by g.r.emlin » Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:44 am
::: game 0445 idle 2021-12-20+07:44:28-0000 -- with no further entries the game will close at 2021-12-20+10:00:00-0000 :::
- Code: Select all
game 0445 2021-12-14+23:00:00-0000 duration 4d10h dealer Pat pages 3344-3351 (open) 5 players
1.2/1.2/1.2 1to9only 4.7/4.7/3.6 m_b_metcalf 7.4/7.4/7.4 1to9only 9.2/9.2/9.2 m_b_metcalf
1.5/1.5/1.5 1to9only 4.8/1.2/1.2 Pat 7.5/7.5/7.5 m_b_metcalf 9.3/9.3/9.3 JPF
1.7/1.5/1.5 m_b_metcalf 4.9/2.0/2.0 1to9only 7.6/7.6/7.6 Hajime 9.4/9.4/9.4 JPF
2.0/2.0/2.0 Hajime 5.0/4.5/3.0 1to9only 7.7/7.7/7.6 1to9only 9.5/9.5/9.5 JPF
2.3/2.0/2.0 m_b_metcalf 5.2/3.8/2.8 1to9only 7.8/7.8/7.8 m_b_metcalf 9.6/9.6/9.6 Hajime
2.5/2.5/2.5 Hajime 5.6/4.5/3.4 JPF 7.9/7.9/7.8 1to9only 9.7/9.7/9.7 JPF
2.6/2.5/2.5 m_b_metcalf 5.7/4.5/3.4 JPF 8.0/8.0/7.2 JPF 9.8/9.8/9.8 Hajime
2.8/2.8/2.8 Hajime 5.9/2.0/2.0 m_b_metcalf 8.1/8.1/3.4 1to9only 9.9/9.9/9.9 m_b_metcalf
3.0/3.0/3.0 m_b_metcalf 6.2/6.2/6.2 1to9only 8.2/8.2/8.2 1to9only 10.0/10.0/10.0 JPF
3.2/3.2/3.2 1to9only 6.5/6.5/3.4 m_b_metcalf 8.3/8.3/8.3 Hajime 10.1/10.1/10.1 JPF
3.4/3.4/3.4 JPF 6.6/6.6/6.6 m_b_metcalf 8.4/8.4/8.4 Hajime 10.2/10.2/10.2 1to9only
3.6/3.6/3.6 1to9only 6.7/6.7/6.7 Hajime 8.5/8.5/8.5 m_b_metcalf 10.3/10.3/10.3 1to9only
3.8/3.8/3.8 Hajime 6.8/6.8/3.4 JPF 8.6/8.6/8.6 JPF 10.4/10.4/10.4 JPF
4.0/4.0/4.0 1to9only 6.9/6.7/6.7 JPF 8.7/8.7/8.7 1to9only 10.5/10.5/10.5 JPF
4.2/4.2/4.2 JPF 7.0/7.0/7.0 m_b_metcalf 8.8/8.8/8.8 Hajime 10.6/10.6/10.6 JPF
4.4/4.4/4.4 m_b_metcalf 7.1/7.1/7.1 Hajime 8.9/8.9/8.9 Hajime 10.7/10.7/10.0 JPF
4.5/4.5/3.6 m_b_metcalf 7.2/7.2/7.2 m_b_metcalf 9.0/9.0/9.0 m_b_metcalf 10.8/10.8/6.6 JPF
4.6/4.6/3.4 m_b_metcalf 7.3/7.3/7.3 m_b_metcalf 9.1/9.1/9.1 m_b_metcalf
open ratings : 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.8 6.0 6.1 10.9-11.8
submitter entries score response notes
----------- ------- ----- -------- -----
Pat 1 83 0 dealer
Hajime 13 1162 35m55s diamond*12
m_b_metcalf 21 1855 28m54s rare-1,diamond*13,pearl*4
1to9only 17 2453 27m17s rare-0*2,diamond*9,pearl*3,last-entry=383
JPF 19 3217 7m04s rare-1*2,diamond*12,pearl*4,highest-rating=709
----------- ------- ----- -----
5 71 8770 rare-0*2,rare-1*3,diamond*46,pearl*11