Hidden Text: Show
12.3.....4.5...6...7.....2.6..1..3....453.........8..9...45.1.........8......2..7;5;elev;1;2;2789;R;C; ; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1345; c13457 r3689: 20 Links; 35c1 13c3 c4 14c5 45c7; 689r3 267r6 279r8 89r9; 6b8;
MSLS 2 : Base 2789; c2689 r2457: 16 Links; 89c2 79c6 79c8 28c9; 13r2 45r4 16r5 36r7;
MSLS 3 : Base 2789; r3689 c13457: 20 Links; 89r3 27r6 279r8 89r9; 35c1 136c3 6c4 146c5 45c7;
MSLS 4 : Base 2789; c2689 r12457: 19 Links; 89c2 79c6 79c8 28c9; 456r1 13r2 45r4 16r5 36r7;
MSLS 1 : Base 1357; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 37r2 5r4 1r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 8b4 8b6;
MSLS 2 : Base 1357; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 37r2 5r4 1357r5 1r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 8b4 8b6;
MSLS 3 : Base 1378; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 37r2 8r4 137r5 18r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 5b4 5b6;
MSLS 4 : Base 1378; c24568 r1379: 20 Links; 13c2 1c4 37c5 378c6 78c8; 49r1 26r3 26r7 49r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 5 : Base 2469; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 37r2 58r4 18r6 37r8;
MSLS 6 : Base 2469; r1379 c24568: 20 Links; 49r1 26r3 26r7 49r9; 13c2 15c4 357c5 378c6 78c8;
MSLS 7 : Base 2469; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 37r2 58r4 1357r5 18r6 37r8;
MSLS 8 : Base 3578; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 37r2 58r4 357r5 8r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 1b4 1b6;
1.......2..94...5..6....7.....89..4....3.6.....8.4.....2....1..7.......6..5.8..3.;12;tax;gsf-2007-05-24-003 64879;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 34c3 59c4 35c5 89c8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; r1378 c34568: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 34c3 9c4 3c5 3489c6 89c8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; c1279 r24569: 20 Links; 26c1 17c2 26c7 17c9; 38r2 3r4 489r5 39r6 49r9; 5b4 5b6;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; r13578 c3458: 19 Links; 67r1 12r3 127r5 67r7 12r8; 34c3 59c4 35c5 89c8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; c12679 r2469: 20 Links; 26c1 17c2 127c6 26c7 17c9; 38r2 35r4 359r6 49r9;
MSLS 6 : Base 1267; c12679 r24569: 24 Links; 26c1 17c2 127c6 26c7 17c9; 38r2 35r4 4589r5 359r6 49r9;
MSLS 7 : Base 3489; c3458 r1378: 16 Links; 34c3 9c4 3c5 89c8; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; r24569 c1279: 20 Links; 38r2 3r4 489r5 39r6 49r9; 26c1 17c2 26c7 17c9; 5b4 5b6;
MSLS 9 : Base 3489; c34568 r1378: 20 Links; 34c3 9c4 3c5 3489c6 89c8; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 10 : Base 3489; r24569 c12679: 24 Links; 38r2 3r4 489r5 39r6 49r9; 26c1 17c2 1257c6 26c7 17c9; 5b4 5b6;
6.......2.9.4...5...1...7...5..84.......2.......;13;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 39r4 89r6 45r8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 3r4 3458r5 8r6 45r8; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 17r1 26r3 167r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 38c6 39c8;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; c13579 r2468: 19 Links; 17c1 26c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 38r2 39r4 89r6 45r8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; r13579 c24568: 24 Links; 17r1 26r3 167r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 3459c5 38c6 39c8;
MSLS 6 : Base 3458; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 38r2 3r4 8r6 45r8; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 7 : Base 3458; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 38r2 3r4 3458r5 8r6 45r8; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; c24568 r13579: 24 Links; 48c2 89c4 349c5 38c6 39c8; 17r1 26r3 167r5 17r7 26r9; 5b2 5b8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.3.4.......6........58.4...2...6...3...9.8.7.......1;14;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 89r4 39r6 45r8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 8r4 3458r5 3r6 45r8; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 35c6 39c8;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; c13579 r2468: 19 Links; 26c1 17c3 127c5 12c7 67c9; 38r2 89r4 39r6 45r8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; r13579 c24568: 24 Links; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 3489c5 35c6 39c8;
MSLS 6 : Base 3458; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 38r2 8r4 3r6 45r8; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 7 : Base 3458; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 38r2 8r4 3458r5 3r6 45r8; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; c2468 r13579: 20 Links; 48c2 89c4 3c6 39c8; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 9 : Base 3489; c24568 r13579: 24 Links; 48c2 89c4 3489c5 3c6 39c8; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 5b2 5b8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.4.......29......3...9...7.....1.9...8.4.2.....6..;17;Hp54;4;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 48c2 59c4 35c6 38c8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; r1379 c24568: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 48c2 9c4 3489c5 3c6 38c8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 67c1 12c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 39r4 348r5 48r6 35r8; 5b6;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; r13579 c2468: 19 Links; 67r1 12r3 167r5 26r7 17r9; 48c2 59c4 35c6 38c8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; c13579 r2468: 20 Links; 67c1 12c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 89r2 39r4 458r6 35r8;
MSLS 6 : Base 1267; c13579 r24568: 24 Links; 67c1 12c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 89r2 39r4 3458r5 458r6 35r8;
MSLS 7 : Base 3458; c24568 r1379: 20 Links; 48c2 c4 348c5 3c6 38c8; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 5b2 5b8 9b2 9b8;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; c2468 r1379: 16 Links; 48c2 9c4 3c6 38c8; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 9 : Base 3489; c24568 r1379: 20 Links; 48c2 9c4 3489c5 3c6 38c8; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 10 : Base 3589; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 89r2 39r4 38r5 8r6 35r8; 67c1 12c3 12c7 67c9; 5b6 4b4 4b6;
MSLS 11 : Base 3589; r24568 c13579: 24 Links; 89r2 39r4 358r5 58r6 35r8; 67c1 12c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 4b4 4b6;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.9.4.......23......8...9...2...6...9...8.4.7.......1;18;Hp54;1;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 17r7 26r9; 48c2 35c4 59c6 38c8;
.2.4..7....6.....17...3......5....6..4.2..9.......5..8..1..8....9..7.......92.3..;20;elev;10;2;1568;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1568; r2467 c2457: 16 Links; 58r2 18r4 16r6 56r7; 37c2 37c4 49c5 24c7;
1.......9.5....2....87...4.2...3......48.5....8.6...7...6..4.5.........1....9.3..;21;elev;11;2;1239;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1239; c1579 r3567: 16 Links; 39c1 12c5 19c7 23c9; 56r3 67r5 45r6 78r7;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.6.........5.......2.7.1...3...8...6...4.2.9.......5;22;tax;m_b_metcalf;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 38r1 59r3 389r5 59r7 38r9; 17c2 47c4 126c6 46c8;
..3.8....7..2......6...9.1.........3.....596..9.....54.1...45..8...3......27.....;23;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;2378;R;C MSLS 1 : Base 2378; c1345 r3567: 16 Links; 23c1 78c3 38c4 27c5; 45r3 14r5 16r6 69r7;
1.......6.5.7...8...3...4.....5.8.9.....3.....8.92....6.....3...7...5.2...4.....1;24;col;H1;3;1346;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1346; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 34c1 16c3 16c7 34c9; 29r2 27r4 57r6 89r8;
98.7.....6..89......5..4...7...3.9....6...7....2....41.6..8.3.......1..5.......2.;25;GP;H2;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 14c3 25c6 15c8 24c9; 36r1 37r2 68r4 79r7;
98.7.....6..89......5..4...7...3.9....6...7....2....51.6..8.3.......1.4.........2;26;GP;H3;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 14c3 25c6 15c8 24c9; 36r1 37r2 68r4 79r7;
1......8......92....6.3...52....8.....5.7.....6.5....4..47...........91..3..6...7;28;elev;14;2;1289;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1289; r1248 c23459: 20 Links; 29r1 18r2 19r4 28r8; 457c2 37c3 346c4 45c5 36c9;
.2....78.4.......6.9..7..1....5....3.....1.......9.12..7..1.8..5....4.....67.3...;29;elev;7;2;3456;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3456; r2489 c2578: 16 Links; 35r2 46r4 36r8 45r9; 18c2 28c5 29c7 79c8;
.....6..94...8.2.....7...1.2.9...8....4.3.9...6.....;31;elev;4;2;1567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; c2468 r2457: 16 Links; 15c2 16c4 57c6 67c8; 39r2 34r4 28r5 29r7;
1....6.......8.2...9.7....5.7.3...5......16....4....73..59....48...2.....3.......;32;elev;L1;2;1268;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1268; c1567 r3467: 16 Links; 26c1 16c5 28c6 18c7; 34r3 49r4 59r6 37r7;
1.......9.4...3.8...2...6...7..58.......2.......7.4.5...6...2...3.8...7.9.......1;38;tax;tarek-2803;3;1269;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1269; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 19c3 19c7 26c9; 57r2 34r4 38r6 45r8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.3.4......96.........8.4...2...6...3...9.8.7.......1;39;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 17r7 26r9; 48c2 58c4 35c6 39c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.3.......7.......95..8.7.....6...9...8.3...2.....1;40;tax;jpf-04/08;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 49r4 34r6 45r8;
..34..7.......9..2....1..5.2.........38...6..6.43.........2..9......5..1.6.8..3..;41;tarekdb;pearly6000-4268;3;1259;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c5689 r1569: 16 Links; 59c5 12c6 12c8 59c9; 68r1 47r5 78r6 47r9;
..34..7.......9..2....1..5.27........38...6....43.........2..9......5..1.6.8..3..;42;tarekdb;pearly6000-3802;3;1259;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; r2378 c2347: 16 Links; 15r2 29r3 15r7 29r8; 48c2 67c3 67c4 48c7;
..345........89......2..4...1......7..4.2.8..9......6...28..5..6......9..7......1;45;tarekdb;pearly6000-3112;3;1679;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1679; r4689 c3457: 16 Links; 69r4 17r6 17r8 69r9; 58c3 35c4 34c5 23c7;
..34...8..........7....25..2..........49...1.9.....6.7.....5..6..9.1..3..8.34....;46;elev;L2;2;2567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2567; c1679 r1589: 16 Links; 56c1 67c6 27c7 25c9; 19r1 38r5 48r8 19r9;
.2...6......1...3...9.7...5..5....78.3.....1.8...4.5....4.9.8...6...2...9.......7;47;elev;H1;2;1236;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; r1258 c13579: 20 Links; 13r1 26r2 26r5 13r8; 457c1 78c3 58c5 479c7 49c9;
...4...8...6..91......3...42....56...7..4..3...5........1..2...5.....9...8..6...7;49;elev;29;2;3478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c1367 r1359: 16 Links; 19c1 29c3 1c6 25c7; 37r1 78r3 68r5 34r9; 6b2;
...4....9....8.1...8..13........8..7.3..6.2....75......1...26....4.....59......7.;50;elev;L4;2;4579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4579; r1689 c2567: 16 Links; 57r1 49r6 79r8 45r9; 26c2 23c5 16c6 38c7;
1.......2..34...5..6....7.....85..9....3.6.....8.9.....2....1..7.......6..9.8..3.;51;tax;jpf-04/14/B4;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 45c3 59c4 34c5 48c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.4.......73......9...8.7.....6...4...8.9...2.....1;52;tax;jpf-04/14/01;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 12r7 67r9; 89c2 35c4 59c6 34c8;
..1...5...2.4...6.3....7....6.28........9..2.......4.65.....1...9.8...4...7.....3;54;col;H2;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c1379 r2458: 16 Links; 17c1 35c3 37c7 157c9; 89r2 9r4 8r5 26r8; 4b4;
....56.8...71.....6.....4.......85...3......29...4..6..1.7.......2.....38...9..5.;55;elev;30;2;1237;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1237; r2578 c15678: 20 Links; 23r2 17r5 23r7 17r8; 45c1 68c5 459c6 689c7 49c8;
98.7.....7..6..8....5.4....37....6...6.........2....31...3..98.....1...2.....5..4;57;GP;H8;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; r3689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r3 45r6 45r8 12r9; 68c1 39c2 89c4 37c7;
12...6....5...92....8.3........7...3...8....49....15....4....7.56....9..........1;58;elev;L5;2;3478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3478; r3457 c1267: 16 Links; 47r3 48r4 37r5 38r7; 26c1 19c2 25c6 16c7;
1.......2..34...5..6....7......3..4....8.6.....954.....2....1..7.......6..5.9..8.;60;tax;jpf-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 48c3 39c4 58c5 39c8;
..34....9.5...9.......2.1..2...7.....84........98....3.9.5....86......7.....1.6..;62;elev;21;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r3489 c2349: 16 Links; 67r3 16r4 12r8 27r9; 34c2 58c3 39c4 45c9;
