The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby Paquita » Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:19 pm

These are 11.9 in solution minlex


expand is
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Joined: 11 November 2018

Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby denis_berthier » Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:16 am

Paquita wrote:These are 11.9 in solution minlex

Congrats for two new minimal puzzles in B10B with SER 11.9.
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby hendrik_monard » Tue Sep 10, 2024 10:28 am

Very nice collection of B9B and B10B puzzles by Paquita.
In there I found 9 new grids bringing the B7B+ grid total to 474.

123456789457189236689327514265893147874512963931764825342971658596238471718645392 10 paq 240909
123456789457189263689327154246931578371845926598762431735694812814273695962518347 10 paq 240909
123456789456789123798132546219864357534271968687395214371548692862917435945623871 10 paq 240909
123456789456789123798132546219864357534217968687395214371548692862971435945623871 10 paq 240909
123456789456789132789213645247361958395874216861925374514697823638142597972538461 10 paq 240909
123456789457189236869273145246917853571638924938524617392741568614895372785362491 10 paq 240909
123456789457189236698723415271534698539867142864912573385641927712395864946278351 10 paq 240909
123456789457189236698732514265874391389261457714395628531648972876923145942517863 9 paq 240909
123456789457189236869372154294635817381927465576814392648291573732568941915743628 9 paq 240909
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby eleven » Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:18 am

Paquita wrote:...
expand is

From the 2 tridagons you simply get -2r4c8 and then 6r5c9, which lowers the SER to 8.8.
(2r4c8->24r79c7->8r6c7->18r79c9->6r5c9, killing all externals of the other tridagon, and with 8r6c7 forces 6r5c9, that must be true)
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby coloin » Tue Sep 10, 2024 12:51 pm

eleven wrote:From the 2 tridagons you simply get -2r4c8 and then 6r5c9, which lowers the SER to 8.8.
(2r4c8->24r79c7->8r6c7->18r79c9->6r5c9, killing all externals of the other tridagon, and with 8r6c7 forces 6r5c9, that must be true)

Hi eleven.
Edited because I did an :oops:
I tend to post the puzzles so that the tridagon is easy to see !!!
The original new 11.9 puzzle [MJ] that I posted is on the previous page and also in the puzzles section ... here along with a trickier one [DT] as a tribute to mathimagics. They do attribute your techniques for both puzzles !!
Last edited by coloin on Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby Paquita » Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:53 pm

Coloin , eleven
yes I did find that two 11.9 that you published but had not published them, that is correct. So credits for it go to you.
Yes the 11.9 that eleven talks about is another two 11.9 puzzles that I just published.
Eleven you used the expand I think to conclude it is an easy puzzle. I published the expand together with the two minimals.
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby coloin » Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:17 pm

Indeed you are right ... my apologies .... well done indeed ... :!:

From your list here are the new puzzles with B10B and B9B from your recent postings , will process over the next few days as I have some more 10s....
Code: Select all

....56..9..71.9..66..73......5.7....3.9.61...71.3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
....56..9.571.9..66..73........7....3.9.61...71.3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
1...56..9..71.9..66..73......5.7....3.9.61...7..3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
1...56..9.571.9..66..73........7....3.9.61...7..3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
.234...8.45...9.3.8......5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
.2.4...8.45...9.3.8..3...5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
.234...8.45..89.3........5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
.2.4...8.45..89.3....3...5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
....56..9..71.9..66..73......5.7....3.9.61...71.3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
....56..9.571.9..66..73........7....3.9.61...71.3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
1...56..9..71.9..66..73......5.7....3.9.61...7..3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
1...56..9.571.9..66..73........7....3.9.61...7..3.56..531...9.........4.......8..# 9#
.234...8.45...9.3.8......5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
.2.4...8.45...9.3.8..3...5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
.234...8.45..89.3........5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
.2.4...8.45..89.3....3...5..94.35...38..2....5..8.4......29............19.....62.# 9#
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby Paquita » Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:40 pm

Thank you coloin for keeping track of all the BxB.

I have some more again as well, I used your batch as seed, you obviously do different things than me with the puzzles so that gives me new puzzles when I use my procedures. But there may be an overlap between what we do. And I yet have to rate these.

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Code: Select all

and now I also find B8B
Code: Select all

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Joined: 11 November 2018

Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby denis_berthier » Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:10 am

Different search methods are used by different puzzle diggers, each leading to new original puzzles. Has anyone tried searching along the following lines (which work within a fixed set of solution grids)?

Fix some value of p (say 8 or 9 or more).

1) Consider all the known minimal puzzles with BxB ≥ p - in solution-minlex form
Take all their min-expands (only one isomorphic copy of each); we know they will all be in solution-minlex form and that they will all have their BxB ≥ p.
At this point, I think all the associated minimals with BxB ≥ p have already been found by previous searches.

2) Take all the 1-expands* of all those BxB ≥ p min-expands (again filtered so that there's only one isomorphic copy of each of them). Keep only those that still have BxB ≥ p.
Again, take the min-expands.
Again, we know they will all be in solution-minlex form and that they will all have their BxB ≥ p.

