The Splendid Sudopedia In Poetic Form

Anything goes, but keep it seemly...

Postby MCC » Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:05 am

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,

Posts: 1275
Joined: 08 June 2005

Postby MCC » Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:51 am

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

Posts: 1275
Joined: 08 June 2005

Postby mikejapan » Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:33 pm

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
Posts: 244
Joined: 27 October 2006

Postby Para » Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:21 pm

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
Posts: 46
Joined: 20 February 2007

Postby Bigtone53 » Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:37 pm

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him , though
Posts: 413
Joined: 19 September 2005

Postby emm » Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:00 pm

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him, though
They initially called him a swine.
Posts: 987
Joined: 02 July 2005

Postby mikejapan » Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:35 pm

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him, though
They initially called him a swine.

The Band sang one last Big Number
Posts: 244
Joined: 27 October 2006

Postby MCC » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:45 am

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him, though
They initially called him a swine.

The Band sang one last Big Number
For the squirmbags from cell block nine.

Posts: 1275
Joined: 08 June 2005

Postby mikejapan » Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:06 pm

Of the Geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him, though
They initially called him a swine.

The Band sang one last Big Number
For the squirmbags from cell block nine.
Rows of geeks all started to rumba
Posts: 244
Joined: 27 October 2006

Postby emm » Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:11 pm

Of the geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him, though
They initially called him a swine.

The Band sang one last Big Number
For the squirmbags from cell block nine.
Rows of geeks all started to rumba
And got plonked on the leftover wine.

This poem is just starting to get interesting ....:D
Posts: 987
Joined: 02 July 2005

Postby mikejapan » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:48 am

Of the geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him, though
They initially called him a swine.

The Band sang one last Big Number
For the squirmbags from cell block nine.
Rows of geeks all started to rumba
And got plonked on the leftover wine.

For lunch there was free beer and seafood
Posts: 244
Joined: 27 October 2006

Postby MCC » Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:32 am

Of the geeks at the Killer Convention,
A number wore top hats and tails.
Gold cuff-links caught the media's attention
Seeing most were not worn by the males.

They gave each one a set of glass trinkets
But the GEM chain caused many travails,
‘Cos some of the group said they think it’s
A walkthrough, others hoisted their sails.

Djape gave the opening address.
He talked about trial and error,
A technique he's employed, he'll confess,
When a good solving path isn’t clearer.

At the end of his speech, t'was a scramble
To point out the claim he had made,
That to use Nishio was a gamble,
Shaolin monk he should have stayed.

New Kids On The Block sang an intro
But one of them messed up a line
The rest of them covered for him, though
They initially called him a swine.

The Band sang one last Big Number
For the squirmbags from cell block nine.
Rows of geeks all started to rumba
And got plonked on the leftover wine.

For lunch there was free beer and seafood
The franken fish was simply scrumptious.

Posts: 1275
Joined: 08 June 2005

Postby emm » Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:32 am

New rule. If you can finish a verse then you can fork it. Next person can start a new verse +/or finish off the old one.

Next new rule - anyone can fork it any time.

For lunch there was free beer and seafood
The franken fish was simply scrumptious.
But the jelly was off and they all spewed
On the carpeted floor, blobs of crumbed fish.

For lunch there was free beer and seafood
The franken fish was simply scrumptious.
When Mark told rude jokes they all booed

PS: I don't think we need to keep on requoting all those old verses, unless you want to.
Posts: 987
Joined: 02 July 2005

Postby MCC » Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:43 am

For lunch there was free beer and seafood
The franken fish was simply scrumptious.
But the jelly was off and they all spewed
On the carpeted floor, blobs of crumbed fish.

The girls were wearing simple colours,

For lunch there was free beer and seafood
The franken fish was simply scrumptious.
When Mark told rude jokes they all booed
His exposed subset simply heinous.

Posts: 1275
Joined: 08 June 2005

Postby mikejapan » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:49 am

The girls were wearing simple colours
Mini-skirts, mini-cols, mini-cuffs.
Posts: 244
Joined: 27 October 2006


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