.2...6......18......8.3.4....49....3....4.8..5......7.7......2...13..9...6...5...;63;elev;23;2;2567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2567; r1679 c3457: 16 Links; 57r1 26r6 56r7 27r9; 39c3 48c4 19c5 13c7;
.2....7..4....9..3....1..6....3.5..88.......5.6....2...1..7....5..9.4.....98.....;65;elev;22;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1367 c1469: 16 Links; 16r1 27r3 17r6 26r7; 39c1 45c4 38c6 49c9;
1.....7.9.57....3..8.7.....2...4......68......38....5......1..4....9...2...3..56.;68;elev;25;2;1249;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1249; r1478 c2348: 16 Links; 24r1 19r4 29r7 14r8; 67c2 35c3 56c4 78c8;
1.....7.9.57....3..8.7.....2...4......68......38....5......1..2....9...4...3..56.;71;elev;26;2;1249;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1249; r1478 c2348: 16 Links; 24r1 19r4 49r7 12r8; 67c2 35c3 56c4 78c8;
1....6.8.4......36....7.5...4...1..3....2......97......3...8.6...25..9...1.......;72;elev;27;2;2579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2579; c3457 r1247: 16 Links; 57c3 29c4 59c5 27c7; 34r1 18r2 68r4 14r7;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.3.......74......9...8.7.....6...9...8.3...2.....1;74;tax;jpf-04/14/02;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 12r7 67r9; 48c2 35c4 59c6 49c8;
..34...8..5....1..7.......6.1....5....8.9..2.6.......7..294........3..4....8.5...;75;tarekdb;pearly6000-4143;3;1567;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; r2346 c3458: 16 Links; 67r2 15r3 67r4 15r6; 49c3 23c4 28c5 39c8;
3.......8.7.5...1...6...4...9.2.1.......4.......97..2.4.....3...5...2.7...8.....6;76;tax;tarek-ultra-0313;3;3468;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1279; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 29r2 7r4 1r6 19r8; 68c1 34c3 68c7 34c9; 5b4 5b6;
3.......1.4...2.7...5...8......76.4.....5.....6.2.9...1.....5...7.6...9...8.....3;77;tax;tarek-1847;3;1358;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1358; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 58c1 13c3 13c7 58c9; 69r2 29r4 47r6 24r8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...3...9.8...2.....1;78;tax;Easter-Monster;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 48r4 39r6 45r8;
..3.5....4....9....8.7....1..5.3.....1.6...2.9....4......8...72.6......8......41.;80;tarekdb;pearly6000-3978;3;3459;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1278; c2489 r1246: 16 Links; 27c2 12c4 8c8 7c9; 49r1 35r2 49r4 35r6; 6b3 6b6;
...1....9.......85..9.5..6...5.3...6.7...2...1..4.......3.8..9..2...73..4........;82;col;H3;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 14r8 127r9; 68c3 69c5 5c8 8c9; 3b6;
.......35.....2.6...3.5..8...5.9...6.7....9..1..4.......6.8..9..2.1.....4....7...;83;col;H4;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 124r5 27r6 47r8 12r9; 89c3 36c5 5c8 38c9;
..345.........9......2.34...1......7..4.2.8..9......6...28..5..6......9..7......1;86;tarekdb;pearly6000-3238;3;1679;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1679; c1289 r1357: 16 Links; 17c1 69c2 17c8 69c9; 28r1 58r3 35r5 34r7;
...4......5..8...3..9..2....9..6.3.......4.1...47...2..6....8..8...9...5..1....7.;88;elev;43;2;1247;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; c3468 r2478: 16 Links; 27c3 12c4 17c6 4c8; 69r2 58r4 359r7 36r8;
....5.7.....1.9.6.........52....8.16.......2..3....4.7.7..4......19.2...9.86.....;89;elev;42;2;3457;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3457; c2579 r2489: 15 Links; 45c2 37c5 35c7 34c9; 28r2 9r4 68r8 12r9;
1...5..8...7.....6.9.2.........13....7.9..4..8..5......4.6..9.......5.3...2...6.7;90;elev;45;2;1358;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1358; r1468 c23479: 19 Links; 3r1 58r4 13r6 18r8; 26c2 469c3 47c4 27c7 249c9;
1....6.8....7....3.9....5....5.4.....4....2..6....1.3...2.9....8....3.7....8....6;91;elev;44;2;2459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2459; r3457 c14689: 20 Links; 24r3 29r4 59r5 45r7; 37c1 136c4 78c6 16c8 178c9;
....5..8...67..1.......3..426.9.............19.7...2...3..4..1......8..5..21..6..;92;elev;41;3;3458;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2679; r2469 c5689: 16 Links; 29r2 7r4 6r6 79r9; 38c5 45c6 345c8 38c9; 1b5;
..3.5...9...1..........2....7...1.6.5........;96;elev;49;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c2468 r1689: 16 Links; 126c2 67c4 67c6 12c8; 48r1 5r6 39r8 59r9;
....5..8.4....9..3...2..1...6...3.....18...3.93......7..2...5...7...4..66..5.....;98;elev;L8;2;1258;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1258; r1357 c1269: 16 Links; 12r1 58r3 25r5 18r7; 37c1 49c2 67c6 49c9;
.......8...6...12....2..6.5..15..9..8....3....4..7....3....8.....21....6.7..4....;99;col;H5;3;3478;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3478; c1256 r2348: 16 Links; 47c1 38c2 38c5 47c6; 59r2 19r3 26r4 59r8;
3....97...6..4......18.....5......93.....327.........8..4.1....2....7.5..8.6.....;100;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;1468;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1468; c2345 r1458: 16 Links; 14c2 68c3 14c4 68c5; 25r1 27r4 59r5 39r8;
1......8......913.......5.6..7.4....3....1.5..6.2.....5....89...4..7......26.....;101;tax;col-201107-M3-3;3;2467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2467; r4689 c1678: 16 Links; 26r4 47r6 26r8 47r9; 89c1 35c6 38c7 19c8;
987......65.........49..8..5..8..7......3..4......2..1.6.7..5......4...3.....1.2.;102;GP;H10;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 12r8 34r9; 78c1 79c2 56c4 69c7;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4...2.......5.......7.6.1...3...8...6...4.2.9.......5;103;tax;StrmCkr;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 38r1 59r3 389r5 59r7 38r9; 17c2 246c4 17c6 46c8;
98.7..6....5.4.......9...8.6.....3.937......8..2....1..3.6..8......5.........1.4.;105;GP;H14;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3568 r1457: 16 Links; 14c3 12c5 245c6 25c8; 3r1 78r4 69r5 79r7;
....5.7.......9.32...1.2.6...4......8...4.....3.2.1....1.6...9.5.7...8...9....3..;107;elev;51;2;4578;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4578; r1458 c2468: 16 Links; 48r1 578r4 57r5 4r8; 26c2 39c4 36c6 12c8;
.23..6...4...8......93.7.......6..7..769...2.5.......1........5.3.6...9.....1.8..;108;elev;54;2;1458;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1458; c1579 r1358: 16 Links; 18c1 45c5 145c7 48c9; 79r1 26r3 3r5 27r8;
.23...7..4.......66......1....5.8.....57.....97..6.......8.23....2..58......1...4;109;elev;53;2;1469;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1469; r2369 c3467: 16 Links; 19r2 49r3 14r6 69r9; 78c3 23c4 37c6 25c7;
98.7.....7..8..6....5.4....63....9...7.........2....31...3..89.....2...5.....4..2;111;GP;H12;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; r3689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r3 45r6 14r8 15r9; 38c1 69c2 69c4 37c7;
98.7.....6..89......5..4...7...3.9....6...7....2....41.6..8.3.......1.5.........2;112;GP;H15;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 14c3 25c6 12c8 45c9; 36r1 37r2 68r4 79r7;
12.....8..5....13...9.....421...3.......7......76........94...6.....5..38....2.5.;113;elev;57;2;4679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4679; r3567 c1268: 16 Links; 67r3 469r5 49r6 7r7; 35c1 38c2 18c6 12c8;
1......8..5......68.9..21..............57...2..4..8.9.....6...3..1..4.2..7.3.....;114;elev;L9;2;3567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1489; r1368 c2459: 16 Links; 49r1 4r3 1r6 89r8; 236c2 67c4 35c5 57c9; 2b5;
1....67......8...6.9.2........9...5.3...1.8........6.1..2....4.7...3...8..45.....;115;elev;55;2;2459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2459; r3479 c1579: 16 Links; 45r3 24r4 59r7 29r9; 68c1 67c5 13c7 37c9;
1.3....8..5......6..9.2.1.......4..78...9..1....5....23..6......4...7.....1.3..2.;116;elev;56;2;4567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2389; r1359 c2469: 16 Links; 29r1 38r3 23r5 89r9; 67c2 47c4 56c6 45c9;
1.......2..34...5..6....7......3..4....5.6.....894.....2....1..7.......6..5.8..9.;117;tax;jpf-04/14/14;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 49c3 38c4 59c5 38c8;
..3.....9...1...63.....75....196.....4.......7....5......6...21..92...3.8.....4..;119;elev;L10;2;4578;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4578; r3569 c3489: 16 Links; 48r3 578r5 48r6 57r9; 26c3 3c4 19c8 26c9;
....56..94......3...9...5.12..........6..81...4.7...........9....8.6...5.3.2...7.;122;elev;36;2;2347;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2347; c1248 r1358: 16 Links; 37c1 27c2 34c4 24c8; 18r1 68r3 59r5 19r8;
1.3.......5...9...6...3.1..2.....3....4.1...2.8.....7..7...5......8...9...6.2.4..;124;elev;40;2;5789;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5789; r2678 c1357: 16 Links; 78r2 59r6 89r7 57r8; 34c1 12c3 46c5 26c7;
1.....7.9.57....3..8.7.....2....4.....68......38....5......1..2....9...4...3..56.;125;elev;38;2;1249;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1249; r1478 c2348: 16 Links; 24r1 19r4 49r7 12r8; 67c2 35c3 56c4 78c8;
1.......7.2.4...6...3...5...4.2.9.......46.9....5.......7...1...8.9...2.5.......3;133;col;H6;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c1379 r2458: 16 Links; 37c1 15c3 37c7 15c9; 89r2 68r4 28r5 46r8;
.2...6......1...3...9.7...5..5....78.3.....1.8...4.5....4.9.8...6.2.....9.......7;135;elev;H3;2;1236;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; r1258 c13579: 20 Links; 13r1 26r2 26r5 13r8; 457c1 78c3 58c5 479c7 49c9;
5.......8.3...2.4...9...1......27.3....5.4....7.63....8.....9...4.7...6...1.....5;140;tax;tarek-2228;3;1589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 19c1 58c3 58c7 19c9; 67r2 46r4 24r6 23r8;
6.......2.9.4...5...1...7...5.34........6.......;141;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 89r4 39r6 45r8;
9.......7.1...8.3...2...5.......6.1....32.....6.1.4...7.....2...3.6...4...5.....9;142;tax;tarek-2164;3;2579;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2579; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 25r1 79r3 59r7 27r9; 48c2 48c4 13c6 68c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...8.5.9.......7.......83..4.7.....6...5...8.9...2.....1;144;tax;jpf-04/05;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 34r4 59r6 34r8;
1......89.....91.2......4....76......3..4....9....2..5..4.7....5....8.1..6.3.....;148;tax;tarek-4/08;3;3467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1289; r1268 c2345: 16 Links; 2r1 8r2 18r6 29r8; 47c2 36c3 47c4 36c5; 5b1 5b2;
9876.....65....7...........5...4..3..2......1..68..5....59..8......3..2......1..4;153;GP;H21;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1267: 16 Links; 12c5 234c6 14c8 23c9; 5r1 89r2 79r6 67r7;
98.7.....76....5....5.......9..4..3...85..6.......2..1..98..7......3..2......1..4;160;GP;H22;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 12c5 34c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 89r2 79r5 56r7;
2.......3.1.7...6...4...5...8.6.9.......2.......81..9.5.....2...7...6.1...3.....4;162;tax;tarek-3033;3;2345;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1689; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 89r2 1r4 6r6 89r8; 34c1 25c3 34c7 25c9; 7b4 7b6;
.2...6.....71....6....3..5...86......1...8..75...4......1..2..8....9..4.9..8..3..;166;elev;L11;2;3459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3459; r3689 c23469: 19 Links; 49r3 39r6 35r8 45r9; 678c2 26c3 27c4 17c6 12c9;
....5.....5.1....3..9..7.5..3....8..6.......1..5.2..4......5.7...2.94....8.6..4..;168;elev;133;2;1368;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1368; r2459 c3568: 16 Links; 68r2 16r4 38r5 13r9; 47c3 47c5 29c6 29c8;
.2.4.......7..9...6...3.5.............4..1.9.8.....3.15...6...3....1.6.8..67...2.;172;elev;100;2;2479;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2479; r1259 c1579: 16 Links; 79r1 24r2 27r5 49r9; 13c1 58c5 18c7 56c9;
98.7.....7..........6.5.7..4..8...7..3....89......2..1.9.4...3...2.6.........1..5;174;GP;H26;2;1256;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1256; r3689 c1248: 16 Links; 12r3 56r6 15r8 26r9; 38c1 47c2 39c4 48c8;
....5....4....9.3..8.1....6.1.8....5.....24....756....3......2.......9...68.....7;175;elev;L12;2;2349;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2349; c1678 r3469: 16 Links; 29c1 34c6 23c7 49c8; 57r3 67r4 18r6 15r9;
....5...9..67......8...2.4.23....8....79......4...3.1.....6...5......2.......143.;176;elev;101;2;5679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5679; r1257 c2678: 16 Links; 67r1 59r2 56r5 79r7; 12c2 48c6 13c7 28c8;
4....91...2..3......75.....8......9......461.......8.5..3.7....6....1.8..5.2.....;177;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;2357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1689; c1678 r2379: 16 Links; 19c1 68c6 9c7 6c8; 57r2 23r3 25r7 37r9; 4b3 4b9;
........94..7...3...9..15..2...6..7..9....8..........16..37......8..5....3..2..4.;178;elev;L13;2;1589;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; c3679 r2479: 16 Links; 15c3 89c6 19c7 58c9; 26r2 34r4 24r7 67r9;
