What am I? (16)

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What am I? (16)

Postby Cec » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:30 pm

MCC wrote:So, We have the twelve times table and the times is missing.

I'm confused again:) hope I can explain myself.

"times" is an alternative expression for 'x'.
Luna didn't say the "twelve times table" is missing. She said the "twelth times" is missing inferring the x (or times) should appear twelve times in this table but one of these is missing which happens to be in the twelth line. Therefore, the "twelve times table" isn't missing - it's just incomplete?

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Postby underquark » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:49 pm

Does it relate to the twelve tables of Ancient Roman law?

Tabula VIII: "Qui malum carmen incantassit" = "those who have sung an evil spell"

So, is it an EVIL SPELL?
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Postby udosuk » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:22 pm

Okay, so the answer is malum carmen, a Latin phrase that means "evil spell".

Malum in Latin means "wrong", i.e. bad things. Malum in se means "wrong in itself". Carmen means "spell" in Latin too.

For example, I can say it's malum to put up '_ _ _ _ _' and assume people to fill in the word "missing"...:D
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Postby underquark » Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:32 pm

Or "malum per se", a self-evident crime, evil in itself. But at least we can see now why the number 8 was in bold to indicate 8 of 12 (although personally I think 7 of 9 is better-looking).
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Postby MCC » Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:29 am

underquark wrote:Does it relate to the twelve tables of Ancient Roman law?

Tabula VIII: "Qui malum carmen incantassit" = "those who have sung an evil spell"

So, is it an EVIL SPELL?

The two words I was after were malus carmen.

Underquark can have it on both counts, with, malum carmen or evil spell.

Luna can have the award for clarity for showing the path to be trod.

Cec can have an award for carrying the baton longest when others seem to abandoned the race.

Ok, the clues turned out to be harder than I thought, riddles within themselves.

Any comments you'll like to make:?:

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What am I?(16)

Postby Cec » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:18 am

MCC wrote:Feedback
Any comments you'll like to make:?:

Well done underquark for solving this difficult, but none the less, entertaining riddle. I'll share the following situation I encountered towards the end of this saga which shows how we view things differently:
MCC wrote:If something is not there, it's '_ _ _ _ _'.

And what is '_ _ _ _ _':?:

After spending much time in answering MCC's above two clues I finally decided the clue word was "missing" (which was the correct answer) but I didn't post this answer when noting udosuk had already posted his following answers which, understandably, could be interpreted that ' _ _ _ _ _ ' was a five letter word.
udosuk wrote:If something is not there, it's 't i m e s'.
And what is 't i m e s':?:

If something is not there, it's 'c r o s s'.
And what is 'c r o s s':?:

If something is not there, it's 'w h i t e'.
And what is 'w h i t e':?:

Of course even if I'd answered this clue correctly I still wouldn't have solved the riddle but I was annoyed that I missed out on the opportunity of finally getting something right:)

Don't tell MCC I've said this but he certainly does this "MC" role well in responding to the answers.

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Re: What am I?(16)

Postby MCC » Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:07 pm

Cec wrote:...Don't tell MCC I've said this but he certainly does this "MC" role well in responding to the answers.


Thanks Cec, this has been a hard slog, think I'll have a rest for a while:D

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Re: What am I?(16)

Postby lunababy_moonchild » Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:43 pm

MCC wrote:Thanks Cec, this has been a hard slog, think I'll have a rest for a while:D

Looks like the Forum is open for another riddle.

Luna *thanks for the clarity award*
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Postby MCC » Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:14 pm

Want to know more about the Twelve Tables, then click here.

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Postby lunababy_moonchild » Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:06 pm

Or better still, here (means you don't have to download)

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Postby Cec » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:14 pm

lunababy_moonchild wrote:"..Looks like the Forum is open for another riddle..."

Here's a few - hopefully not too hard. As a suggestion, if you know all the answers then answer them one at a time, say 24-hour intervals so as to share them around for others to think about.

(a) Jane offers a challenge to Mary in the classroom.
"I'll put this ordinary handkerchief on the floor. You stand on one corner
and I'll stand on the other corner. Without tearing, cutting, stretching or
altering the handkerchief in any way, you won't be able to touch me."
How can this be done?

(b) What can you add to one that will leave nothing?

(c) Which five-letter word is pronounced exactly the same when its last four letters are removed from it?

(d) How can you rearrange all the letters of the phrase "wrong noodle" into one long word?

(e) A woman has two sons born on the same day. They are identical but not twins. What is the explanation?

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Postby underquark » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:23 pm

OK, one at a time it is then:

(b) n + one = "none"
Posts: 299
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Postby Cec » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:34 pm

underquark wrote:OK, one at a time it is then:

(b) n + one = "none"

Well done and correct.......Looks like these could all be answered by the time I get back from playing golf:)

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Postby Crazy Girl » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:36 pm

here's another answer...
cec wrote:(d) How can you rearrange all the letters of the phrase "wrong noodle" into one long word?

"wrong noodle" is an anagram of "one long word"

Crazy Girl
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Postby coloin » Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:09 pm

[c] Queue = Q

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