The SUPERIOR thread

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Postby gsf » Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:45 pm

here are three derived from gordon's 17s
the #021 and #022 have 2 separate x-wings, #023 has 3 (2 bundled in one step, for 4 total)
#021 and #022 only differ by two cells which added full symmetry but retained the x-wings
Code: Select all
Puzzle gsf#021
6 1 . | 8 . 5 | . 9 2
5 . . | . . . | . . 1
. . 4 | . 3 . | 8 . .
2 . . | 4 . 9 | . . 3
. . 7 | . . . | 1 . .
1 . . | 3 . 7 | . . 9
. . 9 | . 8 . | 5 . .
4 . . | . . . | . . 8
8 3 . | 1 . 4 | . 6 7

Puzzle gsf#022
6 1 . | 8 . 5 | . 9 2
5 . . | . . . | . . 1
. . 4 | . 3 . | 8 . .
2 . . | 4 . 9 | . . 3
. . . | . . . | . . .
1 . . | 3 . 7 | . . 9
. . 9 | . 8 . | 5 . .
4 . . | . . . | . . 8
8 3 . | 1 . 4 | . 6 7

Puzzle gsf#023
. . 4 | 6 . . | . . 5
2 . . | . . 4 | . 7 .
. 9 . | . . 8 | 4 . .
. 6 5 | . . . | . 1 .
. . . | 8 . 1 | . . .
. 4 . | . . . | 6 8 .
. . 7 | 2 . . | . 5 .
. 8 . | 1 . . | . . 3
4 . . | . . 9 | 1 . .
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Postby Ruud » Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:46 pm

OK, one for the road.

Code: Select all
. . 6|. 4 .|. . 2
. 4 .|. . 1|. . .
8 . .|. . 6|. . .
. . .|1 . 5|9 7 .
. . 2|. . .|5 . .
. 7 3|8 . 4|. . .
. . .|3 . .|. . 4
. . .|5 . .|. 1 .
9 . .|. 7 .|2 . .

With a naked triple, 2 hidden pairs and 2 X-Wings, this one should pass the test.

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Postby Ocean » Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:19 pm

ab wrote:Hi Ocean
Your last three puzzles can be solved with pairs. The first one is just one hidden pair. The second one is more complicated, so might qualify. They don't need triples though.

Hi ab - thanks for the analysis! It seems I rate some puzzles as more difficult than they actually are, so I should find a more correct method. The required level of difficulty is hard to reach by chance - most puzzles tend to become either much easier or more difficult.
Last edited by Ocean on Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby vidarino » Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:25 pm

A whooping 5 X-Wings (as far as I can tell - but maybe not all are needed. Haven't check too hard.)...

Code: Select all
| . . 5 | 9 . 6 | 1 . . |
| . 1 . | . 2 . | . 9 . |
| 9 . . | . . . | . . 8 |
| 5 . . | 3 . 9 | . . 6 |
| . 2 . | . 5 . | . 8 . |
| 1 . . | 2 . 4 | . . 7 |
| 7 . . | . . . | . . 4 |
| . 3 . | . 6 . | . 5 . |
| . . 1 | 7 . 2 | 8 . . |

Nice to look at, too...:)

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Postby henk » Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:37 pm

A whooping 5 X-Wings (as far as I can tell - but maybe not all are needed. Haven't check too hard.)...

It only needs 3 x-wings and 1 triple... nice one though..
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Postby Ruud » Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:56 pm

henk wrote:It only needs 3 x-wings and 1 triple... nice one though..

It starts with singles, a line-box and a hidden pair.
Then it has 4 X-Wings for digits 1, 2, 3, and 4:)
It only needs the last one of those.
Then after a single, it needs a naked pair
A few singles and an X-Wing on 7. End of fun.

Result: 1 Hidden Pair, 1 Naked Pair, 2 X-Wings required.

I did this manually (the X-Wings are picked up by the solver in order of digit)

Still a very good entry, Vidar!

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Postby henk » Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:11 pm

I have another one that requires 4 x-wings and 3 naked triples..

Code: Select all
 . 5 . | . . . | . 1 .
 2 . . | . . . | . . 6
 . 1 9 | 6 . 4 | 5 2 .
 . . 1 | . 7 . | 2 . .
 6 . . | 4 . 9 | . . 3
 . . 3 | . 5 . | 6 . .
 . 6 4 | 5 . 2 | 9 7 .
 8 . . | . . . | . . 2
 . 7 . | . . . | . 6 .
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Postby ravel » Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:44 pm

henk wrote:I have another one that requires 4 x-wings and 3 naked triples..

I only had 4 x-wings (in 3,7,8,3), no triples:) Hard to find the minimum solution.
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Postby Ruud » Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:07 pm

ravel wrote:I only had 4 x-wings (in 3,7,8,3), no triples:) Hard to find the minimum solution.

All those triples have a hidden pair as complement. It can be solved using 3 of the 4 X-Wings.