..7..1...6...9.2...3.5.....9.....6.8.......3.....8..922...4...9..13......5...7...;179;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c2346 r2467: 16 Links; 17c2 35c3 17c4 35c6; 48r2 24r4 46r6 68r7;
1...56..9...7.........3.56...8...4...7.2.....6....3.1.3...9..5...2.......4....8..;183;elev;104;2;2478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2478; c2347 r1367: 15 Links; 28c2 47c3 48c4 27c7; 3r1 19r3 59r6 16r7;
...4....9....8.12.....135..2...3.8...4.........96.....3...21.5.5.........6......7;185;elev;105;2;4679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4679; c2349 r2347: 16 Links; 79c2 467c3 79c4 46c9; 35r2 28r3 15r4 8r7;
1...5...9..7...2...6.2.......83..6...7.......5....4..3....4...1....9..4..3.7..8..;186;elev;108;2;1459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1459; r1678 c2347: 16 Links; 4r1 19r6 59r7 15r8; 28c2 236c3 68c4 37c7;
..34..........9..6.9..7..1...4...8...7..6..2.5.....3......9...28..5.7....1...2.7.;191;elev;H7;2;3458;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1269; c25689 r1468: 19 Links; 26c2 12c5 16c6 69c8 19c9; 58r1 35r4 48r6 34r8; 7b6;
....5...9...1...3.6.8...5..2.9.....8..5.9.....4...7...5...6...2.1...4......3...7.;198;elev;69;2;1347;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1347; r2689 c1359: 16 Links; 47r2 13r6 37r8 14r9; 89c1 26c3 28c5 56c9;
.2.4...8......9..66.....5..2....39..........5.7..4..1.3....5.....17...2..8..1....;201;elev;88;2;3569;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1478; r1689 c1679: 16 Links; 17r1 8r6 48r8 47r9; 59c1 26c6 36c7 39c9; 2b6;
...4..7......8...2..9..15....49...7..3......6...5..41...71.5...6........8...2....;211;elev;71;2;2368;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2368; r2589 c34678: 20 Links; 36r2 28r5 238r8 36r9; 15c3 7c4 479c6 19c7 459c8;
....5.7.9..71....6.8.....4.2..........6.9.5...4...3...3....8.2.....6......19..6..;214;elev;70;2;2348;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2348; c1268 r1259: 16 Links; 48c1 23c2 24c6 38c8; 16r1 59r2 17r5 57r9;
.....7.39.......85..3.5......9.3...6.7...2...1..4.......6.8..9..2.1..6..4........;216;col;H9;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 47r8 127r9; 58c3 69c5 5c8 38c9;
1....67..4.7.8.....9.....5...4..16......4.....3.5....2...2...9.........3..8.1.4..;222;elev;93;2;2359;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2359; c2489 r1249: 16 Links; 25c2 39c4 23c8 59c9; 48r1 16r2 78r4 67r9;
98.7.....7...8.6....5..4...6..3..9...9.....2...4..1..6.3.8..7.......2.1.........5;227;GP;H29;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 12c3 5c6 45c8 124c9; 36r1 39r2 78r4 69r7;
..3.5...9...1..2...8...7.....4....6.3...4...5.7...2.....6.3..9.8......43...8..1..;232;elev;77;2;1278;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1278; r2369 c3589: 16 Links; 78r2 12r3 18r6 27r9; 59c3 69c5 35c8 46c9;
1.....7...5......6...;234;elev;92;2;4568;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4568; r2457 c1457: 16 Links; 48r2 68r4 45r5 56r7; 23c1 17c4 37c5 29c7;
8.......5.6...2.3...7...9......31.2.....7.....1.6.4...5.....7...3.1...4...9.....8;247;tax;tarek-2153;3;5789;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5789; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 79c1 58c3 58c7 79c9; 14r2 46r4 23r6 26r8;
8.......5.1...3.2...4...7.......1.3....28.....9.3.6...5.....4...2.9...6...7.....8;249;tax;tarek-3025;3;4578;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4578; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 47r1 58r3 78r7 45r9; 36c2 16c4 29c6 19c8;
1.......7.3...9.6...5...2......43.9.....1.....4.9.8...7.....5...6.4...8...2.....1;250;tax;tarek-3038;3;1257;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1257; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 25c1 17c3 17c7 25c9; 48r2 68r4 36r6 39r8;
98.7.....76....9....5.......5..4..3...98..6.......2..1..65..7......1...4.....3.2.;252;GP;H33;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 23c5 14c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 58r2 57r5 89r7;
3.....9...7...1.5...2.....4....76.1....3.5....6.81....4.....2...5.6...8...9.....3;254;tax;tarek-2191;3;2349;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1678; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 68r2 8r4 7r6 17r8; 29c1 34c3 34c7 29c9; 5b4 5b6;
98.7.....76....8....5......5...4..3...89..7.......2..1..95..6......3..2......1..4;257;GP;H36;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 12c5 34c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 59r2 56r5 78r7;
.7......1..29...5.8.....4....625.........7......;261;tax;tarek-1839;3;1478;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1478; c1279 r2469: 16 Links; 17c1 48c2 18c7 47c9; 36r2 39r4 25r6 29r9;
5.......7.8...9.3...4...2...1..36.......4.......1.8.6...2...4...9.3...1.7.......5;268;tax;tarek-1802;3;2457;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1368; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 16r2 8r4 3r6 68r8; 24c1 57c3 57c7 24c9; 9b4 9b6;
9.......2.8...7.4...6...1......58.7.....1.....5.7.3...2.....6...4.5...3...1.....9;269;tax;tarek-2263;3;1269;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1269; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 16c1 29c3 29c7 16c9; 35r2 34r4 48r6 78r8;
1...........7.9.3...9.32.....1.9..7.5.....6...4......8...6....5..2.7..1.8.....4..;275;elev;274;3;4568;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2379; r2348 c1279: 16 Links; 2r2 7r3 23r4 39r8; 46c1 568c2 58c7 46c9; 1b3;
....5....4.7..9....89...4......3...1...2...6.7....58......6..2..1.5....39....85..;281;elev;272;3;1236;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; c4589 r2369: 16 Links; 136c4 12c5 13c8 26c9; 8r2 7r3 49r6 47r9; 5b3;
...4....9.5..8..3......715.2...9.....8...15....46......7...3.1.6.......2......3.5;286;elev;L16;2;2469;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2469; r1468 c2678: 16 Links; 26r1 46r4 29r6 49r8; 13c2 58c6 78c7 78c8;
.....67..4......3...82....5.1..9.......7..6....5..8..2..2..78...3..1....9......4.;288;elev;278;2;1349;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1349; r2489 c34679: 20 Links; 19r2 34r4 49r8 13r9; 67c3 568c4 25c6 25c7 678c9;
3.......2.9...4.6...5...7......68.9.....7.....8.9.1...2.....5...6.8...1...7.....3;293;tax;tarek-2233;3;2357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2357; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 57c1 23c3 23c7 57c9; 18r2 14r4 46r6 49r8;
.2...6.8.4..........93..1.....5..9.......7.2...6.9...3..16....58....4.7..4.......;300;elev;288;2;2478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1359; r3467 c1268: 16 Links; 5r3 13r4 15r6 39r7; 27c1 78c2 28c6 46c8; 6b1;
5.......4.8...6.9...1...2...7.3.8.......5.......79..3...2...1...6.9...8.4.......5;304;tax;tarek-ultra-0006;3;1245;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 12c1 45c3 45c7 12c9; 37r2 69r4 68r6 37r8;
.2.......4....9.3...8.2...1...7...5...6.....89....34..5..9......1..6.......5.4.7.;306;elev;291;2;1268;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1268; r1358 c1468: 16 Links; 168r1 6r3 12r5 28r8; 37c1 34c4 57c6 49c8;
....5.7.9..71....6.8.....4.2..........6.9.1...4...3...3....8.2....9.......5.7.6..;311;elev;294;2;2348;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2348; c1268 r1259: 16 Links; 48c1 23c2 24c6 38c8; 16r1 59r2 57r5 19r9;
98.76....5.....9...4.....7.3.......5.2.4...6......91....8.2..4....84.........1..3;317;GP;H50;2;1359;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1359; r2469 c2458: 16 Links; 13r2 19r4 35r6 59r9; 67c2 26c4 78c5 28c8;
98.76....7..5..9....4......5...8.6...3.....4...2.....1...9....3...85.7.......1.2.;318;GP;H49;2;1234;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r3569 c1457: 16 Links; 123r3 12r5 34r6 34r9; 68c1 6c4 79c5 58c7;
..3..67...5.1.........2.......59...4.......1...4..78...9.....2...6.....88....46.3;319;elev;L18;2;1259;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c2458 r1689: 16 Links; 12c2 29c4 15c5 59c8; 48r1 36r6 347r8 7r9;
........9.....1.35..3.9..6...5.3...6.7...2...1..4.......9.8..5..2.7.....4.....8..;321;col;H12;1;1247; ; ;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 14r8 127r9; 68c3 56c5 9c8 3c9; 8b6;
....5.7..4....9.3..8.2..........5.4.3...4.9.....6....15...7..9..68........1.....2;322;elev;210;2;1268;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1268; c2349 r12457: 20 Links; 12c2 26c3 18c4 68c9; 349r1 57r2 379r4 57r5 34r7;
.2.4....9..7.8....6....3.1....3..5....1.6.....3...5..2.4.5..9........3.48......7.;324;elev;L21;2;1678;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1678; r2359 c2479: 16 Links; 16r2 78r3 78r5 16r9; 59c2 29c4 24c7 35c9;
98.7.....6...5.9....5....6.5...4..3..7...2..1..6...4....3.9..4....1....2.....8...;327;GP;H51;2;1278;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1278; r1589 c13578: 19 Links; 12r1 8r5 78r8 127r9; 34c1 49c3 36c5 356c7 59c8;
1..4..7....6.8..2..9...1....1.3......7...49....5.....8....2...6...1.73.........5.;329;elev;216;2;2568;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2568; r2679 c2467: 16 Links; 5r2 26r6 58r7 268r9; 34c2 79c4 39c6 14c7;
1....6.......892.....3...4.2...9.6...3.6....7..4....5...57...6..........8....21..;330;elev;L22;1;12689;R; ; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3457; r3567 c1567: 16 Links; 57r3 45r5 37r6 34r7; 69c1 12c5 18c6 89c7;
1....6....5.7.......8.3..4......3.9...4.9.8.....5....6.7......1..9...23.8...2.9..;331;elev;214;2;1567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; r1267 c3578: 16 Links; 57r1 16r2 17r6 56r7; 23c3 48c5 34c7 28c8;
.....6..9.5..8.1..7..2.....2.......6......84..8..3..1...1.4..3..4....5..9....7...;332;elev;209;2;2679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2679; r1349 c2578: 16 Links; 27r1 69r3 79r4 26r9; 13c2 15c5 34c7 58c8;
1....6....5.....3...9.2...4...89......82....7.3...5.......4...8.1.....6...27..9..;337;elev;220;2;1356;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1356; r1268 c3459: 16 Links; 35r1 16r2 16r6 35r8; 47c3 49c4 78c5 29c9;
1..4...8..5......6..9...1......7...3..89...2.9.....4...6...5.....28...1.....3...7;338;elev;221;2;3567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3567; r2479 c13478: 20 Links; 37r2 56r4 37r7 56r9; 248c1 14c3 12c4 289c7 49c8;
1...5.7.......9.....62...4......59..3...91....4.8.....5....73....2.....8.......67;341;elev;226;2;2468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2468; r3689 c1567: 16 Links; 8r3 26r6 46r8 248r9; 79c1 137c5 3c6 15c7;
1..4......5...9.3...8.2......9..836..3....9..7.......2.6...58.....7.........1...4;342;elev;227;2;1247;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; c1459 r2457: 16 Links; 24c1 12c4 47c5 17c9; 68r2 5r4 568r5 39r7;
1....6..9..7.8.2.....3......8....94........7.9..5....33..9.5.....2.4..9....6....1;343;elev;225;2;2478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2478; r2458 c1469: 16 Links; 4r2 27r4 248r5 78r8; 56c1 1c4 139c6 56c9;
.2...6.8.4..........93....4.8..6...7....27.1....5..9..3.......1..5...4...7..1..6.;344;elev;L25;2;3459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3459; c1347 r1459: 16 Links; 59c1 34c3 49c4 35c7; 17r1 12r4 68r5 28r9;
.2.4..........9.3.6...37....6......1..8...4..9....5.6..1.8....27...9..5......3...;345;elev;224;2;1248;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1248; r1457 c1568: 16 Links; 18r1 248r4 12r5 4r7; 35c1 567c5 6c6 79c8;
.2...6.8...71.......9.....5..59.........6.....3..42........864..4..3..2.7.......1;346;elev;L24;2;1579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1579; r2349 c2568: 16 Links; 59r2 17r3 17r4 59r9; 68c2 28c5 34c6 36c8;
....5...9..71..2.......3.4.2..7..6...3...2..5..8........28......4..9....8.6...1..;347;elev;L23;2;3459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3459; r1358 c1347: 16 Links; 34r1 59r3 49r5 35r8; 167c1 1c3 26c4 78c7;
1...5......7..92...89.....4...6...5.3...1......4..7..8......8.......29.7...3...6.;348;elev;L26;2;1356;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1356; r1459 c3679: 16 Links; 36r1 13r4 56r5 15r9; 28c3 48c6 47c7 29c9;
.2...6.....71...3.8.......4..5...97.6...9...8......3...4...2......97..1...93..5..;349;elev;229;2;2468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2468; r1357 c3478: 16 Links; 48r1 26r3 24r5 68r7; 13c3 57c4 17c7 59c8;
...45...9.......3......71...3...8.7...65....29.........1....8..5.4.6......92....4;352;elev;228;2;1378;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1378; c2678 r1589: 16 Links; 78c2 13c6 37c7 18c8; 26r1 49r5 29r8 56r9;
...45.7...5.1....6..8..3.5..4.5....7..9....2.8.....3.....7..........29...6..4...1;356;elev;L27;2;2389;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2389; r3568 c2459: 16 Links; 29r3 38r5 29r6 38r8; 17c2 6c4 167c5 45c9;
