I must say, that the England team kept us on our toes for most of the game yesterday,
The atmosphere is fantastic The fans are celebrating........
Next stop is Cologne where we will meet the Swedes who clinched a vital win in the last minutes...
The 4th game will be against either Germany or Ecuador & it is going to be in Either Munich or Stuttgart, so the fans eithr way are in for a treat........
The ticket situation is ludicrous.....I was on the train to Franfurt for the first game & the train was filled with red & white t-shirts

, I sat with 2 unlucky ticketless fans from leicester who offered +400 Euros for each of my tickets, I knew that they would pay for that sum of money because I myself refused to sell......They were trying to get to the main fan site in frankfurt where the giant screens are located......The capacity was 35,000 according to them & it was already closed 3 hours prior to the game....
You wouldn't notice but almost every city/club in England had a flag hanging somewhere in the stadium (I myself was sitting under WINCHESTER)
My favourite chant must be "Football's coming home"
Today Group C will have 2 EXTREMLY tough games
Australia were great in the first game Cahill (Who we know very well in England as he plays in Everton) played very well, Kewell (Liverpool) hopefully would match that performance.
2 many stories to tell, I managed to use my laptop..... so avoiding the German keybords and Y is now where it should be......