Ronk wrote:David P Bird, As stated earlier, I was unable to make your fish work in Xsudo. Subsequent retries were also unsuccessful.
I'm not familiar with Xsudo so have no idea why it can't process the first fish I used.
- Code: Select all
| c | b | c | Box
c │ X / - │ / - X │ / / / │ b F F b = Base set
c │ / X / │ / / / │ - / X │ c = Cover set
│ / / X │ / F / │ X / / │ F F b
--├──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤------- / = Empty
b │ / / X │ / / / │ X / / │
│ F / / │ / F / │ - F F │ X = Fish
c │ - - / │ / / X │ / / / │ + = Fin
--├──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤------- - = Spot
│ / / / │ F / / │ / / / │ b F F
│ / / / │ / / / │ - F / │
b │ + + X │ / / / │ / / / │
Mutant 5Fish:r4c6b137\r126c37
(7)r9c12 = (7)5Fish:r4c6b137\r126c37 - (7)r69c2 = (7)r2c2 - (7)r2c79 = (7)r3c7 - (7)r4c7 = (7)r4c3 => r9c3 <> 7
any fin cell is true then the body cells can't hold a truth in the same base constraint and the fish would be false as it couldn't hold 5 truths. This is the basis of the opening strong inference
(7)r9c12 = (7)5Fish:r4c6b137\r126c37
If each of the 5 constraints in the base and cover sets is satisfied by a body cell, then no other
fin or spot cell can be true. This is the basis for the following weak inference where the second node consists of one fin and one spot cell.
(7)5Fish:r4c6b137\r126c37 - (7)r69c2
The rest of the elimination comes from just following alternating inferences.
That's why I object to focussing only on the non-body cells in the cover set as "Potential Eliminations" and ignoring their equivalence to fin cells.
As for favourites, mine is the final one I posted using the finned X-wing and split group nodes.
PS As can be seen, I've been playing with my grid template. It displays well with Internet Explorer, but please let me know if it doesn't on any other browser.
[edit] Grid changed - sorry I originally pasted the wrong one out of my collection.