udosuk wrote:Well, my advice to Luna... Stick to netball/cricket/tennis/badminton etc...

Less physical violence in the tennis but I do enjoy the odd game of Aussie Rules (when I can get it, kinda thin on the ground here in the UK!).
By the way, someone else in the house was interested in that particular game - which is why it was on - and I'm not confining myself to another room just because there might be violence in a game that's not supposed to be violent. It was screened before the watershed (here, it's 9pm) and children were entitled to be watching such a momentous occasion. Obviously it's up to parents to ensure that children behave regardless of what they see on the TV but Zindane is
supposed to be a responsible adult who is
supposed to know better than to behave like that - especially since it's not part of the game.
You will notice that an apology is conspicuous by it's absence, as is any form of explanation from either of the players. Plenty of speculation in the press - with the addition of lip readers! - but nothing from the players.
*typo correction*