Here's another of Champagne's problem grids that nearly has the diagonal pattern of givens in boxes 5689 to support an SK Loop. The multi-fish digits would be 1234 and if only r5c4 held another given we'd be away. However I've found two MSLSs that will provide identical eliminations.
- Code: Select all
| <9> <8> 12345 | <7> 126 346 | 1234-5 3456 1256 |
| <6> 12345 <7> | 1234-9 129 349 | <8> 3459 1259 |
| 123 1234 1234 | 123469 <8> <5> | 12347 679-34 679-12 |
| <4> 157 1568 | 689 <3># 6789 | 157 <2># 5789-1 |
| 123-578 <9> 123-58 | 248 257 478 | <6> 3578 1578 |
| 23578 2357 23568 | 2689 5679-2 <1># | 357 5789-3 <4># |
| 123-78 <6> 1234-8 | <5> 17 378 | <9> 478 278 |
| 12578 1257 12589 | 1689 <4># 6789 | 257 5678 <3># |
| 3578 3457 34589 | 3689 679 <2># | 457 <1># 5678 |
MSLS:34689N47, 57N5689, 3N123, 5N4 (22 Cells)
Links 1234r3, 578r5, 78r7, 689c4, 57c7, 24b5, 13b6, 13b8, 24b9, (22 Digits)
MSLS: 1257N5689 (16 Cells)
Links: 6r1, 9r2, 578r5, 78r7, 12c5, 34c6, 34c8, 12c9, 5b3, (16 Digits)
=> Elims:5r1c7,9r2c4,34r3c8,12r3c9,1r4c9,578r5c1,58r5c3,8r5c4,2r6c5,3r6c8,78r7c1,8r7c3,(18 Candidates 12 cells)
The first uses link sets in the boxes for digits in the set (1234) and link sets for digits in the complementary set for r57 and c47 which would normally provide an SK loop elimination set, but not in this case because of the problem cell r5c4. However by adding a 1234r3 link set a rank 0 emerges! (It looks like this tactic will often be available) Note here that the elimination of (8)r5c4 results because it is an 'internal' fin candidate doubly covered in cell covered by a truth set.
The second is the result of trying out link sets for (1234) in the columns and for (56789) in the rows. As shown 5r12 has been taken out of the original configuration tried with 17 link sets and replaced with 5b3 so reducing the count to 16 and hence achieving rank 0. (As referred to in out previous exchange Blue. It's easy to spot because (5)r1c3 and (5)r2c2 are PEs for the rank 1 pattern but would leave box 1 with no other 5 left.) This looks a far more elegant solution as uses less sets, the MSLS are in a neat 4x4 array, and all the fin cells are external to the truth set cells.
Warning the following trains of thought may be half-baked.
Confining the truth sets to cells only is very appealing to me because it's directly equivalent to my MSLS search method. However it doesn't allow the cover patterns for the individual digits to be treated as components and capable of being added or subtracted separately because the truth sets are all shared.
I haven't tried in earnest to transform one pattern into the other because it appears to me that the operation must be performed in two phases: the first will fragment the truth sets across the 4 container types, and the second will therefore have to restore them all to being cell sets again. It gives me flashbacks to the days when I tried to find the integrals of mathematical functions - which I never mastered!
The reason I posed my question was practical. If we can find a way to prove that every rank 0 elimination pattern can be found by confining the rows, columns and boxes to link sets, and further confining all digits in one partition to just one house type, then the number of combinations to test would fall dramatically.
I'm coming to believe that what's good for a manually controlled approach won't be so good for a brute force iteration of every option.