1......89.....913.........6..7.4....3....1.5..6.2.....5....89...4..7......26.....;360;tax;col-201107-M3-4;3;2467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1389; r1257 c2345: 16 Links; 3r1 8r2 89r5 13r7; 27c2 46c3 47c4 26c5; 5b1 5b2;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.7.2.......9.......46..1.3.....8...6...4.2...9.....5;362;tax;stpatrick-01;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 89c1 35c3 59c7 38c9; 46r2 16r4 27r6 17r8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...8.9.3.......7.......85..3.7.....6...5...9.8...2.....1;363;tax;jpf;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 45r4 49r6 34r8;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.7.2.......51......6...1...3...8...6...4.2.9.......5;364;tax;coloin-mbmplus5b;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 38r1 59r3 59r7 38r9; 17c2 24c4 67c6 46c8;
...6..7......2...4..9..3.8.3....8.1....7..6......4...29.8....5.51...9....4.......;369;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;2467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; r3478 c4579: 16 Links; 15r3 59r4 1r7 8r8; 24c4 67c5 24c7 67c9; 3b8 3b9;
.....3..27...9..6....5..4.....2....5..1.6..9......43..8.5.1....16........97....8.;370;tax;tarek-ultra-0339;3;2345;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1678; r25789 c4679: 20 Links; 18r2 78r5 67r7 78r8 16r9; 34c4 25c6 25c7 34c9; 9b8 9b9;
...4..7....6.8...2.....3.5......73...1..2...6...5...4.5.2......86..9....9.1.....8;371;elev;H40;3;3457;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1689; r2589 c4678: 16 Links; 19r2 89r5 1r8 6r9; 37c4 45c6 45c7 37c8; 2b8 2b9;
9.......4.5...3.7...2...6.....7.1.3.....6.....1.35....4.....2...3.8...5...6.....9;372;tax;tarek071223170000- 95371;3;2469;R;C;X;MSLS 1 : Base 1578; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 18r2 58r4 78r6 17r8; 26c1 49c3 49c7 26c9;
1.......6.2.5...4...3...7...4.89.......2.4.......15.8...7...3...5...9.2.6.......1;373;tax;coloin-05/11/01;3;1367;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1367; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 37r1 16r3 16r7 37r9; 89c2 49c4 28c6 59c8;
98.7.....7.6...9...54......8..5..6......4..3......2..1.7.9..5......3..4......1..2;375;GP;H61;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 12r8 34r9; 56c1 69c2 68c4 78c7;
98.7.....7.6...9...54......8..4..6......5..3......2..1..96..8......3...5.....1.2.;376;GP;H63;3;1235;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1235; r5689 c1347: 16 Links; 12r5 35r6 12r8 35r9; 46c1 78c3 89c4 47c7;
98.7.....7.6...8...54.......7.6..9......3..4......2..1..89..5......1..3......4..2;377;GP;H60;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1247: 16 Links; 24c5 13c6 12c8 34c9; 56r1 59r2 58r4 67r7;
9876.....65....9............4..3..9...69..8.......2..1..58..7......4...2.....1.3.;378;GP;H66;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 12c5 34c6 124c8 34c9; 5r1 78r2 57r5 69r7;
9876.....65....8...........5...4..3..2......1..97..5....58..6......1...2.....3.4.;379;GP;H62;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1267: 16 Links; 23c5 124c6 12c8 34c9; 5r1 79r2 68r6 79r7;
987......65.........49..6..7..5..8......4..3......2..1.9.6..5......1..4......3..2;382;GP;H65;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 23r8 14r9; 58c1 67c2 78c4 79c7;
1.......6.5.9...8...3...4.....2.9.7.....67....9.5.....6.....3...8...5.2...4.....1;383;col;H14;3;1346;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1346; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 34r1 16r3 14r7 36r9; 27c2 78c4 28c6 59c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...9.54.......3.9.......86.4...2...1...5...8.3.7.......6;384;tax;col-201107-M2-17;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c24568: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r9; 48c2 89c4 359c5 345c6 89c8;
98.7.....6.7...8...54.......7.8..5......3..6......2..1..95..4......6...3.....1.2.;385;GP;H56;3;1236;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; r5689 c2347: 16 Links; 12r5 36r6 12r8 36r9; 49c2 58c3 49c4 79c7;
987......65.9..7............4..6..3...85..6.......2..1..56..9......1..2......3..4;386;GP;H69;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 234c5 14c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 8r2 79r5 78r7;
987......65.........47..6..7..9..5......4..3......2..1.6.5..8......3..4......1..2;387;GP;H68;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 12r8 34r9; 58c1 79c2 68c4 79c7;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...8.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...4...9.3...2.....1;391;tax;jpf-04/05;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 45r4 39r6 58r8;
98.7..6..5.7.......46......4..5..7......8..3......2..1..54..9......3..8......1..2;392;GP;H67;3;1238;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1238; r5689 c1347: 16 Links; 12r5 38r6 12r8 38r9; 67c1 49c3 69c4 45c7;
..345.....5...91..7..2.....2..5....3.9....56..6...8.1......589..............7...4;394;elev;L31;2;2347;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2347; r1349 c2678: 16 Links; 27r1 34r3 47r4 23r9; 18c2 16c6 69c7 58c8;
...4....9..7.8.2.......3.5......5..43..9.......8.2.1..76....8..81..6............2;395;tarekdb;colx180;1;3459; ; ;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r2678 c4689: 16 Links; 16r2 67r6 1r7 7r8; 35c4 49c6 349c8 35c9; 2b8;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.62........5.......;397;tax;stpatrick-03;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1467; c2468 r1379: 16 Links; 17c2 7c4 6c6 46c8; 38r1 59r3 59r7 38r9; 2b2 2b8;
...4....9..7.8.2..6.....5..2.....67...5.2.....1...3........1..4.3.9.......8.6..5.;398;elev;L29;2;1349;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1349; r1678 c13578: 20 Links; 13r1 49r6 39r7 14r8; 578c1 26c3 57c5 78c7 268c8;
.2......9..71.....6....35.......5.4.3....48.....7....1...9.......1.6...28...4..6.;404;elev;239;2;1279;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1279; c2349 r3459: 16 Links; 179c2 29c3 2c4 7c9; 48r3 368r4 56r5 35r9;
....5...9...7......8...34....15.....3....4.2.64....8...6.........7.9...1.....236.;405;elev;L28;2;1579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1579; c3459 r3569: 16 Links; 59c3 19c4 17c5 57c9; 26r3 68r5 23r6 48r9;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.2.........57......;406;tax;stpatrick-13;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1467; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 46r2 67r4 146r5 7r6 17r8; 89c1 35c3 59c7 38c9; 2b4 2b6;
.2.4..7.......9.6....73.1....5..8.3..3.24....9..........6....5..7..1.3..8........;408;elev;244;2;5689;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5689; c1368 r1358: 16 Links; 56c1 89c3 56c6 89c8; 13r1 24r3 17r5 24r8;
1........4...8.1.2..9....5....6...7......2..4....413..3...2...8.7.9.......5....6.;409;elev;255;2;5679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5679; c2348 r2567: 16 Links; 569c2 67c3 57c4 9c8; 3r2 138r5 28r6 14r7;
..34..7...5...9.......3..6.........8..4.7..2.91...........6.2....23...4.8..2.5..1;410;elev;238;2;1589;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; r2469 c34578: 19 Links; 18r2 159r4 58r6 9r9; 67c3 67c4 24c5 346c7 37c8;
6.......2.9.4...5...1...7...5.8.........15......;411;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 17r1 26r3 12r7 67r9; 48c2 35c4 48c6 39c8;
1...5...9..7........83...4..4.8.7.......1...2.6...3.7.......2...8.6...3.9.....5..;414;elev;L32;2;1259;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c1579 r3468: 16 Links; 25c1 29c5 19c7 15c9; 67r3 36r4 48r6 47r8;
1......8..567..........3..6..7..5.......2.9...3.6....4....9..1..4.5....78.....2..;415;elev;246;2;1289;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1289; r1579 c23469: 20 Links; 29r1 18r5 28r7 19r9; 67c2 345c3 34c4 467c6 35c9;
1......8...7..92...6..3.........4..5..9...4.7...92.....3.6.......4..25..8...1....;416;elev;245;3;1368;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1368; c1245 r2458: 16 Links; 36c1 18c2 138c4 68c5; 45r2 7r4 5r5 79r8; 2b4;
1.......9..67...2..8....5......6..7....3.8.....427.....9....8..5.......1..2.4..3.;418;tax;rw-04-06;3;1589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 58r1 19r3 15r7 89r8; 37c3 46c4 23c5 46c8;
1....67...5.........927......87...4.3....1...57....3.....9....8.6...75......4..2.;419;elev;248;2;2489;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2489; r3479 c1267: 16 Links; 48r3 29r4 24r7 89r9; 67c1 13c2 35c6 16c7;
1....5....6.2...4...3...7...4.69........8..6.......2.4..7...1...8.9...2.5.......3;424;col;H16;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c1379 r2458: 16 Links; 37c1 15c3 35c7 157c9; 89r2 8r4 9r5 46r8; 2b4;
..3...7.......9.2..8.1....4...8.......7..52......6...13.2....5.5....39...6..4....;430;elev;156;2;1468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1468; r3469 c13678: 20 Links; 6r3 146r4 48r6 18r9; 279c1 59c3 27c6 35c7 379c8;
.2......9...1..2..6...7..4..3....1..7....8.....5.4..7...4..7.5....9....38...6....;434;elev;173;2;1239;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1239; r1248 c13568: 20 Links; 13r1 39r2 29r4 12r8; 45c1 678c3 58c5 456c6 68c8;
.2...6...4.71.......97...4..3....8..5.1....9.........2.....89......7.6.39..5...7.;436;elev;178;2;2368;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2368; c2679 r2359: 16 Links; 68c2 23c6 23c7 68c9; 59r2 15r3 47r5 14r9;
..3.....9.5.1..2......7..4.2..5..8......9...;441;elev;L33;4;3479;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3479; r1357 c1247: 16 Links; 47r1 39r3 47r5 39r7; 16c1 26c2 68c4 15c7;
..34.6....5..8......9..2.4.....7.1..........2...2.3.9...46...2.8.......5.1....4.7;443;elev;169;2;1578;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1578; r2489 c3468: 16 Links; 17r2 58r4 17r8 58r9; 26c3 39c4 49c6 36c8;
...45..8......92.....7...452.....3....8........586..7.3..........6.7...4.9...1...;447;elev;153;2;1239;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1239; c1267 r1368: 16 Links; 19c1 123c2 23c6 19c7; 67r1 68r3 4r6 58r8;
..34....9.5.......7....2.6.2...7.....95...4....85..3.....8..9.3.....1.......6..1.;448;elev;167;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1568 r1567: 16 Links; 16c1 12c5 67c6 27c8; 58r1 38r5 49r6 45r7;
.....6.....71....68...3......65...7......2.61.9....4..3...9.....4....8....26...5.;460;elev;138;4;1257;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1257; r2459 c1257: 16 Links; 25r2 12r4 57r5 17r9; 49c1 38c2 48c5 39c7;
.....1..9.......65..9.5..3...8.3...6.7.2.....1....48....3.8..5..2.......4..7.....;470;col;H18;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 147r8 12r9; 56c3 69c5 9c8 3c9; 8b9;
.....1..9.......35..9.5..6...8.3...6.7.2.....1....48....3.8..5..2.......4..7.....;471;col;H20;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 147r8 12r9; 56c3 69c5 9c8 3c9; 8b9;
.....1..9.......65..9.5..3...8.9...6.7.2.....1....48....3.8..5..2.......4..7.....;472;col;H19;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 147r8 12r9; 56c3 36c5 9c8 3c9; 8b9;
.2.4.......6......7....35....8.....63...91.7.9...........2....8....1.35.....75.9.;477;elev;L34;2;2468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2468; c2349 r3589: 16 Links; 468c2 24c3 68c4 24c9; 19r3 5r5 79r8 13r9;
1....67...5..8......9.....4....9....7....3.2...8...3..3..1...7......261.....4...5;492;elev;L36;2;4589;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4589; c2359 r1578: 16 Links; 489c2 45c3 5c5 89c9; 23r1 16r5 26r7 37r8;
1.......9.5....23...8.........8....1....24.5.....6.32..3........6...354.9..7.....;494;elev;182;2;1789;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1789; c1349 r2568: 16 Links; 78c1 179c3 19c4 78c9; 46r2 36r5 45r6 2r8;
1....6....5.7.......9.2.4........9..6....1.....4.3...8.4..9.8..5......7...2...3.4;495;elev;L37;2;1567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; r1258 c3579: 16 Links; 57r1 16r2 57r5 16r8; 38c3 48c5 2c7 239c9;
98.7.....76....5....4.6....3..9..7....8.2..4.........1.5.6..3......4..7......1..2;498;GP;H74;2;124;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 124; r35689 c1247: 20 Links; 12r3 1r5 24r6 12r8 4r9; 568c1 379c2 358c4 689c7;
1.3....8..5......6..9.2.1....8..4....7.5.....9...1..2......73......3.89....6....4;499;elev;202;2;4567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4567; c2469 r1368: 16 Links; 46c2 47c4 56c6 57c9; 29r1 38r3 38r6 12r8;
1.3.......5...9.....8.3.4...6.5..........7.9.8...4...23.2....61....1...4...6...7.;500;elev;203;2;5679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5679; r2459 c1359: 16 Links; 67r2 79r4 56r5 59r9; 24c1 14c3 28c5 38c9;
MSLS 1 : Base 1345; c13457 r3689: 20 Links; 35c1 13c3 c4 14c5 45c7; 689r3 267r6 279r8 89r9; 6b8;
MSLS 2 : Base 2789; c2689 r2457: 16 Links; 89c2 79c6 79c8 28c9; 13r2 45r4 16r5 36r7;
MSLS 3 : Base 2789; r3689 c13457: 20 Links; 89r3 27r6 279r8 89r9; 35c1 136c3 6c4 146c5 45c7;
MSLS 4 : Base 2789; c2689 r12457: 19 Links; 89c2 79c6 79c8 28c9; 456r1 13r2 45r4 16r5 36r7;
MSLS 1 : Base 1357; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 37r2 5r4 1r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 8b4 8b6;
MSLS 2 : Base 1357; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 37r2 5r4 1357r5 1r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 8b4 8b6;
