(9 terms - but I feel this is cheating a bit)
A 2 B re puzzle C
"Did U UU MC? APE?
ATE? Please tell me!"
"T&E was all." "O I C."
Z = US "speak"
U = You
UU = Use
O I C = Oh! I see
MC = An acronym used for Multi-Colors
APE = An acronym used for Aligned Pair Exclusion
SKINNY FISH = A variety of fish where not all defining candidates are present
XYZ WING = A variation of XY-Wing that has an extra candidate in the pivot cell
ALS = An acronym used for Almost Locked Set
DIC = An acronym used for Double Implication Chain
ATE = An acronym used for Aligned Triple Exclusion
T&E = A solving technique that eliminates candidates by proving that their placement leads to a contradiction
C = SEE = Two cells see each other if they belong to the same constraint (row, column or box)