Question: have all the minimals (say with BxB ≥ p) been found?

3) Iterate step 2. Same question.

(°) a 1-expand of P is any puzzle with 1 additional clue taken from the solution grid.
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby coloin » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:12 am

Code: Select all
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715..79...5.331....69.5.6....7....8.39....1..5.......2..6. # 97654 FNBP C31/M2.29.226  ##2##10#               
.2.4.678...7.892.6...72...4.1.......6.4278.....5.........6..9.8....9.46.9..84..27 # 97654 FNBP C31/M2.29.226  ##2##10#               
1........45....2.6..8......2...63.5...654.3.2...9.264.....954..... # 97503 FNBP C30/M2.15.437  ##1##10#               
...4.678.....89.36...37... # 95150 FNBP C30/M2.58.113  ##2##10#               
...4.678.....89.36...37... # 95150 FNBP C30/M2.58.113  ##2##10#               
1.3...7...571....368....1.5...37.658....9.........2...37... # 33515 FNBP C31/M2.73.89   ##1##10#               
1.3.56....5718....86.3.7....86.13..75.1.7...3...5.8..1...7...986.......5....3.4.. #  6263 FNBP C31/M2.95.69   ##1##10#               
1..4.67.94..1...366...37.....5..4...3......9.78..1.......74.9.1...9.3.64....6137. #  1670 FNBP C31/M2.82.80   ##2##10#               
1..4.67.94..1...366...37.....5..1...3......9.78..4.......71.9.4...9.3.61....6437. #  1670 FNBP C31/M2.82.80   ##2##10#               
...4.678.... #   316 FNBP C32/M1.2.54    ##1##10#               
12..5..... #  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218  ##6##10#               
12.4.6.........2.6.692.3.......6.3.8...8.4.72...32.46..8.7.2....3..4862.. #  3519 FNBP C34/M2.30.218  ##6##10#               
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715....8.391.....4136..31......3.6....9151....67..79.....3 #  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218  ##6##10#               
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....315....8.197.....4761..71......51....36.7.6....91.39.....7 #  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218  ##6##10#               
12..5..... #  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218  ##6##10#               
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....315....8.791.....4167..71......51....36.7.6....91.39.....7 #  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218  ##6##10#               
12.4.6.........2.6.692.3.......6.3.8...82.46.... #  3480 FNBP C34/M2.32.205  ##4##10#               
1........45....236.9..........8.4.5...5.63.42..452...834.6.. #  3486 FNBP C34/M2.32.205  ##4##10#               
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715....8.136..31..........4391.3.9....7151....69..76.....3 #  3480 FNBP C34/M2.32.205  ##4##10#               
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715....8.391.....4136..31......3.6....7151....69..79.....3 #  3480 FNBP C34/M2.32.205  ##4##10#               
....567. #  1915 FNBP C32/M2.67.97   ##7##10#               
....567. #  1915 FNBP C32/M2.67.97   ##7##10#               
....567. #  1904 FNBP C32/M2.67.97   ##7##10#               
....567. #  1904 FNBP C32/M2.67.97   ##7##10#               
1.3.5..8945.. #  1910 FNBP C32/M2.67.97   ##7##10#               
1.3.5..8945.. #  1910 FNBP C32/M2.67.97   ##7##10#               
12.....894. #  1901 FNBP C32/M2.67.97   ##7##10#               
....56.8..5718.. #   339 FNBP C33/M1.2.55    ##4##10#               
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....315....8.597.7.5..1.......4..6.3.9....1757....69..16...3.. #   337 FNBP C33/M1.2.55    ##4##10#               
12..5..... #   339 FNBP C33/M1.2.55    ##4##10#               
12..56..9.571.9..6...72...52.196.....65.71...79.5.........9..3..12.....7...61.8.2 #   332 FNBP C33/M1.2.55    ##4##10#               
1.3..67.9.57..9.3669...715..1........76...5.39.5....17..1.4......98..........53.. # 97520 FNBP C30/M2.14.468  ##3## 9#               
........945.....36.69...14......8.9....2...1.5...4....63..1.95..15.3..649. # 97520 FNBP C30/M2.14.468  ##3## 9#               
1.345.7..45.7.91...79.315...145.3...39..17.......4.........4.2......5..69.....3.. # 97520 FNBP C30/M2.14.468  ##3## 9#               
.....6...4.71.9.......2......13...953.5...4.79..... # 97079 FNBP C30/M2.16.410  ##1## 9#               
1.3.56....571.9...69.37.....7....3.......154....6....27.591.6.....5.39..93..6.1.. #  4338 FNBP C31/M2.69.95   ##2## 9#               
....567...571..2..6.92.71...... #  4354 FNBP C31/M2.69.95   ##2## 9#               
1.3.56..9.571.9..669.73.....65.7....3.9.61...71.3.56..531...9.........4.......8.. #  1617 FNBP C32/M2.36.182  ##2## 9#               
.2345..8.45.. #  1646 FNBP C32/M2.36.182  ##2## 9#               
12..5678....18.2.668.2.7.15.........34........65...127....2187....5.86......7..5. #  2661 FNBP C32/M2.60.109  ##6## 8#               
. #  2200 FNBP C32/M2.60.109  ##6## 8#               
12.4.67..4.718.2...68...1..28......3......6..74.... #  2650 FNBP C32/M2.60.109  ##6## 8#               
12..5678..5718....6.82.751................39....6781.2.6...2...5.2.1....87..65... #  2199 FNBP C32/M2.60.109  ##6## 8#               
12.4.678....18.2.686..27.14...7...4.....416.....8.217.53.......6.4...827......... #  2650 FNBP C32/M2.60.109  ##6## 8#               
..3.567.9..71.9.36..9...51.2......57..1......8.5....63....67.95...9.36.1....1.37. #  2649 FNBP C32/M2.60.109  ##6## 8#               
12..56....571.9..66.927...127.69.....917.5.....6.12.9.......8.2...5...........3.5 #   529 FNBP C31/M1.1.38    ##1## 7#               
.2..56......18.23......24..29.......3.5...9... #  1422 FNBP C33/M1.1.38    ##2## 7#               
.2..56......18.23......24..29.......3.5...9... #  1422 FNBP C33/M1.1.38    ##2## 7#               
1.3...7.9.571...3669.7..51...5...1.7......95.9.1.. # 11686 FNBP C33/M2.73.89   ##2## 7#               
1.3....8..57.89...8...2..........84...489..12....4.9.33..2.849....91.3.89...34.21 # 12020 FNBP C33/M2.73.89   ##2## 7#               
.2..56...45....2....92......1....35..7....6.1.3.....27...7.1..2....25.6....63.1.. # 99295 FNBP C26/M2.4.4920DT##1## 6# 11.7 DT       
.2..56...45....2.6..92......1....35..7....6.1.3.....27...7.1..2....25.6....63.1.. # 98011 FNBP C27/M2.18.364  ##1## 6# 11.6 DT plus1 # 10321 FNBP C30/M2.18.728  ##1## 6# 11.8           
12.....894. #  2250 FNBP C30/M2.107.61  ##1## 6# 11.8

