What are your opinions on Ikea?
999 Springs wrote:I HATE IKEA!!!
999 Springs wrote:I HATE IKEA!!!
mikejapan wrote:I would love to read the 34 reasons why you hate Ikea.
mikejapan wrote:Maybe if you post the reasons, you'll get people replying?
1. A good idea, if you keep your head down and follow the arrows and footprints you can go through the whole store without looking at anything.
2. Where are the homeless to stay?
3. Well obviously the hole is to let the tea leaves out.
4. Would you rather they sold 'dear rubbish'?
5. The historic building was razed to the ground thereby flattening it. Someone somewhere has a flattened historic building they're trying to assemble.
6. The graffiti is probably by Banksy and therefore modern art.
7. Do these places have nostrils?
8. How about: Burt's Bees Beeswax & Banana Hand Crème
9. A lot more people are obese nowadays.
10. See answer to No.9.
11. They're for people who can't wallpaper, just hang them on the walls.
12. These chairs come wiith a free 'Whoopie' cushion.
13. At least they're right twice a day.
14. The person who turns the computers on, is on leave.
15. Considering the state of their chairs, would you like to sit and drink coffee.
16. Would you have the fridge on top of the microwave?
17. These litters, are they addressed to anyone?
18. Probably because of all the people sitting on them.
19. It probably been dropped by a Tesco shopper.
20. The (')'s are a sign that the "c" is to be repeated.
21. It's to keep postage down and to fit letter-boxes.
22. Stupid people do'nt understand how to use apostrophe's
23. You're not one of those people that sleep on the beds are you?
24. See answer to No.6.
25. See answer to No. 21.
26. These are European toilets. Doh!
27. This is to stop stupid people nicking them.
28. This is to increase their sell-by date.
29. For an art work it's incredibly cheap.
30. I think you'll find that cold-dogs are deceased and the selling of dead animals is against the law.
31. It's a problem IKEA are looking into i.e., Rubber pencils.
32. Ideal proof of their stupidity. If you don't understand look here (Slow = mentally challenged).
33. See answer to No.32.
34. They're not stupid, they know that you can get sudoku's free on the web.