 . . 6 | . . . | 7 . .
 . . . | 6 . . | . . .
 . 5 . | . 8 . | . 9 .
 7 . . | . . 3 | . . .
 . . 3 | . . . | 2 . .
 . . . | . 9 . | . 4 .
 2 . . | . . . | . . 9



Aah, I tried so often do do a 19er with a higher difficulty. Ravel should collect these preciosities because they are very rare.

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no name but not cheap

Postby claudiarabia » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:48 pm

Mauricio wrote:
Code: Select all

Interesting is the mutable cell r2c2 vom 9-->1. It boosts the SE-Rating to 6.6.

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Postby m_b_metcalf » Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:09 pm

udosuk wrote:I'm puzzled why Mike post a grid in that manner, but here is the same grid in a more standard format:

Because he was in a hurry and forgot:( .

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Postby Mauricio » Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:28 pm

Now a minimal swastika.

Code: Select all

A difficult X.

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two variations

Postby claudiarabia » Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:42 am

Code: Select all
6 . . 1 . 2 . . 5
. 7 . . . . . 1 .
. . . . 9 . 3 . .
. . . . . 4 . . 1
. . 2 . . . 9 . .
5 . . 6 . . . . 8
. . 3 . 1 . . . .
. 8 . . . . . 4 .
9 . . 5 . 8 . . 2

SE 9.2
If you add the symmetry-missing clue, SE still shows 9.1

Code: Select all
6 . . 1 . 2 . . 5
. 7 . . . . . 1 .
. . . . 9 . 3 . .
5 . . . . 4 . . .
. . 2 . 7 . 9 . .
. . . 6 . . . . 8
. . 3 . 1 . . . .
. 8 . . . . . 4 .
9 . . 5 . 8 . . 2

And here the rotational symmetry. SE shows 2x Aligned Triplet Exclusion.:D

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Postby Mauricio » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:41 pm

Just random thoughts I had:

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Code: Select all

Edit: Sudoku removed.
Last edited by Mauricio on Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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bad cross!

Postby claudiarabia » Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:58 pm

Mauricio wrote:Just random thoughts I had:
Code: Select all
don't like to expose the full puzzle again.


I suppose the left-rotating swastika was a try only, how far you can go. Maybe I didn't make it clear in my last posting regarding the cross that I'm not a fan of - even slightly altered - nazi-symbols. But I made clear what I consider to be a Nazi cross. I would never produce such kind of cross. And I felt strange when I saw such a puzzle in Media-Puzzler as well. Can you please remove the last sudoku from this thread. I really don't like to be exposed to the suspicion of allowing nazi-symbols here, especially because I am German. My family wasn't doing well under the nazis and I think Sudoku shouldn't be used for expression of odd political attitudes. Even if you don't want to express such, other people will do and this sudoku spreads a very bad feeling. So please remove it.

With kind regards


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Postby ravel » Sat Dec 16, 2006 2:36 am

What i remember in this context is, that in the last elections in my country some ballots were blighted with this sign, but 95% of them were the other way round (the sun symbol).
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