Paquitas recent posts, a few were also in my lists but not these ones and also some more twins added
Code: Select all
.2.45.....56......8...........94.......5.29.1....13.2..3.1.429.. # 95292 FNBP C30/M2.18.364##3##ED=11.2##10##       
12..56..9.571.9..66.927...12..96.....16.27...97.5.1.........8.......5..2.......37 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312##7##ED=11.7##10##       
1.3...7...571....368....1.5...37.658....9.........2...37... # 33515 FNBP C31/M2.73.89 ##1##ED=11.6## 9##       
12..56..9.571.9..66.927....29.6.1.... #   305 FNBP C33/M1.2.54  ##7##ED=11.7## 9##       
123...78.................452.816....36.. #  1005 FNBP C32/M1.2.24  ##3##ED=11.6## 8##       
123...78.................452.816....31..72.68.673.8.2163..21...8..6.7....7..3.... #  1005 FNBP C32/M1.2.24  ##3##ED=11.6## 8##       
123...78.................452.816.....173.2.6863..78.2136..21...8..6.7....7..3.... #  1005 FNBP C32/M1.2.24  ##3##ED=11.6## 8##       
.2.45.....56......8...........94.......5.29.1....13.2..3.1.429.. # 95292 FNBP C30/M2.18.364             #10#         
.2.45.....56......8...........94.......5.29.1....13.2..9.3.421.. # 95292 FNBP C30/M2.18.364             #10#         
.2.45.....56......8...........94.......5.29.1....13.2..1.3.429.. # 95292 FNBP C30/M2.18.364             #10#         
12..56..9.571.9..66.927...12..96.....16.27...97.5.1.........8.......5..2.......37 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312             #10#         
1..4.678.4..18.2.66...27.14...8..46.....748.1...61..27..5......79.......8.......2 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312             #10#         
1.3.567...5718....68.3.7..........4.361...8.5........253..1....7.8.65....168.3... # 95139 FNBP C31/M2.21.312             #10#         
..345..89....892.3...3.245.....95.4....2.49.8...83..25.7.......5.2948...6........ # 95139 FNBP C31/M2.21.312             #10#         
1..4.678.4..18.2.66...27.41...8..16.....718.4...64..27..5......79.......8.......2 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312             #10#         
1.3.567...5718....68.3.7..........4.316...8.5........253..1....7.8.65....618.3... # 95139 FNBP C31/M2.21.312             #10#         
1.3..678..57....6368....5.1.38...1..5.6...87.71.....353718.5.......9.......2..... # 95134 FNBP C31/M2.21.312             #10#         
12..56..9.571.9..66.927....29.6.1.... #   305 FNBP C33/M1.2.54                #9#         
....56.89...1.92.6....2.51...691.8.5..5.68.21.. #   302 FNBP C33/M1.2.54                #9#         
..34.6...4.7.89...69.37...4.698.4...7.463.8..83..974..........5...7639.8.......2. #   302 FNBP C33/M1.2.54                #9#         
.2.45..89.5..8923.. #   302 FNBP C33/M1.2.54                #9#         
....56.89...1.92.6....2.51...596.8.1..6.18.25.. #   302 FNBP C33/M1.2.54                #9#         
.2.45..89.5..8923.. #   302 FNBP C33/M1.2.54                #9#         
12..56....5718...66.82.7..126...8....716.5...8.572..6........9.782....15......4.. #   303 FNBP C33/M1.2.54                #9#         
...4.6.89..6.891.2..921.64.....619.....8.4.1....92...45........6.8142....7....... # 95281 FNBP C30/M2.21.624##1##ED=11.9/11.9/2.6##10#
...4.6.89..6.891.2..921.64.....619.....8.421....92...45........6.8142....7....... #  1489 FNBP C31/M2.41.160##1##ED=11.6/9.3/2.6 ##10#
...4.6.89..6.891.2..921.64.....619.8...8.421....92...45........6.8142....7....... #   474 FNBP C32/M1.1.39  ##1##ED=11.6/11.6/2.6##10#
...4.678.4..18.2.66...27.14..5......8.4.12....3...........716....62.8.71...64...2 #  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211##4##ED=11.7/11.7/9.0##10#
1.3.567...5718....68.3.71....6.31....718.5...5..76......5...8.2.......9....5.83.. #  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211##4##ED=11.7/11.7/9.0##10#
12..56.8..5678.. #  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211##4##ED=11.7/11.7/9.0##10#
12..56.8..5678.. #  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211##4##ED=11.7/11.7/9.0##10#
1.3.....945.....36.69..314..4.....535...3.9.493....61....7.....614.95........2... #   317 FNBP C30/M1.2.50  ##1##ED=11.6/11.6/2.6##10#
...4.67....7..9.......2.....71....985.9...1..86....57......19.771...586.9.6..8.51 #   324 FNBP C30/M1.2.49  ##1##ED=11.6/11.6/2.6##10#
1.3.56..9.571.9..669.73.....65.7....3.9.61...71.3.56..531...9.........4.......8.. #  1617 FNBP C32/M2.36.182##2##ED=11.7/11.7/2.6## 9#
.2345..8.45.. #  1646 FNBP C32/M2.36.182##2##ED=11.7/11.7/2.6## 9#
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Joined: 05 May 2005
Location: Devon

Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby coloin » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:29 am

Nonminimal puzzles generated limit the number of puzzles you can properly search.
a {-1+1} doesnt change the clues within the populated boxes... so a {-2+2} is better, but mamy more nonminimals are generated..
My last puzzles were from the original database minimals, generating {-2+1} and {-1+1}
A {+1-1} keeps within the solution grid but a {-1+1} also achieves this and goes outside the grid.

The new twin puzzles generated tend to have different clues in the populated boxes.
This will give more seeds, maybe more to be found ... not many though...
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1..4.678.4..18.2.66...27.41...8..61.....418.7...67..24..5......79.......8.......2 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1..4.678.4..18.2.66...27.14...8..64.....748.1...61..27..5......79.......8.......2 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1..4.678.4..18.2.66...27.14...8..64.....148.7...67..21..5......79.......8.......2 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
12....7.9.57...23...9....15...6.........75192.....4.... # 95151 FNBP C31/M2.21.312   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1..4.678.4..18.2.66...27.41...8..61.....718.4...64..27..5......79.......8.......2 # 95146 FNBP C31/M2.21.312   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1.3.567...571.9...69.37............4361...95........2.51...3...7.9.65....3691.... # 95136 FNBP C31/M2.21.312   # 7# ED=11.8/11.8/2.6 #10#
1.3.567...5718....68.3.7..........4.361...8.5........251..3....7.8.65....368.1... # 95139 FNBP C31/M2.21.312   # 7# ED=11.8/11.8/2.6 #10#
...45.78.....8.2.38.. #  1610 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
12.4..78.4.71..2.6.68....1428....14..4....6.77.6..4.28.....1872....3.........5... #  1614 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1.3..67.9.57..9.3669....51....8.....3759.........2....53.6..1.77.1....6..69....53 #  1610 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1.3.....9...1.9....8.......2..69.5.75..7.261.7...15.92...9.1.75....6792....52...6 #  1614 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
.....6...4571........3.....2.1...49..45.1..7297.. #  1614 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1.3.....9...1.9....8.......2...15.975..7.261.7..69.5.2...9.1.75....6792....52...6 #  1614 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
.2.45..89.5..8912.. #  1610 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
.2.45..89.5..8912.. #  1610 FNBP C32/M2.45.145   # 8# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1.3.56..9.571.9..669.73...5.......43......8..7.......137.6.5....6139....9.5..1... # 27600 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019   # 3# ED=11.8/11.8/2.6 #10#
1..4.678.4..18.2.68...27.1429.........5......6.......7...8.4.72...6..8.1....1264. # 29229 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019   # 3# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
....5678...718.2.6... # 27600 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019   # 3# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
                                                                                                                                 #  2994 FNBP C33/M2.51.128   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10# #  2981 FNBP C33/M2.51.128   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
.2.......45.189.....6........589..41...3.49.5....158..3...4159.5..9.8.13...53.4.8 #  3005 FNBP C33/M2.51.128   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1.3.56..9.571.9..669.73...5.619.7....3..65...9.531.....1....8......71..3.......41 #  2800 FNBP C33/M2.51.128   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
12.4.67..4.718.2...68.27..........5....8416.2........3.1267.....8.2.4... #  2996 FNBP C33/M2.51.128   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
12.4.67..4.718.2...68.27...2.1.6.....468.1..287..42..........9.614...82.........5 #  2791 FNBP C33/M2.51.128   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
..3.567.9..71.9.36...73.51..35...691.4.......8........3..9.516.....1.9.3...36..75 #  2800 FNBP C33/M2.51.128   # 7# ED=11.7/11.7/2.6 #10#
1.3...7.9.571...3669.7..51...5...1.7......95.9.1.. # 12851 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
12...67.9.57..926.6.9....512......96...... # 12853 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
..3.5678...718..36...3.75.1..1...6..7.5.31...94....31....81.......7.38..8...651.3 # 13487 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
12.4.67..4.718.2...68.27... # 13217 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
..3.5678...718..36...7.35.1..1...6..7.5.31...94....31....81.......3.78..8...651.3 # 13487 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
..3.567.9..71.9.36...37.51.2.........79.13...8.1.....536.9.1.577...35......76...3 # 13224 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
..3.567.9..71.9.36...73.51.2.........79.13...8.1.....53...75... # 13224 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
1...567.9...1.9.366..37.51..7196.35...6...9.1....1..673.4.9....56....1.3..2...... # 13582 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
1.3..678..57....3686...31.5....683.75..9.7......2.....3......616.531.87....6..5.3 # 13845 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
12.4.6...4.718...6.68.27..42.6...4.1...26.95....7....2.82......64.8.....7.16.28.. # 13215 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
...4.6...4...89...68.37..4..786.49..3.479.8..96..38......86.39.7.....6..8.6....15 # 13210 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
...4.6...4...89...68.73..4..786.49..36..98...9.437.8.....86.39.7.....6..8.6....15 # 13210 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
..3.567.9..71.9.36...37.51..85..1...3.6....57.4............739..3.....7197..136.5 # 13589 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
...4.6...4...89...68.37..4..786.49..36..98...9.473.8.....86.39.7.....6..8.6....15 # 13210 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7# # 13208 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
1.3....89.57.89...8...2..........84...489..12....4.9.33..2.849....91.3.89...34.21 # 13222 FNBP C34/M2.80.82    #16# ED=11.7/11.7/8.9 # 7#
12..56....571.9..66.927...127.96.....917.5.....6.12.9.......3.2...52......2...8.5 #  1070 FNBP C33/M1.1.39     # 5# ED=11.6/11.6/2.6 # 7#
.23....894...8.2.398....14.2..7.1......6.2..........2139...481..14...3.28.2..3.94 #  1070 FNBP C33/M1.1.39     # 5# ED=11.6/11.6/2.6 # 7#
1.3...78..57.8..3668..3.5.1.......17.7..14.......72...56....1.37.8....65.3.5..87. #  1070 FNBP C33/M1.1.39     # 5# ED=11.6/11.6/2.6 # 7#
12..567...5718.2..6.87.2...21..6....7.582.....865.1..2.....8..........93.61....27 #  1070 FNBP C33/M1.1.39     # 5# ED=11.6/11.6/2.6 # 7#
12..56....571.9..66.927...129.76.....719.5.....6.12.9.......3.2...52......2...8.5 #  1070 FNBP C33/M1.1.39     # 5# ED=11.6/11.6/2.6 # 7#
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Joined: 05 May 2005
Location: Devon

Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby denis_berthier » Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:47 am

denis_berthier wrote:Fix some value of p (say 8 or 9 or more).
1) Consider all the known minimal puzzles with BxB ≥ p - in solution-minlex form
Take all their min-expands (only one isomorphic copy of each); we know they will all be in solution-minlex form and that they will all have their BxB ≥ p.
At this point, I think all the associated minimals with BxB ≥ p have already been found by previous searches.

2) Take all the 1-expands* of all those BxB ≥ p min-expands (again filtered so that there's only one isomorphic copy of each of them). Keep only those that still have BxB ≥ p.
Again, take the min-expands.
Again, we know they will all be in solution-minlex form and that they will all have their BxB ≥ p.
Question: have all the minimals (say with BxB ≥ p) been found?

I've done something close to what I mentioned in the above post. (There are many possible variants of such techniques.)
I fixed p = 10.
Note that all the search remains within the initial space of solution grids.

1) I started form the 1184 minimals B10B puzzles in the collection assembled by coloin here: (This is not the full known collection, but not far from it; I didn't try to add the few newly found puzzles).
There are 581 non-isomorphic expansions by Singles (BRT-expands).
If you try to find all the associated minimals, each of them may be a priori harder (due to the minimisation phase). (BRT-expansion alone can't make a puzzle simpler or harder.)
In our case, it appears that there are exactly 1184 minimal puzzles not in T&E(0) - the same ones as at the start.
Considering the search methods used for finding the original collection, this is not a big surprise.

