About semantic...

Subgrid is the word used by
Red Ed to refer to a subset of a full sudoku grid.
A subgrid has therefore at least one solution...
In my post, I used subgrid instead of puzzle for that reason.
coloin wrote:A puzzle with 2 solutions has been termed a pseudopuzzle,
I know that "pseudopuzzle" has been used in a thread for subgrids with 2 solutions .
Do we need to use a different word for 3 solutions, an other for 4 solutions, etc..
coloin wrote:and these incomplete puzzles are better termed subpuzzles [2 or more grid solutions]. It acknowledges that the puzzle is incomplete.
I don't understand why.
coloin wrote:A grid IMO is the full grid solution with 81 clues
coloin wrote:and a subgrid therefore has less than this....but it is not a helpful term.
why ?
coloin wrote:Puzzles have one solution and can be minimal or non-minimal. [maximal when solved !]
Subpuzzles can be minimal, non-minimal or maximal.
so what ?
Anyway, let's avoid this Eureka's type of discussion.
The key point of my post was that the concept of minimality is not specific to valid puzzles.