Twelve unbelievable facts about Sweden
1. Sweden is called "The land of the midnight sun" because for six months the sun doesn't rise and for six months it doesn't set. So in fact there is only one day.
2. Lasagne was invented in Sweden.
3. The Cardigans (world famous Swedish popular music combo) got their name from a piece of Swedish clothing.
4. The Vikings came from Sweden.
5. There are no traffic lights.
6. Everyone has blond hair and a sauna apart from those people who don't.
7.Swedish women are famous for being uncannily accurate weather forcasters.
8. Swedish computers have an extra key to cope with the Swedish language.
9. Magnus Magnusson the famous Swedish host of TV's Mastermind, came from Norway.
10. Stockholm university runs a Bsc course in "Au-pairing".
11. Because of geography, when water goes down a Swedish plug hole, it doesn't rotate.
12. There are more elks than people.