2) After the above step, I computed all the 1-expands of the 581 non-isomorphic BRT-expands.
Note: I didn't prune the expansion phase with the condition that the expansions are in T&E(2) or that they have their BxB ≥ 10.
There are 29,049 such 1-expansions and only 28,853 up to isomorphisms (notice that there are not many isomorphisms at this point). The latter are also the non-isomorphic BRT+1-expansions of the original 1184 minimal B10B puzzles. Nothing can be said a priori of the difficulties of these puzzles.
But it appears that there are no harder minimals, there are lots of much easier puzzles and there are exactly 1184 B10B puzzles - the same ones as at the start.
Considering the search methods used for finding the original collection, it was not granted that BRT+1-expansions wouldn't lead to some harder puzzle, but it isn't very surprising either because hard puzzles it's difficult to find harder puzzles.
The B10B sub-collection of minimals in the above-mentioned coloin's collection is closed under BRT+1 expansion followed by minimisation.

* "easier" means wrt to T&E-depth and BxB classification within T&E(2).
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Location: Paris

Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby coloin » Tue Sep 24, 2024 5:42 pm

denis_berthier wrote:....Considering the search methods used for finding the original collection, this is not a big surprise.

Yes i think the expands in the list have been minimized and re-expanded and re-tested.
As twin expand puzzles minimize differently this may well be the path that has enabled more to be found.
This was performed on B6B puzzles and on on rare occaision this gave an upgraded BxB - this was probably the path taken for many of the initial finds.

I have collated the new max expands from previous posts, and will add a 2nd link for the minimal puzzles once processed.

