hobiwan wrote:tarek wrote:IMO, the term sashimi is redundant. Its constant use has plagued fish. I'm not sure why I feel like this, but I'm thinking that others may feel the same.
Definitly! But redefining the term as you propose might open another pandora's box and give you even more trouble. I stand with what I said before:
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remove the term sashimi from the section "Shapes of fish"
add a line that says that any finned fish that degenerates without the fins may be called sashimi
This has beenmy aim for some time now....
The proposed changes (subject to approval by all) should be following this:
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Naming of fish:
the "Fish name" consists of 4 sections: 1st section describes the Fish degeneration status, the second section describes the Fish Fin(s) status, the third describes the Fish Shape and the fourth section describes the the Fish Size
Any fish therefore can be properly described in terms of DEGENERATION+FINS+SHAPE+SIZE
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Size of Fish:
1. Cyclopsfish (a.k.a 1-Fish): All elements are in 1 sector * 1 sector
2. X-wing (a.k.a 2-Fish): All elements are in 2 sectors * 2 sectors
3. Swordfish (a.k.a 3-Fish): All elements are in 3 sectors * 3 sectors
4. Jellyfish (a.k.a 4-Fish): All elements are in 4 sectors * 4 sectors
5. Starfish (a.k.a Squirmbag a.k.a 5-Fish): All elements are in 5 sectors * 5 sectors
6. Whale (a.k.a 6-Fish): All elements are in 6 sectors * 6 sectors
7. Leviathan (a.k.a 7-Fish): All elements are in 7 sectors * 7 sectors
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Shape of Fish:
1. Basic: N rows * N columns or vv.
2. Franken: N (rows+boxes) * N (columns+boxes) or vv.
3. Mutant: N Sectors * N Sectors (Not described in 1-2)
4. Kraken: Any fish (1-3) that requires life support (information from outside the pattern)
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Fish Fin(s) status:
1. Finned: if the fish has fin(s) (Review mini glossary)
2. Unfinned: if the fish doesn't have fin(s) (Review mini glossary)
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Fish Degeneration status:
1. Sashimi: in the abscence of fins, the fish ultra-structure degenerates into smaller-sized fish or into a single sector candidates.
2. non-sashimi: in the abscence of fins, the fish ultra-structure DOESN'T degenerate into smaller-sized fish nor into single sector candidates.
this would mean that a single is a degenerate form of 1-fish
this will cover all variants that have column-row constraints.