The Ultimate FISH Guide

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

Re: The Ultimate FISH Guide

Postby sultan vinegar 2 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:18 am

StrmCkr wrote:
another view is the almost fish + Almost fish

b12457 / c12345 => r2589c6 not covered
r9 / c9 => r9c123 not covered

combined :
the cells cover's of (r9- fish) not in the base are excluded => r78c2 {which is using r123 as cover's : from the link fish}
the cells of the covers of b12457 not in the base are excluded => r9c6 { which is using c6 from the linked fish}

more specifically if r9c6 is true for both 1 fish and the large fish, as its base for both fish then they are both reduced to n-1 cells for n vertexes.

which is a rule* i was trying to devise for my nxn+k fish after i noticed that
r1 covered by C123 {K+2} mimicked R1/b1 for a 1 fish { where r1/c123 =>> peers of the base * {union of the covers} = eliminations }

a system for converting sectors that could swap for alternative covers. but in the case of this almost fish the union in theory functions for r78c2 elim.

other then that's as far as i got the idea off the ground or out of excel, when i first was testing it like 6+ years ago.

I can't make that combination work, sorry. Presumably the r9/c9 is a typo that should be r9/c6? But then are you trying to use your two almost-fish in an AIC? If so, then I can get so far as

r9c123=r9c6-r25c6=large fish

but then I don't see the utility of the large fish, for if it be true, then it eliminates only r7c4, doesn't it?

Also, I don't see the utility of having B147 in the base and c123 in the cover — that's the whole left tower in both the base and the cover; it carries no information to the fish.
sultan vinegar 2
Posts: 12
Joined: 23 February 2018

Re: The Ultimate FISH Guide

Postby StrmCkr » Fri Dec 01, 2023 6:58 am

Yes that's a typo

The utility is that it locks 2 sectors up so that box col are fix thus row is also locked.

Which makes the loop when the almsot Blr is paired with the fish
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Re: The Ultimate FISH Guide

Postby sultan vinegar 2 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:01 am

My apologies, I still don't have it. Are you trying to do this:

[r9c123, r25c6] = Mutant Whale: R9B12457/c123456 => r9c6 <> 8.

But r9c6 is a member of the base, so it doesn't actually get eliminated.

So though the combined mutant whale is true when its five (remote and endo) fins are false, it doesn't eliminate r9c6.

I mistakenly thought that by large fish you meant the larger of the two almost fish not the combined finned mutant whale.
sultan vinegar 2
Posts: 12
Joined: 23 February 2018


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