I am used in the construction of buildings.
I am nearly always left behind on site.
What am I

I am used in the construction of buildings.
I am nearly always left behind on site.
emm wrote:Bins.
Cec wrote:Is it a hand-held tool?
Cec wrote:...or pencil/pen?
MCC wrote:".....It could be in some circumstances, but would the same hand-held tool "nearly always be left behind on site"
MCC wrote:"...I am nearly always left behind on site."
Cec wrote:MCC wrote:"...I am nearly always left behind on site."
(1) Does this occur..
(a) during the construction contract?
(b) following completion of construction contract
(c) both the above
(2) Is power such as electricity, fuel, etc. required for me to function?
udosuk wrote:The sweat of the builders?
udosuk wrote:Or, you could say that the material used to construct the building, which is left behind "on site" (in the form of the constructed building itself)...
udosuk wrote:Sorry about the pedantry...
udosuk wrote:Oh yeah, water (which is used to mix the concrete)... I suppose they could left behind the excessive, used water on site and let it evaporate under the sun...
MCC wrote:".....I am nearly always left behind on site."
Cec wrote:...Does "left behind" mean...
(a) forgotten or
Cec wrote:(b) location such as left, right, behind , front, etc.
Hud wrote:Is it the "cornerstone"?
emm wrote:Are you a concept
emm wrote:...or an object?
Cec wrote:A long shot but how about ...
hands or feet of workmen are used during construction and later...
hand or footprints of a workman or some workmen deliberately left on finished concrete surface as a momento or souvenoir.