Hajime wrote:1to9only wrote:The first 2 8x8 overlapped sudokus solve as JSBs (Jigsaw Sudoku with Block constraints).
- Code: Select all
.............726.................16... ED=3.0
..........97....5..4..3.2.9..8....6..1.7.8..4....94................5...1..59...82 ED=1.2
Is this code correct?
.............726.................16... JSB Sudoku, ED=2.9/1.2/1.2
..........97....5..4..3.2.9..8....6..1.7.8..4....94................5...1..59...82 JSB Sudoku, ED=1.2/1.2/1.2
creint wrote:Medium only needs one layer of locked singles. So generalized locked singles has SE rating 4.1.
For me 7x7 overlap is harder then 8x8 overlap.Hajime wrote:Because there is an overlapping of 8 cells the outermost 2 cells (one per grid) must be equal.
But I confirm that the puzzle of creint is indeed very hard, so did you have a lucky guess or do you have extreme skills?
Here is a duo puzzle with 7x7 overlap:
urhegyi wrote: I'm searching for examples with naked and or hidden subsets, and also with x-wing.
..........7....31........5..2..4...6.....21.....63.....5...4..8..4........81....3 ED=4.2/1.2/1.2
7....31........5..2..4...6.....21.....63.....5...4..8..4........81....3.......... ED=3.6/1.2/1.2
urhegyi wrote:For me 7x7 overlap is harder then 8x8 overlap.
Hajime wrote:urhegyi wrote:For me 7x7 overlap is harder then 8x8 overlap.
I get the impression that you did use some kind of solver...
Looking at the layout of your solution...
1to9only wrote:urhegyi wrote: I'm searching for examples with naked and or hidden subsets, and also with x-wing.
Of the JSBs I generated (r1 and c1 with no givens), roughly half of them can also be solved as 8x8 overlapped sudokus (after adding grid 2 with r9 and c9 with no givens). Of these most solve with singles only, some require a few non-singles techniques - puzzles with 5-6 or more of naked/hidden subsets and fishes are few.
Difficulty: Medium
- Code: Select all
..........7....31........5..2..4...6.....21.....63.....5...4..8..4........81....3 ED=4.2/1.2/1.2
7....31........5..2..4...6.....21.....63.....5...4..8..4........81....3.......... ED=3.6/1.2/1.2
urhegyi wrote:From time to time there are new overlapping 8x8 ones on sudoku.today, like today:
...............54..7.4......1..2..3......8..9..85........6..4......7.86.......9.. 311122233644455566644455566644455566977788899977788899977788899311122233311122233
urhegyi wrote:Nice you have them enabled to. Is it this setting in the JSON file("isJSB":"false")that has to be changed or is there more work to do to take count of the blocks too?
...............54..7.4......1..2..3......8..9..85........6..4......7.86.......9.. 977788899311122233311122233311122233644455566644455566644455566977788899977788899 JSB
.....54..7.4......1..2..3......8..9..85........6..4......7.86.......9............ 112223331112223331445556664445556664445556664778889997778889997778889997112223331 JSB
.............4..71..........3.....56.9...6..7....97..8.5...84.....9..78..6.....9. ED=2.3/1.2/1.2
...4..71..........3.....56.9...6..7....97..8.5...84.....9..78..6.....9........... ED=1.5/1.2/1.2
.............56.3...4.9......9.7..12.1.2..8.5..563......3.....7....1.....52.6.... ED=1.5/1.2/1.2
...56.3...4.9......9.7..12.1.2..8.5..563......3.....7....1.....52.6.............. ED=1.5/1.0/1.0