The Rockets bounced back by beating the Bobcats by about the same margin the Mavs did them... I think being at home also helps them greatly... Yao could be back before the end of this month and I hope it only takes them a week or so to re-adjust... But from the past few games it seemed whenever T-Mac shared the ball with other players they often win... So perhaps the adjustment is not as difficult as we imagine...

The Pistons beat the Raptors tonight... I think the Pistons are among the elites in the league right now but a big worry for them is that Rasheed Wallace has accumulated 15 Tech fouls and will be suspended a game for any 2 Tech fouls from now on... At the rate he is going right now (1 Tech foul each game), he'll miss a game after every two, and will miss 1/3 of the remaining games in the schedule... And it continues in the playoffs too... I think they need him for every game against the Wizards or the Heat to win a series...
They say Boston is tanking games to make sure they get one of the top 2 picks in the next draft (2 great players are in it)... But they're playing some great teams in this span, so the losing streak can continue for a while... I believe Danny Ainge is another player with a Suns-connection?
The Suns next play the Bulls, and I reckon if Nash doesn't play they're in danger of losing another one...
The England team defeated Australia soundly in the finals, which like I said isn't too surprising... At least it gives Australia a chance to re-assess their lineup, and make the changes required (such as Stuart Clark as Cec suggested)... It's nice that Glenn McGrath got a wicket in the last ball he bowled on Australian soil, but I'd say it's appropriate he retires right now...
Added later:
Arenas has made a clown out of himself big time... He said he was gonna score 50 pts against the Blazers to avenge Nate MacMillan's involvement in him being dropped in Team USA, but was contained to 9 lousy pts... Hud, you should be glad to see this development...

And the Suns lost to the Bulls by 13 without Nash & Diaw... It's the first time they lost in double digits the whole season... So 2 things are shown: Nash is truly the MVP he deserves, and the Suns' lack of depth is a real worry in the playoffs... I think they had 2 players fouled out, and 3 players on 5 fouls...
Also, Shawn Marion seems to be in some sort of offensive slump... Perhaps he's focusing on defense, or he really can't score without Nash's passing...