MSLS 3 : Base 1378; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 37r2 8r4 137r5 18r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 5b4 5b6;
MSLS 4 : Base 1378; c24568 r1379: 20 Links; 13c2 1c4 37c5 378c6 78c8; 49r1 26r3 26r7 49r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 5 : Base 2469; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 37r2 58r4 18r6 37r8;
MSLS 6 : Base 2469; r1379 c24568: 20 Links; 49r1 26r3 26r7 49r9; 13c2 15c4 357c5 378c6 78c8;
MSLS 7 : Base 2469; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 37r2 58r4 1357r5 18r6 37r8;
MSLS 8 : Base 3578; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 37r2 58r4 357r5 8r6 37r8; 49c1 26c3 26c7 49c9; 1b4 1b6;
1.......2..94...5..6....7.....89..4....3.6.....8.4.....2....1..7.......6..5.8..3.;12;tax;gsf-2007-05-24-003 64879;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 34c3 59c4 35c5 89c8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; r1378 c34568: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 34c3 9c4 3c5 3489c6 89c8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; c1279 r24569: 20 Links; 26c1 17c2 26c7 17c9; 38r2 3r4 489r5 39r6 49r9; 5b4 5b6;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; r13578 c3458: 19 Links; 67r1 12r3 127r5 67r7 12r8; 34c3 59c4 35c5 89c8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; c12679 r2469: 20 Links; 26c1 17c2 127c6 26c7 17c9; 38r2 35r4 359r6 49r9;
MSLS 6 : Base 1267; c12679 r24569: 24 Links; 26c1 17c2 127c6 26c7 17c9; 38r2 35r4 4589r5 359r6 49r9;
MSLS 7 : Base 3489; c3458 r1378: 16 Links; 34c3 9c4 3c5 89c8; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; r24569 c1279: 20 Links; 38r2 3r4 489r5 39r6 49r9; 26c1 17c2 26c7 17c9; 5b4 5b6;
MSLS 9 : Base 3489; c34568 r1378: 20 Links; 34c3 9c4 3c5 3489c6 89c8; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 10 : Base 3489; r24569 c12679: 24 Links; 38r2 3r4 489r5 39r6 49r9; 26c1 17c2 1257c6 26c7 17c9; 5b4 5b6;
6.......2.9.4...5...1...7...5..84.......2.......;13;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 39r4 89r6 45r8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 3r4 3458r5 8r6 45r8; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 17r1 26r3 167r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 38c6 39c8;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; c13579 r2468: 19 Links; 17c1 26c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 38r2 39r4 89r6 45r8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; r13579 c24568: 24 Links; 17r1 26r3 167r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 3459c5 38c6 39c8;
MSLS 6 : Base 3458; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 38r2 3r4 8r6 45r8; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 7 : Base 3458; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 38r2 3r4 3458r5 8r6 45r8; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; c24568 r13579: 24 Links; 48c2 89c4 349c5 38c6 39c8; 17r1 26r3 167r5 17r7 26r9; 5b2 5b8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.3.4.......6........58.4...2...6...3...9.8.7.......1;14;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 89r4 39r6 45r8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 8r4 3458r5 3r6 45r8; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 35c6 39c8;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; c13579 r2468: 19 Links; 26c1 17c3 127c5 12c7 67c9; 38r2 89r4 39r6 45r8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; r13579 c24568: 24 Links; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 48c2 589c4 3489c5 35c6 39c8;
MSLS 6 : Base 3458; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 38r2 8r4 3r6 45r8; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 7 : Base 3458; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 38r2 8r4 3458r5 3r6 45r8; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 9b4 9b6;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; c2468 r13579: 20 Links; 48c2 89c4 3c6 39c8; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 9 : Base 3489; c24568 r13579: 24 Links; 48c2 89c4 3489c5 3c6 39c8; 67r1 12r3 127r5 17r7 26r9; 5b2 5b8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.4.......29......3...9...7.....1.9...8.4.2.....6..;17;Hp54;4;3;1267;R;C;X; ;;
MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 48c2 59c4 35c6 38c8;
MSLS 2 : Base 1267; r1379 c24568: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 48c2 9c4 3489c5 3c6 38c8; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 3 : Base 1267; c1379 r24568: 20 Links; 67c1 12c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 39r4 348r5 48r6 35r8; 5b6;
MSLS 4 : Base 1267; r13579 c2468: 19 Links; 67r1 12r3 167r5 26r7 17r9; 48c2 59c4 35c6 38c8;
MSLS 5 : Base 1267; c13579 r2468: 20 Links; 67c1 12c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 89r2 39r4 458r6 35r8;
MSLS 6 : Base 1267; c13579 r24568: 24 Links; 67c1 12c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 89r2 39r4 3458r5 458r6 35r8;
MSLS 7 : Base 3458; c24568 r1379: 20 Links; 48c2 c4 348c5 3c6 38c8; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 5b2 5b8 9b2 9b8;
MSLS 8 : Base 3489; c2468 r1379: 16 Links; 48c2 9c4 3c6 38c8; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 9 : Base 3489; c24568 r1379: 20 Links; 48c2 9c4 3489c5 3c6 38c8; 67r1 12r3 26r7 17r9; 5b2 5b8;
MSLS 10 : Base 3589; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 89r2 39r4 38r5 8r6 35r8; 67c1 12c3 12c7 67c9; 5b6 4b4 4b6;
MSLS 11 : Base 3589; r24568 c13579: 24 Links; 89r2 39r4 358r5 58r6 35r8; 67c1 12c3 167c5 12c7 67c9; 4b4 4b6;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.9.4.......23......8...9...2...6...9...8.4.7.......1;18;Hp54;1;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 17r7 26r9; 48c2 35c4 59c6 38c8;
.2.4..7....6.....17...3......5....6..4.2..9.......5..8..1..8....9..7.......92.3..;20;elev;10;2;1568;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1568; r2467 c2457: 16 Links; 58r2 18r4 16r6 56r7; 37c2 37c4 49c5 24c7;
1.......9.5....2....87...4.2...3......48.5....8.6...7...6..4.5.........1....9.3..;21;elev;11;2;1239;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1239; c1579 r3567: 16 Links; 39c1 12c5 19c7 23c9; 56r3 67r5 45r6 78r7;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.6.........5.......2.7.1...3...8...6...4.2.9.......5;22;tax;m_b_metcalf;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 38r1 59r3 389r5 59r7 38r9; 17c2 47c4 126c6 46c8;
..3.8....7..2......6...9.1.........3.....596..9.....54.1...45..8...3......27.....;23;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;2378;R;C MSLS 1 : Base 2378; c1345 r3567: 16 Links; 23c1 78c3 38c4 27c5; 45r3 14r5 16r6 69r7;
1.......6.5.7...8...3...4.....5.8.9.....3.....8.92....6.....3...7...5.2...4.....1;24;col;H1;3;1346;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1346; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 34c1 16c3 16c7 34c9; 29r2 27r4 57r6 89r8;
98.7.....6..89......5..4...7...3.9....6...7....2....41.6..8.3.......1..5.......2.;25;GP;H2;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 14c3 25c6 15c8 24c9; 36r1 37r2 68r4 79r7;
98.7.....6..89......5..4...7...3.9....6...7....2....51.6..8.3.......1.4.........2;26;GP;H3;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 14c3 25c6 15c8 24c9; 36r1 37r2 68r4 79r7;
1......8......92....6.3...52....8.....5.7.....6.5....4..47...........91..3..6...7;28;elev;14;2;1289;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1289; r1248 c23459: 20 Links; 29r1 18r2 19r4 28r8; 457c2 37c3 346c4 45c5 36c9;
.2....78.4.......6.9..7..1....5....3.....1.......9.12..7..1.8..5....4.....67.3...;29;elev;7;2;3456;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3456; r2489 c2578: 16 Links; 35r2 46r4 36r8 45r9; 18c2 28c5 29c7 79c8;
.....6..94...8.2.....7...1.2.9...8....4.3.9...6.....;31;elev;4;2;1567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; c2468 r2457: 16 Links; 15c2 16c4 57c6 67c8; 39r2 34r4 28r5 29r7;
1....6.......8.2...9.7....5.7.3...5......16....4....73..59....48...2.....3.......;32;elev;L1;2;1268;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1268; c1567 r3467: 16 Links; 26c1 16c5 28c6 18c7; 34r3 49r4 59r6 37r7;
1.......9.4...3.8...2...6...7..58.......2.......7.4.5...6...2...3.8...7.9.......1;38;tax;tarek-2803;3;1269;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1269; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 19c3 19c7 26c9; 57r2 34r4 38r6 45r8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.3.4......96.........8.4...2...6...3...9.8.7.......1;39;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 17r7 26r9; 48c2 58c4 35c6 39c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.3.......7.......95..8.7.....6...9...8.3...2.....1;40;tax;jpf-04/08;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 49r4 34r6 45r8;
..34..7.......9..2....1..5.2.........38...6..6.43.........2..9......5..1.6.8..3..;41;tarekdb;pearly6000-4268;3;1259;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c5689 r1569: 16 Links; 59c5 12c6 12c8 59c9; 68r1 47r5 78r6 47r9;
..34..7.......9..2....1..5.27........38...6....43.........2..9......5..1.6.8..3..;42;tarekdb;pearly6000-3802;3;1259;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; r2378 c2347: 16 Links; 15r2 29r3 15r7 29r8; 48c2 67c3 67c4 48c7;
..345........89......2..4...1......7..4.2.8..9......6...28..5..6......9..7......1;45;tarekdb;pearly6000-3112;3;1679;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1679; r4689 c3457: 16 Links; 69r4 17r6 17r8 69r9; 58c3 35c4 34c5 23c7;
..34...8..........7....25..2..........49...1.9.....6.7.....5..6..9.1..3..8.34....;46;elev;L2;2;2567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2567; c1679 r1589: 16 Links; 56c1 67c6 27c7 25c9; 19r1 38r5 48r8 19r9;
.2...6......1...3...9.7...5..5....78.3.....1.8...4.5....4.9.8...6...2...9.......7;47;elev;H1;2;1236;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; r1258 c13579: 20 Links; 13r1 26r2 26r5 13r8; 457c1 78c3 58c5 479c7 49c9;
...4...8...6..91......3...42....56...7..4..3...5........1..2...5.....9...8..6...7;49;elev;29;2;3478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c1367 r1359: 16 Links; 19c1 29c3 1c6 25c7; 37r1 78r3 68r5 34r9; 6b2;
...4....9....8.1...8..13........8..7.3..6.2....75......1...26....4.....59......7.;50;elev;L4;2;4579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4579; r1689 c2567: 16 Links; 57r1 49r6 79r8 45r9; 26c2 23c5 16c6 38c7;
1.......2..34...5..6....7.....85..9....3.6.....8.9.....2....1..7.......6..9.8..3.;51;tax;jpf-04/14/B4;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 45c3 59c4 34c5 48c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.4.......73......9...8.7.....6...4...8.9...2.....1;52;tax;jpf-04/14/01;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 12r7 67r9; 89c2 35c4 59c6 34c8;
..1...5...2.4...6.3....7....6.28........9..2.......4.65.....1...9.8...4...7.....3;54;col;H2;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c1379 r2458: 16 Links; 17c1 35c3 37c7 157c9; 89r2 9r4 8r5 26r8; 4b4;
....56.8...71.....6.....4.......85...3......29...4..6..1.7.......2.....38...9..5.;55;elev;30;2;1237;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1237; r2578 c15678: 20 Links; 23r2 17r5 23r7 17r8; 45c1 68c5 459c6 689c7 49c8;
98.7.....7..6..8....5.4....37....6...6.........2....31...3..98.....1...2.....5..4;57;GP;H8;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; r3689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r3 45r6 45r8 12r9; 68c1 39c2 89c4 37c7;
12...6....5...92....8.3........7...3...8....49....15....4....7.56....9..........1;58;elev;L5;2;3478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3478; r3457 c1267: 16 Links; 47r3 48r4 37r5 38r7; 26c1 19c2 25c6 16c7;
1.......2..34...5..6....7......3..4....8.6.....954.....2....1..7.......6..5.9..8.;60;tax;jpf-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 48c3 39c4 58c5 39c8;
..34....9.5...9.......2.1..2...7.....84........98....3.9.5....86......7.....1.6..;62;elev;21;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r3489 c2349: 16 Links; 67r3 16r4 12r8 27r9; 34c2 58c3 39c4 45c9;
.2...6......18......8.3.4....49....3....4.8..5......7.7......2...13..9...6...5...;63;elev;23;2;2567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2567; r1679 c3457: 16 Links; 57r1 26r6 56r7 27r9; 39c3 48c4 19c5 13c7;
.2....7..4....9..3....1..6....3.5..88.......5.6....2...1..7....5..9.4.....98.....;65;elev;22;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1367 c1469: 16 Links; 16r1 27r3 17r6 26r7; 39c1 45c4 38c6 49c9;
1.....7.9.57....3..8.7.....2...4......68......38....5......1..4....9...2...3..56.;68;elev;25;2;1249;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1249; r1478 c2348: 16 Links; 24r1 19r4 29r7 14r8; 67c2 35c3 56c4 78c8;
1.....7.9.57....3..8.7.....2...4......68......38....5......1..2....9...4...3..56.;71;elev;26;2;1249;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1249; r1478 c2348: 16 Links; 24r1 19r4 49r7 12r8; 67c2 35c3 56c4 78c8;