minimizing the B10B and rexpanding did not produce any of puzzles > B10B

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1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715..79...5.331....69.5.6....7....8.39....1..5.......2..6.# 97654 FNBP C31/M2.29.226#              #2#10#
.2.4.678...7.892.6...72...4.1.......6.4278.....5.........6..9.8....9.46.9..84..27# 97654 FNBP C31/M2.29.226#              #2#10#
1.3.......5.........9.32.....439.8.7..82.749...7.48.23...87.9.....9.3.48....24...# 95292 FNBP C30/M2.18.364#              #3#10#
1.3.......5.........9.32.....839.4.7..42.789...7.48.23...87.9.....9.3.48....24...# 95292 FNBP C30/M2.18.364#              #3#10#
1.3.......5.........9.32.....439.8.7..72.849...8.47.23...87.9.....9.3.48....24...# 95292 FNBP C30/M2.18.364#              #3#10#
12.....894. 95130 FNBP C30/M2.20.656#11.9/11.9/2.6 #1#10#
12.....894.  1901 FNBP C32/M2.67.97 #11.6          #7#10#
1.3.5..8945..  1910 FNBP C32/M2.67.97 #              #7#10#
1.3.5..8945..  1910 FNBP C32/M2.67.97 #              #7#10#
....567.  1915 FNBP C32/M2.67.97 #              #7#10#
....567.  1915 FNBP C32/M2.67.97 #              #7#10#
....567.  1904 FNBP C32/M2.67.97 #              #7#10#
....567.  1904 FNBP C32/M2.67.97 #              #7#10#
...4.6.89..6.891.2..921.64.....619.....8.4.1....92...45........6.8142....7.......# 95281 FNBP C30/M2.21.624#11.9/11.9/2.6 #1#10#
...4.6.89..6.891.2..921.64.....619.....8.421....92...45........6.8142....7.......#  1489 FNBP C31/M2.41.160#11.6/9.3/2.6  #1#10#
...4.6.89..6.891.2..921.64.....619.8...8.421....92...45........6.8142....7.......#   474 FNBP C32/M1.1.39  #11.6/11.6/2.6 #1#10#
...4.678.....89.36...37... 95150 FNBP C30/M2.58.113#              #2#10#
...4.678.....89.36...37... 95150 FNBP C30/M2.58.113#              #2#10#
....5678...718.2..... 44087 FNBP C31/M2.9.5103#              #3#10#
....5678...718.2..... 44087 FNBP C31/M2.9.5103#              #3#10# 44974 FNBP C31/M2.9.5103#              #3#10#
....5678...718.2.6... 27609 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019#              #6#10#
....5678...718.2.6... 27609 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019#              #6#10#
1.3...78..571...3668....5.1.76...8..3.8....6551....3.7.....4...8653.7.......2....# 28382 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019#              #6#10#
.2.45..89.5..8923.. 28465 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019#              #6#10#
12..5.78.. 27890 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019#              #6#10# 28086 FNBP C31/M2.9.8019#              #6#10#
1.3.56....5718....86.3.7....86.13..75.1.7...3...5.8..1...7...986.......5....3.4..#  6263 FNBP C31/M2.95.69 #              #1#10#
12..5.....  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218#              #6#10#
12.4.6.........2.6.692.3.......6.3.8...8.4.72...32.46..8.7.2....3..4862..  3519 FNBP C34/M2.30.218#              #6#10#
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715....8.391.....4136..31......3.6....9151....67..79.....3#  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218#              #6#10#
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....315....8.197.....4761..71......51....36.7.6....91.39.....7#  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218#              #6#10#
12..5.....  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218#              #6#10#
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....315....8.791.....4167..71......51....36.7.6....91.39.....7#  3546 FNBP C34/M2.30.218#              #6#10#
12.4.6.........2.6.692.3.......6.3.8...82.46....  3480 FNBP C34/M2.32.205#              #4#10#
1........45....236.9..........8.4.5...5.63.42..452...834.6..  3486 FNBP C34/M2.32.205#              #4#10#
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715....8.136..31..........4391.3.9....7151....69..76.....3#  3480 FNBP C34/M2.32.205#              #4#10#
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....715....8.391.....4136..31......3.6....7151....69..79.....3#  3480 FNBP C34/M2.32.205#              #4#10#
...4.678.4..18.2.66...27.14..5......8.4.12....3...........716....62.8.71...64...2#  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211#              #4#10#
