1. "The
Golden Boy" was not a Queen song... It's from an 1988 album by Freddie Mercury (going solo) and opera singer Montserrat Caballé. At that time Freddie was already ill with AIDS... That album makes me think of
Katherine Jenkins...
2. So "
= and
ii" means "red lips and green eyes"... Too clever... How about "
flea"... Was thinking along the lines of "redhead flea" or "redhead bug"... But probably wrong... Don't suppose it's "red flea", as in that case the whole flea should be red...
3. Ruud probably got my first one...
4. MCC,
You're probably joking...
5. emm,
Gunners is not right... No duplication in my list... I guess you probably want to mention them once more because of their disappointing loss to Barca...

Arsenals ain't right either...
"hinter for 1st riddle" wrote:When London has it's big moment, hopefully people will still remember the 5 little things from 4 years ago...
"hinter for 2nd riddle" wrote:It's a prestigious group of 4 and only 4.