claudiarabia wrote:For this puzzle SE shows some X-Wings, a Swordfish 2 turbots, 2 forcing chains and a bi-directional y-cycle. After the Singles at the beginning I found the two X-wings in r15c47 and r59 c37. I chose another method afterwards than the Explainer. For I have problems to spot these cycles I made a contradiction-forcing chain, excluding 1 from r7c9 which solves finally the puzzle.
If r7c9 = 1 --> r7c7=7--> r3c7=6|-->r7c1=6-->r2c1=3 --> r2c9=8--> r2c5=6-->r4c5=8-->r5c4=1-->r5c6=6
If r2c9=8-->r1c7=5--> r9c7=2-->r5c7=8-->r6c9=5-->r4c9=2--> r5c89=36 ≠ r5c6=6
Then you can eliminate 1 from r7c9 --> r9c9=1 and you can make UR1 in r3c79; r7c79 upon 67--> r3c9=4
The puzzle is solved now!
Claudia, no offense but I think your chain is way too messy... There're neater ways to solve this puzzle...
For one, there is a "locked candidates"/"box-line elimination" move about the 1s in r1c13 which you didn't take... If you take the x-wings and the naked pairs I can't see why you don't take it as well...

So, here is the state after the "locked candidates" move:
- Code: Select all
| 34679 39 46 | 18 2 16 | 58 356 34567 |
| 36 2 5 | 4 68 7 | 1 9 368 |
| 1467 8 146 | 3 5 9 | 67 2 467 |
| 28 1 3 | 5 68 4 | 9 7 268 |
| 45 7 24 |@18 9 @16 |-258 #356 #356 |
| 58 6 9 | 2 7 3 | 4 1 #58 |
| 16 5 8 | 9 3 2 | 67 4 167 |
| 29 4 7 | 6 1 5 | 3 8 29 |
| 1369 39 126 | 7 4 8 | 25 56 1569 |
Note that there is an ALS(almost locked subsets)-xz move in r56/b56:
@: r5c46={168}
#: r5c89+r6c9={3568}
Restricted common=6 (r5c6 vs r5c89)
Eliminated common: r5c7<>8
Or to view it as chains:
r5c7=8 => r5c4=1 => r5c6=6
r5c7=8 => r6c9=5 => r5c89={36}
=> Two 6s on r5! Therefore r5c7<>8
Afterwards you can take some singles and naked pairs and reach:
- Code: Select all
|-379 #39 4 | 1 2 6 | 8 35 57 |
| 36 2 5 | 4 8 7 | 1 9 36 |
| 167 8 @16 | 3 5 9 |@67 2 4 |
| 8 1 3 | 5 6 4 | 9 7 2 |
| 4 7 2 | 8 9 1 | 5 36 36 |
| 5 6 9 | 2 7 3 | 4 1 8 |
|-16 5 8 | 9 3 2 |@67 4 17 |
| 2 4 7 | 6 1 5 | 3 8 9 |
|#39 #39 @16 | 7 4 8 | 2 -56 15 |
Here you can apply a turbot fish (@) or a UR-type 1 (#) to finish it off...