1.3.567...5718....68.3.71....6.31....718.5...5..76......5...8.2.......9....5.83..#  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211#              #4#10#
12..56.8..5678..  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211#              #4#10#
12..56.8..5678..  1896 FNBP C31/M2.31.211#              #4#10#
1..4.67.94..1...366...37.....5..4...3......9.78..1.......74.9.1...9.3.64....6137.#  1670 FNBP C31/M2.82.80 #              #2#10#
1..4.67.94..1...366...37.....5..1...3......9.78..4.......71.9.4...9.3.61....6437.#  1670 FNBP C31/M2.82.80 #              #2#10#
12..567...571.92..6.927.5......  1008 FNBP C33/M2.85.77 #              #7#10#
12..567...571.92..6.972.5..26..71....75.9....9.12.5....16...9.........4.....1.6.3#  1009 FNBP C33/M2.85.77 #              #7#10#
12..567...571.92..6.972.5.........4..16...9......1.6.356..71....72.9....9.15.2...#  1008 FNBP C33/M2.85.77 #              #7#10#
.2..56...45......6..9.......  1022 FNBP C33/M2.85.77 #              #7#10#
.2..56...45......6..9.......  1022 FNBP C33/M2.85.77 #              #7#10#
12..567...5718.2..8.62.75..2.586.....8.7.2...67..15....6....14.........3...6.18..#  1010 FNBP C33/M2.85.77 #              #7#10#
12..567...5718.2..8.67.25..2.586.....8.2.7...67..15....6....14.........3...6.18..#  1010 FNBP C33/M2.85.77 #              #7#10#
12.4.6..94.6.89..2.8921...6.......7..14.....8......   488 FNBP C32/M1.2.39  #              #4#10#
12.4.6..94.6.89..2.8921...6.......7..41.....8......   488 FNBP C32/M1.2.39  #              #4#10#
12.4.6..94.6.89..2.8921...6.......7..14.....8......   480 FNBP C32/M1.2.39  #              #4#10#
12.4.6..94.6.89..2.8921...6.......7..41.....8......   480 FNBP C32/M1.2.39  #              #4#10#
....56.8..5718..   339 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
1.3..67.9.57..9.36.....315....8.597.7.5..1.......4..6.3.9....1757....69..16...3..#   337 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
12..5.....   339 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
12..56..9.571.9..6...72...52.196.....65.71...79.5.........9..3..12.....7...61.8.2#   332 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
....56.8..5718..   333 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
12.....89...18..3.6.....5..26.8.1...3.176.....7..23...   333 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
12.....89...18..3.6.....5..26.8.1...3.176.....7..23...   333 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
.2..56...45.....63..9....1..1.6.537..7.....52.3..271.6....7162....2.3..7...56..31#   333 FNBP C33/M1.2.55  #              #4#10#
...4.67....7..9.......2.....71....985.9...1..86....57......19.771...586.9.6..8.51#   324 FNBP C30/M1.2.49  #              #1#10#
1.3.....945.....36.69..314..4.....535...3.9.493....61....7.....614.95........2...#   317 FNBP C30/M1.2.50  #              #1#10#
...4.678....   316 FNBP C32/M1.2.54  #              #1#10#

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.....6...4.71.9.......2......13...953.5...4.79..... 97079 FNBP C30/M2.16.410#              #1# 9#
.........45....2.61.8......2...63.5...654.3.2...9.264.....954..... 96190 FNBP C30/M2.28.234#              #1# 9#
.2.....89...18..3.68....5..27..18...3..67.....682.3....1673.. 59257 FNBP C33/M2.102.64#              #4# 9#
.2.....89...18..3.68....5..27..18...3..67.....682.3....1273.. 59257 FNBP C33/M2.102.64#              #4# 9#
.2.4.678.....8.2.668..27.45..57.8..4....458....826.5.73.........1.......8.4...672# 61087 FNBP C33/M2.102.64#              #4# 9#
....567...5718.2..6.82.71......61..3.86...5...... 60057 FNBP C33/M2.102.64#              #4# 9#
1........45....236..8......2...36.5...654.3.2...9.264.....954..... 34389 FNBP C31/M2.74.88 #              #1# 9#
1.3...7...571....368....1.5...37.658....9.........2...37... 33515 FNBP C31/M2.73.89 #              #1# 9#
1........45....236..8......2...63.5...654.3.2...9.264.....594.....  1613 FNBP C31/M2.88.74 #              #1# 9#
1.3.56....571.9...69.37.....7....3.......154....6....27.591.6.....5.39..93..6.1..#  4338 FNBP C31/M2.69.95 #              #2# 9#
....567...571..2..6.92.71......  4354 FNBP C31/M2.69.95 #              #2# 9#
1.3.56..9.571.9..669.73.....65.7....3.9.61...71.3.56..531...9.........4.......8..#  1617 FNBP C32/M2.36.182#              #2# 9#
.2345..8.45..  1646 FNBP C32/M2.36.182#              #2# 9#