1....6.8.4......36....7.5...4...1..3....2......97......3...8.6...25..9...1.......;72;elev;27;2;2579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2579; c3457 r1247: 16 Links; 57c3 29c4 59c5 27c7; 34r1 18r2 68r4 14r7;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...5.8.3.......74......9...8.7.....6...9...8.3...2.....1;74;tax;jpf-04/14/02;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 12r7 67r9; 48c2 35c4 59c6 49c8;
..34...8..5....1..7.......6.1....5....8.9..2.6.......7..294........3..4....8.5...;75;tarekdb;pearly6000-4143;3;1567;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; r2346 c3458: 16 Links; 67r2 15r3 67r4 15r6; 49c3 23c4 28c5 39c8;
3.......8.7.5...1...6...4...9.2.1.......4.......97..2.4.....3...5...2.7...8.....6;76;tax;tarek-ultra-0313;3;3468;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1279; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 29r2 7r4 1r6 19r8; 68c1 34c3 68c7 34c9; 5b4 5b6;
3.......1.4...2.7...5...8......76.4.....5.....6.2.9...1.....5...7.6...9...8.....3;77;tax;tarek-1847;3;1358;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1358; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 58c1 13c3 13c7 58c9; 69r2 29r4 47r6 24r8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...3...9.8...2.....1;78;tax;Easter-Monster;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 48r4 39r6 45r8;
..3.5....4....9....8.7....1..5.3.....1.6...2.9....4......8...72.6......8......41.;80;tarekdb;pearly6000-3978;3;3459;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1278; c2489 r1246: 16 Links; 27c2 12c4 8c8 7c9; 49r1 35r2 49r4 35r6; 6b3 6b6;
...1....9.......85..9.5..6...5.3...6.7...2...1..4.......3.8..9..2...73..4........;82;col;H3;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 14r8 127r9; 68c3 69c5 5c8 8c9; 3b6;
.......35.....2.6...3.5..8...5.9...6.7....9..1..4.......6.8..9..2.1.....4....7...;83;col;H4;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 124r5 27r6 47r8 12r9; 89c3 36c5 5c8 38c9;
..345.........9......2.34...1......7..4.2.8..9......6...28..5..6......9..7......1;86;tarekdb;pearly6000-3238;3;1679;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1679; c1289 r1357: 16 Links; 17c1 69c2 17c8 69c9; 28r1 58r3 35r5 34r7;
...4......5..8...3..9..2....9..6.3.......4.1...47...2..6....8..8...9...5..1....7.;88;elev;43;2;1247;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; c3468 r2478: 16 Links; 27c3 12c4 17c6 4c8; 69r2 58r4 359r7 36r8;
....5.7.....1.9.6.........52....8.16.......2..3....4.7.7..4......19.2...9.86.....;89;elev;42;2;3457;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3457; c2579 r2489: 15 Links; 45c2 37c5 35c7 34c9; 28r2 9r4 68r8 12r9;
1...5..8...7.....6.9.2.........13....7.9..4..8..5......4.6..9.......5.3...2...6.7;90;elev;45;2;1358;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1358; r1468 c23479: 19 Links; 3r1 58r4 13r6 18r8; 26c2 469c3 47c4 27c7 249c9;
1....6.8....7....3.9....5....5.4.....4....2..6....1.3...2.9....8....3.7....8....6;91;elev;44;2;2459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2459; r3457 c14689: 20 Links; 24r3 29r4 59r5 45r7; 37c1 136c4 78c6 16c8 178c9;
....5..8...67..1.......3..426.9.............19.7...2...3..4..1......8..5..21..6..;92;elev;41;3;3458;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2679; r2469 c5689: 16 Links; 29r2 7r4 6r6 79r9; 38c5 45c6 345c8 38c9; 1b5;
..3.5...9...1..........2....7...1.6.5........;96;elev;49;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c2468 r1689: 16 Links; 126c2 67c4 67c6 12c8; 48r1 5r6 39r8 59r9;
....5..8.4....9..3...2..1...6...3.....18...3.93......7..2...5...7...4..66..5.....;98;elev;L8;2;1258;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1258; r1357 c1269: 16 Links; 12r1 58r3 25r5 18r7; 37c1 49c2 67c6 49c9;
.......8...6...12....2..6.5..15..9..8....3....4..7....3....8.....21....6.7..4....;99;col;H5;3;3478;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3478; c1256 r2348: 16 Links; 47c1 38c2 38c5 47c6; 59r2 19r3 26r4 59r8;
3....97...6..4......18.....5......93.....327.........8..4.1....2....7.5..8.6.....;100;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;1468;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1468; c2345 r1458: 16 Links; 14c2 68c3 14c4 68c5; 25r1 27r4 59r5 39r8;
1......8......913.......5.6..7.4....3....1.5..6.2.....5....89...4..7......26.....;101;tax;col-201107-M3-3;3;2467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2467; r4689 c1678: 16 Links; 26r4 47r6 26r8 47r9; 89c1 35c6 38c7 19c8;
987......65.........49..8..5..8..7......3..4......2..1.6.7..5......4...3.....1.2.;102;GP;H10;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 12r8 34r9; 78c1 79c2 56c4 69c7;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4...2.......5.......7.6.1...3...8...6...4.2.9.......5;103;tax;StrmCkr;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; r13579 c2468: 20 Links; 38r1 59r3 389r5 59r7 38r9; 17c2 246c4 17c6 46c8;
98.7..6....5.4.......9...8.6.....3.937......8..2....1..3.6..8......5.........1.4.;105;GP;H14;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3568 r1457: 16 Links; 14c3 12c5 245c6 25c8; 3r1 78r4 69r5 79r7;
....5.7.......9.32...1.2.6...4......8...4.....3.2.1....1.6...9.5.7...8...9....3..;107;elev;51;2;4578;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4578; r1458 c2468: 16 Links; 48r1 578r4 57r5 4r8; 26c2 39c4 36c6 12c8;
.23..6...4...8......93.7.......6..7..769...2.5.......1........5.3.6...9.....1.8..;108;elev;54;2;1458;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1458; c1579 r1358: 16 Links; 18c1 45c5 145c7 48c9; 79r1 26r3 3r5 27r8;
.23...7..4.......66......1....5.8.....57.....97..6.......8.23....2..58......1...4;109;elev;53;2;1469;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1469; r2369 c3467: 16 Links; 19r2 49r3 14r6 69r9; 78c3 23c4 37c6 25c7;
98.7.....7..8..6....5.4....63....9...7.........2....31...3..89.....2...5.....4..2;111;GP;H12;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; r3689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r3 45r6 14r8 15r9; 38c1 69c2 69c4 37c7;
98.7.....6..89......5..4...7...3.9....6...7....2....41.6..8.3.......1.5.........2;112;GP;H15;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 14c3 25c6 12c8 45c9; 36r1 37r2 68r4 79r7;
12.....8..5....13...9.....421...3.......7......76........94...6.....5..38....2.5.;113;elev;57;2;4679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4679; r3567 c1268: 16 Links; 67r3 469r5 49r6 7r7; 35c1 38c2 18c6 12c8;
1......8..5......68.9..21..............57...2..4..8.9.....6...3..1..4.2..7.3.....;114;elev;L9;2;3567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1489; r1368 c2459: 16 Links; 49r1 4r3 1r6 89r8; 236c2 67c4 35c5 57c9; 2b5;
1....67......8...6.9.2........9...5.3...1.8........6.1..2....4.7...3...8..45.....;115;elev;55;2;2459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2459; r3479 c1579: 16 Links; 45r3 24r4 59r7 29r9; 68c1 67c5 13c7 37c9;
1.3....8..5......6..9.2.1.......4..78...9..1....5....23..6......4...7.....1.3..2.;116;elev;56;2;4567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2389; r1359 c2469: 16 Links; 29r1 38r3 23r5 89r9; 67c2 47c4 56c6 45c9;
1.......2..34...5..6....7......3..4....5.6.....894.....2....1..7.......6..5.8..9.;117;tax;jpf-04/14/14;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r8; 49c3 38c4 59c5 38c8;
..3.....9...1...63.....75....196.....4.......7....5......6...21..92...3.8.....4..;119;elev;L10;2;4578;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4578; r3569 c3489: 16 Links; 48r3 578r5 48r6 57r9; 26c3 3c4 19c8 26c9;
....56..94......3...9...5.12..........6..81...4.7...........9....8.6...5.3.2...7.;122;elev;36;2;2347;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2347; c1248 r1358: 16 Links; 37c1 27c2 34c4 24c8; 18r1 68r3 59r5 19r8;
1.3.......5...9...6...3.1..2.....3....4.1...2.8.....7..7...5......8...9...6.2.4..;124;elev;40;2;5789;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5789; r2678 c1357: 16 Links; 78r2 59r6 89r7 57r8; 34c1 12c3 46c5 26c7;
1.....7.9.57....3..8.7.....2....4.....68......38....5......1..2....9...4...3..56.;125;elev;38;2;1249;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1249; r1478 c2348: 16 Links; 24r1 19r4 49r7 12r8; 67c2 35c3 56c4 78c8;
1.......7.2.4...6...3...5...4.2.9.......46.9....5.......7...1...8.9...2.5.......3;133;col;H6;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c1379 r2458: 16 Links; 37c1 15c3 37c7 15c9; 89r2 68r4 28r5 46r8;
.2...6......1...3...9.7...5..5....78.3.....1.8...4.5....4.9.8...6.2.....9.......7;135;elev;H3;2;1236;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; r1258 c13579: 20 Links; 13r1 26r2 26r5 13r8; 457c1 78c3 58c5 479c7 49c9;
5.......8.3...2.4...9...1......27.3....5.4....7.63....8.....9...4.7...6...1.....5;140;tax;tarek-2228;3;1589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 19c1 58c3 58c7 19c9; 67r2 46r4 24r6 23r8;
6.......2.9.4...5...1...7...5.34........6.......;141;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 17c1 26c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 89r4 39r6 45r8;
9.......7.1...8.3...2...5.......6.1....32.....6.1.4...7.....2...3.6...4...5.....9;142;tax;tarek-2164;3;2579;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2579; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 25r1 79r3 59r7 27r9; 48c2 48c4 13c6 68c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...8.5.9.......7.......83..4.7.....6...5...8.9...2.....1;144;tax;jpf-04/05;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 34r4 59r6 34r8;
1......89.....91.2......4....76......3..4....9....2..5..4.7....5....8.1..6.3.....;148;tax;tarek-4/08;3;3467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1289; r1268 c2345: 16 Links; 2r1 8r2 18r6 29r8; 47c2 36c3 47c4 36c5; 5b1 5b2;
9876.....65....7...........5...4..3..2......1..68..5....59..8......3..2......1..4;153;GP;H21;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1267: 16 Links; 12c5 234c6 14c8 23c9; 5r1 89r2 79r6 67r7;
98.7.....76....5....5.......9..4..3...85..6.......2..1..98..7......3..2......1..4;160;GP;H22;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 12c5 34c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 89r2 79r5 56r7;
2.......3.1.7...6...4...5...8.6.9.......2.......81..9.5.....2...7...6.1...3.....4;162;tax;tarek-3033;3;2345;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1689; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 89r2 1r4 6r6 89r8; 34c1 25c3 34c7 25c9; 7b4 7b6;
.2...6.....71....6....3..5...86......1...8..75...4......1..2..8....9..4.9..8..3..;166;elev;L11;2;3459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3459; r3689 c23469: 19 Links; 49r3 39r6 35r8 45r9; 678c2 26c3 27c4 17c6 12c9;
....5.....5.1....3..9..7.5..3....8..6.......1..5.2..4......5.7...2.94....8.6..4..;168;elev;133;2;1368;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1368; r2459 c3568: 16 Links; 68r2 16r4 38r5 13r9; 47c3 47c5 29c6 29c8;
.2.4.......7..9...6...3.5.............4..1.9.8.....3.15...6...3....1.6.8..67...2.;172;elev;100;2;2479;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2479; r1259 c1579: 16 Links; 79r1 24r2 27r5 49r9; 13c1 58c5 18c7 56c9;
98.7.....7..........6.5.7..4..8...7..3....89......2..1.9.4...3...2.6.........1..5;174;GP;H26;2;1256;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1256; r3689 c1248: 16 Links; 12r3 56r6 15r8 26r9; 38c1 47c2 39c4 48c8;
....5....4....9.3..8.1....6.1.8....5.....24....756....3......2.......9...68.....7;175;elev;L12;2;2349;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2349; c1678 r3469: 16 Links; 29c1 34c6 23c7 49c8; 57r3 67r4 18r6 15r9;
....5...9..67......8...2.4.23....8....79......4...3.1.....6...5......2.......143.;176;elev;101;2;5679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5679; r1257 c2678: 16 Links; 67r1 59r2 56r5 79r7; 12c2 48c6 13c7 28c8;
4....91...2..3......75.....8......9......461.......8.5..3.7....6....1.8..5.2.....;177;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;2357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1689; c1678 r2379: 16 Links; 19c1 68c6 9c7 6c8; 57r2 23r3 25r7 37r9; 4b3 4b9;
........94..7...3...9..15..2...6..7..9....8..........16..37......8..5....3..2..4.;178;elev;L13;2;1589;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; c3679 r2479: 16 Links; 15c3 89c6 19c7 58c9; 26r2 34r4 24r7 67r9;
..7..1...6...9.2...3.5.....9.....6.8.......3.....8..922...4...9..13......5...7...;179;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c2346 r2467: 16 Links; 17c2 35c3 17c4 35c6; 48r2 24r4 46r6 68r7;
1...56..9...7.........3.56...8...4...7.2.....6....3.1.3...9..5...2.......4....8..;183;elev;104;2;2478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2478; c2347 r1367: 15 Links; 28c2 47c3 48c4 27c7; 3r1 19r3 59r6 16r7;
...4....9....8.12.....135..2...3.8...4.........96.....3...21.5.5.........6......7;185;elev;105;2;4679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4679; c2349 r2347: 16 Links; 79c2 467c3 79c4 46c9; 35r2 28r3 15r4 8r7;
1...5...9..7...2...6.2.......83..6...7.......5....4..3....4...1....9..4..3.7..8..;186;elev;108;2;1459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1459; r1678 c2347: 16 Links; 4r1 19r6 59r7 15r8; 28c2 236c3 68c4 37c7;
