Got'em all but would like to leave for others the opportunity to shine.

towel+ 3 +dry
Final Answer
skim+ 4 milk+ 4 ______
+farm 5 ______+
JL wrote:Google? What's the fun in that?
Hud wrote:I'll try udosuk's Googling method and bet it's origin is there.
Hud wrote:Bone it is. I wonder where the term "To bone up on a subject" came from? I'll try udosuk's Googling method and bet it's origin is there.
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable - Millennium Edition. wrote:To bone up on:
To study intensively; to gain information on. The expression suggests a stiffening
of one's knowledge, as a strip of whalebone strengthens a corset, but there may
also be an influence from the classical translations published by Henry Bohn (1796-1884)
and in demand among 19th-century students when 'cramming' for an examination.