hehe. A lot of confusion about Sweden and Norway in this thread...

Norway is the one with "fjords", and the land of the midnight sun is where I come from, the north of Norway! (Tromsø, if you want to look it up!) Norway is most famous for the paperclip, the aerosol can and the cheesegrater. (and we have these dudes, Ibsen and Grieg for any culturally interested...) Norway rule the Winter Olympics, and because of oil are one of the richest and most expensive countries in the world...

But getting back to the original topic, most of the furniture in my house does indeed come from Ikea. It's cheap and if you look around a bit you can find stuff that actually looks nice!

That is not to say that I like the place... Way too many people there, and they make the store like a labyrinth so that you are sure to be stuck in there for at least a few hours! And do I have a "kjøttboller" story for you... No, it's too gross.... Just don't eat the Ikea kjøttboller. Don't!!!