..34..........9..6.9..7..1...4...8...7..6..2.5.....3......9...28..5.7....1...2.7.;191;elev;H7;2;3458;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1269; c25689 r1468: 19 Links; 26c2 12c5 16c6 69c8 19c9; 58r1 35r4 48r6 34r8; 7b6;
....5...9...1...3.6.8...5..2.9.....8..5.9.....4...7...5...6...2.1...4......3...7.;198;elev;69;2;1347;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1347; r2689 c1359: 16 Links; 47r2 13r6 37r8 14r9; 89c1 26c3 28c5 56c9;
.2.4...8......9..66.....5..2....39..........5.7..4..1.3....5.....17...2..8..1....;201;elev;88;2;3569;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1478; r1689 c1679: 16 Links; 17r1 8r6 48r8 47r9; 59c1 26c6 36c7 39c9; 2b6;
...4..7......8...2..9..15....49...7..3......6...5..41...71.5...6........8...2....;211;elev;71;2;2368;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2368; r2589 c34678: 20 Links; 36r2 28r5 238r8 36r9; 15c3 7c4 479c6 19c7 459c8;
....5.7.9..71....6.8.....4.2..........6.9.5...4...3...3....8.2.....6......19..6..;214;elev;70;2;2348;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2348; c1268 r1259: 16 Links; 48c1 23c2 24c6 38c8; 16r1 59r2 17r5 57r9;
.....7.39.......85..3.5......9.3...6.7...2...1..4.......6.8..9..2.1..6..4........;216;col;H9;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 47r8 127r9; 58c3 69c5 5c8 38c9;
1....67..4.7.8.....9.....5...4..16......4.....3.5....2...2...9.........3..8.1.4..;222;elev;93;2;2359;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2359; c2489 r1249: 16 Links; 25c2 39c4 23c8 59c9; 48r1 16r2 78r4 67r9;
98.7.....7...8.6....5..4...6..3..9...9.....2...4..1..6.3.8..7.......2.1.........5;227;GP;H29;2;1245;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c3689 r1247: 16 Links; 12c3 5c6 45c8 124c9; 36r1 39r2 78r4 69r7;
..3.5...9...1..2...8...7.....4....6.3...4...5.7...2.....6.3..9.8......43...8..1..;232;elev;77;2;1278;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1278; r2369 c3589: 16 Links; 78r2 12r3 18r6 27r9; 59c3 69c5 35c8 46c9;
1.....7...5......6...;234;elev;92;2;4568;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4568; r2457 c1457: 16 Links; 48r2 68r4 45r5 56r7; 23c1 17c4 37c5 29c7;
8.......5.6...2.3...7...9......31.2.....7.....1.6.4...5.....7...3.1...4...9.....8;247;tax;tarek-2153;3;5789;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5789; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 79c1 58c3 58c7 79c9; 14r2 46r4 23r6 26r8;
8.......5.1...3.2...4...7.......1.3....28.....9.3.6...5.....4...2.9...6...7.....8;249;tax;tarek-3025;3;4578;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4578; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 47r1 58r3 78r7 45r9; 36c2 16c4 29c6 19c8;
1.......7.3...9.6...5...2......43.9.....1.....4.9.8...7.....5...6.4...8...2.....1;250;tax;tarek-3038;3;1257;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1257; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 25c1 17c3 17c7 25c9; 48r2 68r4 36r6 39r8;
98.7.....76....9....5.......5..4..3...98..6.......2..1..65..7......1...4.....3.2.;252;GP;H33;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 23c5 14c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 58r2 57r5 89r7;
3.....9...7...1.5...2.....4....76.1....3.5....6.81....4.....2...5.6...8...9.....3;254;tax;tarek-2191;3;2349;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1678; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 68r2 8r4 7r6 17r8; 29c1 34c3 34c7 29c9; 5b4 5b6;
98.7.....76....8....5......5...4..3...89..7.......2..1..95..6......3..2......1..4;257;GP;H36;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 12c5 34c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 59r2 56r5 78r7;
.7......1..29...5.8.....4....625.........7......;261;tax;tarek-1839;3;1478;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1478; c1279 r2469: 16 Links; 17c1 48c2 18c7 47c9; 36r2 39r4 25r6 29r9;
5.......7.8...9.3...4...2...1..36.......4.......1.8.6...2...4...9.3...1.7.......5;268;tax;tarek-1802;3;2457;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1368; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 16r2 8r4 3r6 68r8; 24c1 57c3 57c7 24c9; 9b4 9b6;
9.......2.8...7.4...6...1......58.7.....1.....5.7.3...2.....6...4.5...3...1.....9;269;tax;tarek-2263;3;1269;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1269; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 16c1 29c3 29c7 16c9; 35r2 34r4 48r6 78r8;
1...........7.9.3...9.32.....1.9..7.5.....6...4......8...6....5..2.7..1.8.....4..;275;elev;274;3;4568;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2379; r2348 c1279: 16 Links; 2r2 7r3 23r4 39r8; 46c1 568c2 58c7 46c9; 1b3;
....5....4.7..9....89...4......3...1...2...6.7....58......6..2..1.5....39....85..;281;elev;272;3;1236;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; c4589 r2369: 16 Links; 136c4 12c5 13c8 26c9; 8r2 7r3 49r6 47r9; 5b3;
...4....9.5..8..3......715.2...9.....8...15....46......7...3.1.6.......2......3.5;286;elev;L16;2;2469;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2469; r1468 c2678: 16 Links; 26r1 46r4 29r6 49r8; 13c2 58c6 78c7 78c8;
.....67..4......3...82....5.1..9.......7..6....5..8..2..2..78...3..1....9......4.;288;elev;278;2;1349;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1349; r2489 c34679: 20 Links; 19r2 34r4 49r8 13r9; 67c3 568c4 25c6 25c7 678c9;
3.......2.9...4.6...5...7......68.9.....7.....8.9.1...2.....5...6.8...1...7.....3;293;tax;tarek-2233;3;2357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2357; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 57c1 23c3 23c7 57c9; 18r2 14r4 46r6 49r8;
.2...6.8.4..........93..1.....5..9.......7.2...6.9...3..16....58....4.7..4.......;300;elev;288;2;2478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1359; r3467 c1268: 16 Links; 5r3 13r4 15r6 39r7; 27c1 78c2 28c6 46c8; 6b1;
5.......4.8...6.9...1...2...7.3.8.......5.......79..3...2...1...6.9...8.4.......5;304;tax;tarek-ultra-0006;3;1245;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1245; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 12c1 45c3 45c7 12c9; 37r2 69r4 68r6 37r8;
.2.......4....9.3...8.2...1...7...5...6.....89....34..5..9......1..6.......5.4.7.;306;elev;291;2;1268;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1268; r1358 c1468: 16 Links; 168r1 6r3 12r5 28r8; 37c1 34c4 57c6 49c8;
....5.7.9..71....6.8.....4.2..........6.9.1...4...3...3....8.2....9.......5.7.6..;311;elev;294;2;2348;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2348; c1268 r1259: 16 Links; 48c1 23c2 24c6 38c8; 16r1 59r2 57r5 19r9;
98.76....5.....9...4.....7.3.......5.2.4...6......91....8.2..4....84.........1..3;317;GP;H50;2;1359;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1359; r2469 c2458: 16 Links; 13r2 19r4 35r6 59r9; 67c2 26c4 78c5 28c8;
98.76....7..5..9....4......5...8.6...3.....4...2.....1...9....3...85.7.......1.2.;318;GP;H49;2;1234;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r3569 c1457: 16 Links; 123r3 12r5 34r6 34r9; 68c1 6c4 79c5 58c7;
..3..67...5.1.........2.......59...4.......1...4..78...9.....2...6.....88....46.3;319;elev;L18;2;1259;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c2458 r1689: 16 Links; 12c2 29c4 15c5 59c8; 48r1 36r6 347r8 7r9;
........9.....1.35..3.9..6...5.3...6.7...2...1..4.......9.8..5..2.7.....4.....8..;321;col;H12;1;1247; ; ;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 14r8 127r9; 68c3 56c5 9c8 3c9; 8b6;
....5.7..4....9.3..8.2..........5.4.3...4.9.....6....15...7..9..68........1.....2;322;elev;210;2;1268;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1268; c2349 r12457: 20 Links; 12c2 26c3 18c4 68c9; 349r1 57r2 379r4 57r5 34r7;
.2.4....9..7.8....6....3.1....3..5....1.6.....3...5..2.4.5..9........3.48......7.;324;elev;L21;2;1678;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1678; r2359 c2479: 16 Links; 16r2 78r3 78r5 16r9; 59c2 29c4 24c7 35c9;
98.7.....6...5.9....5....6.5...4..3..7...2..1..6...4....3.9..4....1....2.....8...;327;GP;H51;2;1278;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1278; r1589 c13578: 19 Links; 12r1 8r5 78r8 127r9; 34c1 49c3 36c5 356c7 59c8;
1..4..7....6.8..2..9...1....1.3......7...49....5.....8....2...6...1.73.........5.;329;elev;216;2;2568;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2568; r2679 c2467: 16 Links; 5r2 26r6 58r7 268r9; 34c2 79c4 39c6 14c7;
1....6.......892.....3...4.2...9.6...3.6....7..4....5...57...6..........8....21..;330;elev;L22;1;12689;R; ; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3457; r3567 c1567: 16 Links; 57r3 45r5 37r6 34r7; 69c1 12c5 18c6 89c7;
1....6....5.7.......8.3..4......3.9...4.9.8.....5....6.7......1..9...23.8...2.9..;331;elev;214;2;1567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; r1267 c3578: 16 Links; 57r1 16r2 17r6 56r7; 23c3 48c5 34c7 28c8;
.....6..9.5..8.1..7..2.....2.......6......84..8..3..1...1.4..3..4....5..9....7...;332;elev;209;2;2679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2679; r1349 c2578: 16 Links; 27r1 69r3 79r4 26r9; 13c2 15c5 34c7 58c8;
1....6....5.....3...9.2...4...89......82....7.3...5.......4...8.1.....6...27..9..;337;elev;220;2;1356;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1356; r1268 c3459: 16 Links; 35r1 16r2 16r6 35r8; 47c3 49c4 78c5 29c9;
1..4...8..5......6..9...1......7...3..89...2.9.....4...6...5.....28...1.....3...7;338;elev;221;2;3567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3567; r2479 c13478: 20 Links; 37r2 56r4 37r7 56r9; 248c1 14c3 12c4 289c7 49c8;
1...5.7.......9.....62...4......59..3...91....4.8.....5....73....2.....8.......67;341;elev;226;2;2468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2468; r3689 c1567: 16 Links; 8r3 26r6 46r8 248r9; 79c1 137c5 3c6 15c7;
1..4......5...9.3...8.2......9..836..3....9..7.......2.6...58.....7.........1...4;342;elev;227;2;1247;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; c1459 r2457: 16 Links; 24c1 12c4 47c5 17c9; 68r2 5r4 568r5 39r7;
1....6..9..7.8.2.....3......8....94........7.9..5....33..9.5.....2.4..9....6....1;343;elev;225;2;2478;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2478; r2458 c1469: 16 Links; 4r2 27r4 248r5 78r8; 56c1 1c4 139c6 56c9;
.2...6.8.4..........93....4.8..6...7....27.1....5..9..3.......1..5...4...7..1..6.;344;elev;L25;2;3459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3459; c1347 r1459: 16 Links; 59c1 34c3 49c4 35c7; 17r1 12r4 68r5 28r9;
.2.4..........9.3.6...37....6......1..8...4..9....5.6..1.8....27...9..5......3...;345;elev;224;2;1248;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1248; r1457 c1568: 16 Links; 18r1 248r4 12r5 4r7; 35c1 567c5 6c6 79c8;
.2...6.8...71.......9.....5..59.........6.....3..42........864..4..3..2.7.......1;346;elev;L24;2;1579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1579; r2349 c2568: 16 Links; 59r2 17r3 17r4 59r9; 68c2 28c5 34c6 36c8;
....5...9..71..2.......3.4.2..7..6...3...2..5..8........28......4..9....8.6...1..;347;elev;L23;2;3459;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3459; r1358 c1347: 16 Links; 34r1 59r3 49r5 35r8; 167c1 1c3 26c4 78c7;
1...5......7..92...89.....4...6...5.3...1......4..7..8......8.......29.7...3...6.;348;elev;L26;2;1356;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1356; r1459 c3679: 16 Links; 36r1 13r4 56r5 15r9; 28c3 48c6 47c7 29c9;
.2...6.....71...3.8.......4..5...97.6...9...8......3...4...2......97..1...93..5..;349;elev;229;2;2468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2468; r1357 c3478: 16 Links; 48r1 26r3 24r5 68r7; 13c3 57c4 17c7 59c8;
...45...9.......3......71...3...8.7...65....29.........1....8..5.4.6......92....4;352;elev;228;2;1378;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1378; c2678 r1589: 16 Links; 78c2 13c6 37c7 18c8; 26r1 49r5 29r8 56r9;
...45.7...5.1....6..8..3.5..4.5....7..9....2.8.....3.....7..........29...6..4...1;356;elev;L27;2;2389;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2389; r3568 c2459: 16 Links; 29r3 38r5 29r6 38r8; 17c2 6c4 167c5 45c9;
1......89.....913.........6..7.4....3....1.5..6.2.....5....89...4..7......26.....;360;tax;col-201107-M3-4;3;2467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1389; r1257 c2345: 16 Links; 3r1 8r2 89r5 13r7; 27c2 46c3 47c4 26c5; 5b1 5b2;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.7.2.......9.......46..1.3.....8...6...4.2...9.....5;362;tax;stpatrick-01;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 89c1 35c3 59c7 38c9; 46r2 16r4 27r6 17r8;
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...8.9.3.......7.......85..3.7.....6...5...9.8...2.....1;363;tax;jpf;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 38r2 45r4 49r6 34r8;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.7.2.......51......6...1...3...8...6...4.2.9.......5;364;tax;coloin-mbmplus5b;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3589; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 38r1 59r3 59r7 38r9; 17c2 24c4 67c6 46c8;
...6..7......2...4..9..3.8.3....8.1....7..6......4...29.8....5.51...9....4.......;369;tax;tarek071223170000-;3;2467;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; r3478 c4579: 16 Links; 15r3 59r4 1r7 8r8; 24c4 67c5 24c7 67c9; 3b8 3b9;
