Glyn wrote:If the puzzle is unique as it is, ie no more givens are required, does the 5 letter word describe an extra constraint?
Instead of "extra", try "only".

| 5 7 4| 8 6 2| 1 3 9|
| 1 2 9| 3 4 7| 5 8 6|
| 6 8 3| 5 9 1| 2 4 7|
| 3 5 1| 2 7 6| 8 9 4|
| 4 9 7| 1 5 8| 3 6 2|
| 8 6 2| 4 3 9| 7 1 5|
| 2 4 8| 9 1 5| 6 7 3|
| 9 1 6| 7 2 3| 4 5 8|
| 7 3 5| 6 8 4| 9 2 1|
| 5 7 4| 8 6 2| 1 3 9|
| 1 2 9| 3 4 7| 5 8 6|
| 6 8 3| 5 9 1| 2 4 7|
| 3 1 5| 2 7 6| 8 9 4|
| 4 9 7| 1 5 8| 3 6 2|
| 8 6 2| 4 3 9| 7 1 5|
| 2 4 8| 9 1 5| 6 7 3|
| 9 5 6| 7 8 3| 4 2 1|
| 7 3 1| 6 2 4| 9 5 8|
coloin wrote:I didnt know what language the word was either.
coloin wrote:but r1c1 = 5 solves the puzzle
Glyn wrote:Interesting my next effort is 5 letter word is FORTY or FIFTY.
I used these numbers as a constraint on the sum of a diagonal.
Applying that and ignoring solutions where additional information beyond the word would be required.
The word is FIFTY
This is my 'true' answer.
Glyn wrote:Edit: I now think 'false' answer is:-
- Code: Select all
| 5 7 4| 8 6 2| 1 3 9|
| 1 2 9| 3 4 7| 5 8 6|
| 6 8 3| 5 9 1| 2 4 7|
| 3 1 5| 2 7 6| 8 9 4|
| 4 9 7| 1 5 8| 3 6 2|
| 8 6 2| 4 3 9| 7 1 5|
| 2 4 8| 9 1 5| 6 7 3|
| 9 5 6| 7 8 3| 4 2 1|
| 7 3 1| 6 2 4| 9 5 8|
Only a missing '8' added at r9c9 leads to a unique solution.
Unfortunately I can't see a quick reason to pick that in advance. (Best so far is given 8's share a box with given 7's and a row with given 3's but if I include a column requirement it would suggest given 2's lock the missing 8 in r9c7).
Triple click to see the hint on the 'real solution' I wrote:If you know the 5-letter keyword, it probably takes you about 30 seconds to fill out the whole grid, by hand using pen & paper.
udosuk Triple click wrote:Divide and conquer.
udosuk Triple click wrote:1. What you see is NOT what you get. (Looks can be deceiving.)
2. Why are the positions of the 5s not given in the grid?
Glyn wrote:Does it involve division?
Glyn wrote:1) Not a Sudoku?udosuk Triple click wrote:1. What you see is NOT what you get. (Looks can be deceiving.)
Glyn wrote:2) Because there aren't any?udosuk Triple click wrote:2. Why are the positions of the 5s not given in the grid?
udosuk Triple click wrote:Divide and conquer.
udosuk wrote:This is the "riddle":
- Code: Select all
udosuk wrote:It doesn't involve division, multiplication or subtraction.
udosuk wrote:2. Why are the positions of the 5s not given in the grid?
udosuk wrote:This grid as a "puzzle" have one unique solution as it is. If you figure out what that solution is then you can find the five-letter word as the answer.
RW wrote:Yay! The riddles are back!
RW wrote:
- Code: Select all
Aargh, the solution was too obvious...
JPF wrote:Obviously, decimals of PI :
- Code: Select all
so, the answser could be PI