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12..5678....18.2.668.2.7.15.........34........65...127....2187....5.86......7..5.#  2661 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#              #6# 8#
.  2200 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#              #6# 8#
12.4.67..4.718.2...68...1..28......3......6..74....  2650 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#              #6# 8#
12..5678..5718....6.82.751................39....6781.2.6...2...5.2.1....87..65...#  2199 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#              #6# 8#
12.4.678....18.2.686..27.14...7...4.....416.....8.217.53.......6.4...827.........#  2650 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#              #6# 8#
..3.567.9..71.9.36..9...51.2......57..1......8.5....63....67.95...9.36.1....1.37.#  2649 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#              #6# 8#
123...78.................452.816....36..  1005 FNBP C32/M1.2.24  #              #3# 8#
123...78.................452.816....31..72.68.673.8.2163..21...8..6.7....7..3....#  1005 FNBP C32/M1.2.24  #              #3# 8#
123...78.................452.816.....173.2.6863..78.2136..21...8..6.7....7..3....#  1005 FNBP C32/M1.2.24  #              #3# 8#
12..56..9.571.9..66.927...129...7.6..65......7.1......512...69......23.5......8.2#   487 FNBP C33/M1.1.66  #              #3# 8#
1..4.678.4..18..366...731.4.4.7...13......6.7......84.3.5......8.23......14...368#   484 FNBP C33/M1.1.66  #              #3# 8#
...45........89.....   487 FNBP C33/M1.1.66  #              #3# 8#

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..3.567.9..71.9.36..6...51..2....1.7.81...9.3..5.........5..67....9.73.1....63.95#  2667 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#             # 3# 7#
....567...5718.2..6.87.21........5.....82.6.4...61...35...71...8.126.....725.8...#  2664 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#             # 3# 7#
1.3.5.....57.8..3686..  2221 FNBP C32/M2.60.109#             # 3# 7#
1..4.678.4..18..366...731.4.1.7...43......6.7......81.3.5......8.23......41...368#   484 FNBP C33/M1.1.66  #             # 4# 7#
12..567...571.92..6.972.1..26........756...1.9.1......592....71...5..9.4......5.3#   484 FNBP C33/M1.1.66  #             # 4# 7#
12..56..9.571.9..66.927...126...7.9..95......7.1......512...96......23.5......8.2#   487 FNBP C33/M1.1.66  #             # 4# 7#
..3.567.9..71.9.36..637.15.241........9..1...63....917.6...5.91......5.3......67.#   484 FNBP C33/M1.1.66  #             # 4# 7#

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.2..56...45....2....92......1....35..7....6.1.3.....27...7.1..2....25.6....63.1..# 99295 FNBP C26/M2.4.4920#11.7 DT      # 1# 6#
.2..56...45....2.6..92......1....35..7....6.1.3.....27...7.1..2....25.6....63.1..# 98011 FNBP C27/M2.18.364#11.6 DT plus1# 1# 6# 10321 FNBP C30/M2.18.728#11.8         # 1# 6# 
12.....894.  2250 FNBP C30/M2.107.61#11.8         # 1# 6#
Last edited by coloin on Tue Oct 08, 2024 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 05 May 2005
Location: Devon

Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby denis_berthier » Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:54 am

The minimisation phase takes much time due to its combination with the elimination of equivalent minimals.
The elimination of redundant minimals is (time and space) quadratic in the number of minimals (at least if you use gsf's software - but I think it's essentially quadratic).

One way to reduce the computation times would be to run them complete grid by complete grid: it's obvious that two minimal puzzles with different complete grids can't be isomorphic. Similarly, different minimals with different numbers of clues can't be isomorphic.
Unfortunately, AFAIK, gsf's software has no option to use this.
Considering the size of mith's TE3 database of minimals, he must have used some similar splitting; I think he talked of the number of clues.
Has anyone tried using the complete grid?
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Re: The BxB classification of T&E(2) puzzles

Postby champagne » Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:12 am

What I am doing as "cleaning work is in this direction, but you'll dislike it, the code requires an "intel set of instructions".
If you post a small example of a file to check and what response you would like to get back, I'll see what would be my answer using my code.
I could do that in the ongoing test of the DLL to build doing the minlexing of a solution grid
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