.....3..27...9..6....5..4.....2....5..1.6..9......43..8.5.1....16........97....8.;370;tax;tarek-ultra-0339;3;2345;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1678; r25789 c4679: 20 Links; 18r2 78r5 67r7 78r8 16r9; 34c4 25c6 25c7 34c9; 9b8 9b9;
...4..7....6.8...2.....3.5......73...1..2...6...5...4.5.2......86..9....9.1.....8;371;elev;H40;3;3457;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1689; r2589 c4678: 16 Links; 19r2 89r5 1r8 6r9; 37c4 45c6 45c7 37c8; 2b8 2b9;
9.......4.5...3.7...2...6.....7.1.3.....6.....1.35....4.....2...3.8...5...6.....9;372;tax;tarek071223170000- 95371;3;2469;R;C;X;MSLS 1 : Base 1578; r2468 c1379: 16 Links; 18r2 58r4 78r6 17r8; 26c1 49c3 49c7 26c9;
1.......6.2.5...4...3...7...4.89.......2.4.......15.8...7...3...5...9.2.6.......1;373;tax;coloin-05/11/01;3;1367;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1367; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 37r1 16r3 16r7 37r9; 89c2 49c4 28c6 59c8;
98.7.....7.6...9...54......8..5..6......4..3......2..1.7.9..5......3..4......1..2;375;GP;H61;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 12r8 34r9; 56c1 69c2 68c4 78c7;
98.7.....7.6...9...54......8..4..6......5..3......2..1..96..8......3...5.....1.2.;376;GP;H63;3;1235;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1235; r5689 c1347: 16 Links; 12r5 35r6 12r8 35r9; 46c1 78c3 89c4 47c7;
98.7.....7.6...8...54.......7.6..9......3..4......2..1..89..5......1..3......4..2;377;GP;H60;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1247: 16 Links; 24c5 13c6 12c8 34c9; 56r1 59r2 58r4 67r7;
9876.....65....9............4..3..9...69..8.......2..1..58..7......4...2.....1.3.;378;GP;H66;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 12c5 34c6 124c8 34c9; 5r1 78r2 57r5 69r7;
9876.....65....8...........5...4..3..2......1..97..5....58..6......1...2.....3.4.;379;GP;H62;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1267: 16 Links; 23c5 124c6 12c8 34c9; 5r1 79r2 68r6 79r7;
987......65.........49..6..7..5..8......4..3......2..1.9.6..5......1..4......3..2;382;GP;H65;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 23r8 14r9; 58c1 67c2 78c4 79c7;
1.......6.5.9...8...3...4.....2.9.7.....67....9.5.....6.....3...8...5.2...4.....1;383;col;H14;3;1346;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1346; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 34r1 16r3 14r7 36r9; 27c2 78c4 28c6 59c8;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...9.54.......3.9.......86.4...2...1...5...8.3.7.......6;384;tax;col-201107-M2-17;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c24568: 20 Links; 67r1 12r3 67r7 12r9; 48c2 89c4 359c5 345c6 89c8;
98.7.....6.7...8...54.......7.8..5......3..6......2..1..95..4......6...3.....1.2.;385;GP;H56;3;1236;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1236; r5689 c2347: 16 Links; 12r5 36r6 12r8 36r9; 49c2 58c3 49c4 79c7;
987......65.9..7............4..6..3...85..6.......2..1..56..9......1..2......3..4;386;GP;H69;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; c5689 r1257: 16 Links; 234c5 14c6 14c8 23c9; 56r1 8r2 79r5 78r7;
987......65.........47..6..7..9..5......4..3......2..1.6.5..8......3..4......1..2;387;GP;H68;3;1234;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1234; r5689 c1247: 16 Links; 12r5 34r6 12r8 34r9; 58c1 79c2 68c4 79c7;
1.......2.3.4...5...6...7...8.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...4...9.3...2.....1;391;tax;jpf-04/05;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1379 r2468: 16 Links; 26c1 17c3 12c7 67c9; 89r2 45r4 39r6 58r8;
98.7..6..5.7.......46......4..5..7......8..3......2..1..54..9......3..8......1..2;392;GP;H67;3;1238;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1238; r5689 c1347: 16 Links; 12r5 38r6 12r8 38r9; 67c1 49c3 69c4 45c7;
..345.....5...91..7..2.....2..5....3.9....56..6...8.1......589..............7...4;394;elev;L31;2;2347;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2347; r1349 c2678: 16 Links; 27r1 34r3 47r4 23r9; 18c2 16c6 69c7 58c8;
...4....9..7.8.2.......3.5......5..43..9.......8.2.1..76....8..81..6............2;395;tarekdb;colx180;1;3459; ; ;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r2678 c4689: 16 Links; 16r2 67r6 1r7 7r8; 35c4 49c6 349c8 35c9; 2b8;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.62........5.......;397;tax;stpatrick-03;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1467; c2468 r1379: 16 Links; 17c2 7c4 6c6 46c8; 38r1 59r3 59r7 38r9; 2b2 2b8;
...4....9..7.8.2..6.....5..2.....67...5.2.....1...3........1..4.3.9.......8.6..5.;398;elev;L29;2;1349;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1349; r1678 c13578: 20 Links; 13r1 49r6 39r7 14r8; 578c1 26c3 57c5 78c7 268c8;
.2......9..71.....6....35.......5.4.3....48.....7....1...9.......1.6...28...4..6.;404;elev;239;2;1279;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1279; c2349 r3459: 16 Links; 179c2 29c3 2c4 7c9; 48r3 368r4 56r5 35r9;
....5...9...7......8...34....15.....3....4.2.64....8...6.........7.9...1.....236.;405;elev;L28;2;1579;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1579; c3459 r3569: 16 Links; 59c3 19c4 17c5 57c9; 26r3 68r5 23r6 48r9;
5.......9.2.1...7...8...3...4.2.........57......;406;tax;stpatrick-13;3;3589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1467; r24568 c1379: 20 Links; 46r2 67r4 146r5 7r6 17r8; 89c1 35c3 59c7 38c9; 2b4 2b6;
.2.4..7.......9.6....73.1....5..8.3..3.24....9..........6....5..7..1.3..8........;408;elev;244;2;5689;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5689; c1368 r1358: 16 Links; 56c1 89c3 56c6 89c8; 13r1 24r3 17r5 24r8;
1........4...8.1.2..9....5....6...7......2..4....413..3...2...8.7.9.......5....6.;409;elev;255;2;5679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5679; c2348 r2567: 16 Links; 569c2 67c3 57c4 9c8; 3r2 138r5 28r6 14r7;
..34..7...5...9.......3..6.........8..4.7..2.91...........6.2....23...4.8..2.5..1;410;elev;238;2;1589;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; r2469 c34578: 19 Links; 18r2 159r4 58r6 9r9; 67c3 67c4 24c5 346c7 37c8;
6.......2.9.4...5...1...7...5.8.........15......;411;tax;coloin-04-10;3;1267;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; r1379 c2468: 16 Links; 17r1 26r3 12r7 67r9; 48c2 35c4 48c6 39c8;
1...5...9..7........83...4..4.8.7.......1...2.6...3.7.......2...8.6...3.9.....5..;414;elev;L32;2;1259;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1259; c1579 r3468: 16 Links; 25c1 29c5 19c7 15c9; 67r3 36r4 48r6 47r8;
1......8..567..........3..6..7..5.......2.9...3.6....4....9..1..4.5....78.....2..;415;elev;246;2;1289;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1289; r1579 c23469: 20 Links; 29r1 18r5 28r7 19r9; 67c2 345c3 34c4 467c6 35c9;
1......8...7..92...6..3.........4..5..9...4.7...92.....3.6.......4..25..8...1....;416;elev;245;3;1368;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1368; c1245 r2458: 16 Links; 36c1 18c2 138c4 68c5; 45r2 7r4 5r5 79r8; 2b4;
1.......9..67...2..8....5......6..7....3.8.....427.....9....8..5.......1..2.4..3.;418;tax;rw-04-06;3;1589;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1589; r1378 c3458: 16 Links; 58r1 19r3 15r7 89r8; 37c3 46c4 23c5 46c8;
1....67...5.........927......87...4.3....1...57....3.....9....8.6...75......4..2.;419;elev;248;2;2489;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2489; r3479 c1267: 16 Links; 48r3 29r4 24r7 89r9; 67c1 13c2 35c6 16c7;
1....5....6.2...4...3...7...4.69........8..6.......2.4..7...1...8.9...2.5.......3;424;col;H16;3;1357;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1357; c1379 r2458: 16 Links; 37c1 15c3 35c7 157c9; 89r2 8r4 9r5 46r8; 2b4;
..3...7.......9.2..8.1....4...8.......7..52......6...13.2....5.5....39...6..4....;430;elev;156;2;1468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1468; r3469 c13678: 20 Links; 6r3 146r4 48r6 18r9; 279c1 59c3 27c6 35c7 379c8;
.2......9...1..2..6...7..4..3....1..7....8.....5.4..7...4..7.5....9....38...6....;434;elev;173;2;1239;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1239; r1248 c13568: 20 Links; 13r1 39r2 29r4 12r8; 45c1 678c3 58c5 456c6 68c8;
.2...6...4.71.......97...4..3....8..5.1....9.........2.....89......7.6.39..5...7.;436;elev;178;2;2368;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2368; c2679 r2359: 16 Links; 68c2 23c6 23c7 68c9; 59r2 15r3 47r5 14r9;
..3.....9.5.1..2......7..4.2..5..8......9...;441;elev;L33;4;3479;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 3479; r1357 c1247: 16 Links; 47r1 39r3 47r5 39r7; 16c1 26c2 68c4 15c7;
..34.6....5..8......9..2.4.....7.1..........2...2.3.9...46...2.8.......5.1....4.7;443;elev;169;2;1578;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1578; r2489 c3468: 16 Links; 17r2 58r4 17r8 58r9; 26c3 39c4 49c6 36c8;
...45..8......92.....7...452.....3....8........586..7.3..........6.7...4.9...1...;447;elev;153;2;1239;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1239; c1267 r1368: 16 Links; 19c1 123c2 23c6 19c7; 67r1 68r3 4r6 58r8;
..34....9.5.......7....2.6.2...7.....95...4....85..3.....8..9.3.....1.......6..1.;448;elev;167;2;1267;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1267; c1568 r1567: 16 Links; 16c1 12c5 67c6 27c8; 58r1 38r5 49r6 45r7;
.....6.....71....68...3......65...7......2.61.9....4..3...9.....4....8....26...5.;460;elev;138;4;1257;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1257; r2459 c1257: 16 Links; 25r2 12r4 57r5 17r9; 49c1 38c2 48c5 39c7;
.....1..9.......65..9.5..3...8.3...6.7.2.....1....48....3.8..5..2.......4..7.....;470;col;H18;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 147r8 12r9; 56c3 69c5 9c8 3c9; 8b9;
.....1..9.......35..9.5..6...8.3...6.7.2.....1....48....3.8..5..2.......4..7.....;471;col;H20;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 147r8 12r9; 56c3 69c5 9c8 3c9; 8b9;
.....1..9.......65..9.5..3...8.9...6.7.2.....1....48....3.8..5..2.......4..7.....;472;col;H19;3;1247;R;C;X; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1247; r5689 c3589: 16 Links; 14r5 27r6 147r8 12r9; 56c3 36c5 9c8 3c9; 8b9;
.2.4.......6......7....35....8.....63...91.7.9...........2....8....1.35.....75.9.;477;elev;L34;2;2468;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 2468; c2349 r3589: 16 Links; 468c2 24c3 68c4 24c9; 19r3 5r5 79r8 13r9;
1....67...5..8......9.....4....9....7....3.2...8...3..3..1...7......261.....4...5;492;elev;L36;2;4589;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4589; c2359 r1578: 16 Links; 489c2 45c3 5c5 89c9; 23r1 16r5 26r7 37r8;
1.......9.5....23...8.........8....1....24.5.....6.32..3........6...354.9..7.....;494;elev;182;2;1789;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1789; c1349 r2568: 16 Links; 78c1 179c3 19c4 78c9; 46r2 36r5 45r6 2r8;
1....6....5.7.......9.2.4........9..6....1.....4.3...8.4..9.8..5......7...2...3.4;495;elev;L37;2;1567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 1567; r1258 c3579: 16 Links; 57r1 16r2 57r5 16r8; 38c3 48c5 2c7 239c9;
98.7.....76....5....4.6....3..9..7....8.2..4.........1.5.6..3......4..7......1..2;498;GP;H74;2;124;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 124; r35689 c1247: 20 Links; 12r3 1r5 24r6 12r8 4r9; 568c1 379c2 358c4 689c7;
1.3....8..5......6..9.2.1....8..4....7.5.....9...1..2......73......3.89....6....4;499;elev;202;2;4567;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 4567; c2469 r1368: 16 Links; 46c2 47c4 56c6 57c9; 29r1 38r3 38r6 12r8;
1.3.......5...9.....8.3.4...6.5..........7.9.8...4...23.2....61....1...4...6...7.;500;elev;203;2;5679;R;C; ; ;; MSLS 1 : Base 5679; r2459 c1359: 16 Links; 67r2 79r4 56r5 59r9; 24c1 14c3 28c5 38c9;
For the first 6 puzzles I put my solver in survey mode to show the full range of MSLS patterns that I can currently see. For the remainder I've just shown the first (and smallest) pattern that was used in the solution of the puzzle.
I think these results show conclusively that MSLS 16 or 20 cell pattern(s) will provide an equivalent solution wherever 4 or 5 digit Multifish(es) can be seen. It's faster, easier to code than Multifish and there is basically only one pattern to consider. The majority of cases only require a 16 cell pattern - a 20 cell pattern is required when the smallest Multifish pattern contains at least 19 truths. 24-25 cell patterns show up in the surveys but I haven't needed one to solve a puzzle yet. There are a few 19 and 15 link patterns (one cell in the 16 or 20 cell pattern is a given). Overall this method appears to be vastly superior to the Multifish approach - quite frankly I''m stunned
![Shocked :shock:](http://forum.enjoysudoku.com/images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
The one puzzle I didn't see an MSLS pattern in is # 498, but the Multifish pattern in that puzzle is 3 digit and I can't see that either - something to work on this afternoon.
<Edit> - Based on information provided by Champagne - I've now found an MSLS solution for puzzle 498 - I''m now batting 208/208 - well done Champers!