Both list contains 4 Rank 0 3x4 arrays of cells but no 3x3 w/o added cells

Here are the analysis of 3 puzzles where no Rank 0 of cells has yet been found by Leren's and/or Champagne's code.
98.76.5..75...9.....6......4...3.....974..8....8..76...2.....1...9..87..........8 ;4;4;10.6;1.2;1.2;fl; 6789;tr; 8;
- Code: Select all
| 9 8 1234 | 7 6 1234 | 5 234 1234 |
| 7 5 1234 | 123 1248 9 | 1234 -234(68) 12346 |
| 123 134 6 | 1235 12458 12345 | 12349 -234(789) 123479 |
| 4 16 125 | 8 3 1256 | 129 -25(79) 12579 |
| 12356 9 7 | 4 125 1256 | 8 235 1235 |
| 1235 13 8 | 1259 1259 7 | 6 2345 12345 |
| 8 2 345 | -35(69) 7 345 | 34(9) 1 345(69) |
| 1356 1346 9 | 12356 1245 8 | 7 2345(6) 2345-6 |
| 1356 7 1345 | 123569 12459 12345 | 234-9 2345(69) 8 |
Multifish[6] : 9r7c4=9r7c79-9r9c8=HT(789-6)r234c8=6r89c8-6r7c9=6r7c4 @
6 Truths = {69R7 6789C8}
6 Links = {7n4 234n8 69b9}
12 Eliminations --> r234c8<>2, r23c8<>3, r23c8<>4, r7c4<>35, r4c8<>5, r8c9<>6, r9c7<>9
ALS-XZ Rule, Double Link[9] : 6r7c9=345r7c3679=9r7c79-9r9c8=2345r15689c8=6r89c8 @
9 Truths = {7N3679 15689N8 }
9 Links = {345r7 2345c8 69b9}
12 Eliminations --> r234c8<>2, r23c8<>3, r23c8<>4, r7c4<>35, r4c8<>5, r8c9<>6, r9c7<>9
98.7..6..75.....9...6.......4..5...3..58...6......7.....967..5...89...7......21.. ;2;3;10.4;1.2;1.2;fl; 679;tr; 9;
- Code: Select all
| 9 8 1234 | 7 1234 1345 | 6 1234 1245 |
| 7 5 1234 | 1234 123468 13468 | 2348 9 1248 |
| 1234 123 6 | 12345 123489 134589 | 234578 12348 124578 |
| 128(6) 4 12(7) | 12 5 -1(69) | -28(79) 128 3 |
| 123 79 5 | 8 12349 1349 | 2479 6 1247 |
| 1238-6 69 123 | 1234 123469 7 | 24589 1248 12458 |
| 1234 123 9 | 6 7 1348 | 2348 5 248 |
| 12345 123 8 | 9 134 1345 | 234 7 6 |
| 345(6) (67) 34(7) | 345 348 2 | 1 348 9 |
Loop[5] : 6r4c1=(6-9)r4c6=(9-7)r4c7=7r4c3-7r9c3=(7-6)r9c2=6r9c1 @
5 Truths = {679R4 7R9 6B7}
5 Links = {6c1 7c3 4n67 9n2}
4 Eliminations --> r4c7<>28, r4c6<>1, r6c1<>6
Sue de Coq : 7r4c3=128r4c1348=6r4c1-(6=9)r6c2-(9=7)r5c2 @
6 Truths = {4N1348 56N2}
6 Links = {128r4 679b4}
4 Eliminations --> r4c7<>28, r4c6<>1, r6c1<>6
98.7..6..7..5..9....4....3.6...7..5..92...7.....2...6.2..9..5......5...1.....8... ;1;3;10.4;1.2;1.2;fl; 579;tr; 10;
- Code: Select all
| 9 8 13 | 7 1234 1234 | 6 124 5 |
| 7 1236 136 | 5 123468 12346 | 9 1248 248 |
| 15 1256 4 | 168 12689 1269 | 128 3 7 |
| 6 134 138 | 1348 7 1349 | 12348 5 23489 |
| 13458 9 2 | 13468 13468 13456 | 7 148 348 |
| 13458 1345(7) -138(57) | 2 13489 13459 | 1348 6 3489 |
| 2 1346-7 13678 | 9 1346 13467 | 5 478 3468 |
| 348 346-7 36789 | 346 5 23467 | 2348 24789 1 |
| 1345 13456(7) -136(579) | 1346 12346 8 | 234 -24(79) 2346 |
Loop[4] : HP(79)r9c38=7r9c2-7r6c2=(7-5)r6c3=5r9c3 @
4 Truths = {7R69 9R9 5C3}
4 Links = {7c2 69n3 9n8}
10 Eliminations --> r6c3<>138, r9c3<>136, r78c2<>7, r9c8<>24
Rank 0 of cells[16] : [7r9c2=12346r9c124579=5r912 and 12356B1]-5r56c12=1348r4c23.r56c12=7r6c2 @
16 Truths = {1N3 2N23 3N12 4N23 5N1 6N12 9N124579}
16 Links = {12346r9 5c12 7c2 1236b1 1348b4}
10 Eliminations --> r6c3<>138, r9c3<>136, r78c2<>7, r9c8<>24
OR ...
- Code: Select all
| 9 8 13 | 7 1234 1234 | 6 124 5 |
| 7 1236 136 | 5 123468 12346 | 9 1248 248 |
| 15 1256 4 | 168 12689 1269 | 128 3 7 |
| 6 134 138 | 1348 7 1349 | 12348 5 23489 |
| 13458 9 2 | 13468 13468 13456 | 7 148 348 |
| 13458 13457 -138(57) | 2 13489 13459 | 1348 6 3489 |
| 2 1346-7 1368(7) | 9 1346 1346(7) | 5 48(7) 3468 |
| 348 346-7 368(79) | 346 5 2346(7) | 2348 248(79) 1 |
| 1345 134567 -136(579) | 1346 12346 8 | 234 -24(79) 2346 |
Multifish[6] : 9r8c8=(9-7)r9c8=XW(7C68)-7r78c3=HP(57)r69c3-9r9c3=9r8c3 @
6 Truths = {5C3 7C368 9C38}
6 Links = {7r78 9r8 69n3 9n8}
10 Eliminations --> r6c3<>138, r9c3<>136, r78c2<>7, r9c8<>24
Rank 0 3x6cells+2cells [18] :
18 Truths = {12478N3 12345678N6 12578N8}
18 Links = {7r78 9r8 1368c3 123469c6 1248c8 5b5}
10 Eliminations --> r6c3<>138, r9c3<>136, r78c2<>7, r9c8<>24