The infamous all successful New Zealand Rugby Union team (who just defeat Australia last night) is called the "All Blacks" because their jersey is totally black... Although there are many Maori and Samoan origined players (and also from other Pacific islands) in their team I don't think the "Black" has anything to do with their skin colour. As a result they named their men's basketball team to "Tall Blacks" for the familiarity in pronounciation (their uniform is mainly black too)... As far as I know more than half of their basketball players are of European origin...

Hud wrote:They couldn't afford to freeze his whole body, so only his head is preserved...
That's not very nice... Imagine the man "wake up" one day, only to discover his trunk is gone... So what are they planning to do? Build a robotic body or clone him and replace the head on it?
Here is the roster of the 15-man roster of the USA team: like too know your thoughts... 5 of them are from the 2003 draft (Lebron, Wade, Melo, Bosh, Hinrich)... Also, didn't know Gilbert Arenas was from your behated Uni of Arizona... And would you still like Joe Johnson? Which 3 do you think will get cut leaving the final 12?