From the symmetry lab:

Code: Select all
. . 3|. . 9|. . 4
. 6 .|. 1 .|. 7 .
7 . .|2 . .|8 . .
. . 1|. . 3|. . 8
. 5 .|. 9 .|. 2 .
8 . .|7 . .|1 . .
. . 7|. . 4|. . 9
. 3 .|. 8 .|. 5 .
5 . .|6 . .|7 . .

2 Wings and a Triple.

[edit: One more, before we start talking about percentages...]

Code: Select all
. 3 9|. . .|. . .
7 . .|9 . .|. 5 .
8 . .|6 . .|1 . .
. 5 2|. . 7|. . .
. . .|. 8 .|. . .
. . .|1 . .|6 7 .
. . 5|. . 2|. . 7
. 1 .|. . 4|. . 3
. . .|. . .|2 8 .

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Postby ab » Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:27 am

Ocean wrote:Hi ab - thanks for the analysis! It seems I rate some puzzles as more difficult than they actually are, so I should find a more correct method. The required level of difficulty is hard to reach by chance - most puzzles tend to become either much easier or more difficult.

Hey Ocean,
Download a copy of my solver then you can analyse your puzzles yourself:
{ -- broken link }
You'll have to enter them into the program manually, but if you've used your own programs to decide on likely candidates, that shouldn't be a big deal.
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Postby tarek » Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:25 am

ab wrote:here's a puzzle that does belong in this thread. It's pretty too:
Needs at least one triple and a pair and locked candidate. If you decide not to use pairs, it needs 2 triples and locked candidates.

I disagree, one of the hidden doubles (or both of them !!) have no triple counterpart, they have quad counterparts........Fabulous variety on this one ab

The Total updated list now stands at 55 superiors (check the first post).

The hidden triple in puzzle #43 is priceless
The 5 x-wings are potentially there, but in reality you probably only need 2.

Ruud wrote:One more, before we start talking about percentag


Some of latest puzzles from vidar, Ruud & ab seem to have similar geometries

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Postby tarek » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:41 am

My solvers Rankings depending on Variability/Variety/Difficulty:
Code: Select all
Variability/Variety Rankings:

1    Puzzle#031 (henk)
2    Puzzle#010 (Ruud)
3    Puzzle#033 (vidarino)
4    Puzzle#050 (gsf)
5    Puzzle#038 (ab)
6    Puzzle#007 (vidarino)
7    Puzzle#049 (gsf)
8    Puzzle#042 (vidarino)
9    Puzzle#041 (vidarino)
10   Puzzle#013 (henk)
11   Puzzle#034 (vidarino)
12   Puzzle#009 (Ruud)
13   Puzzle#003 (tarek/ab)
14   Puzzle#037 (Ocean)
15   Puzzle#054 (Ruud)
16   Puzzle#029 (vidarino)
17   Puzzle#048 (gsf)
18   Puzzle#036 (Ruud)
19   Puzzle#040 (ab)
20   Puzzle#025 (ab)
21   Puzzle#014 (henk)
22   Puzzle#028 (henk)
23   Puzzle#002 (Ruud)
24   Puzzle#039 (Ruud)
25   Puzzle#032 (henk)
26   Puzzle#051 (Ruud)
27   Puzzle#027 (henk)
28   Puzzle#016 (henk)
29   Puzzle#055 (Ruud)
30   Puzzle#045 (vidarino)
31   Puzzle#017 (ab)
32   Puzzle#015 (henk)
33   Puzzle#024 (Mage)
34   Puzzle#026 (henk)
35   Puzzle#022 (Ruud)
36   Puzzle#044 (vidarino)
37   Puzzle#005 (ab)
38   Puzzle#008 (vidarino)
39   Puzzle#043 (vidarino)
40   Puzzle#011 (gsf)
41   Puzzle#001 (tarek)
42   Puzzle#023 (Ruud)
43   Puzzle#035 (tarek)
44   Puzzle#018 (ab)
45   Puzzle#021 (Ruud)
46   Puzzle#052 (vidarino)
47   Puzzle#053 (henk)
48   Puzzle#020 (vidarino)
49   Puzzle#019 (vidarino)
50   Puzzle#006 (vidarino)
51   Puzzle#047 (vidarino)
52   Puzzle#030 (vidarino)
53   Puzzle#046 (vidarino)
54   Puzzle#012 (gsf)
55   Puzzle#004 (ab/tarek)

Code: Select all
Difficulty Rankings:

1    Puzzle#031 (henk)
2    Puzzle#050 (gsf)
3    Puzzle#013 (henk)
4    Puzzle#043 (vidarino)
5    Puzzle#033 (vidarino)
6    Puzzle#038 (ab)
7    Puzzle#049 (gsf)
8    Puzzle#048 (gsf)
9    Puzzle#032 (henk)
10   Puzzle#051 (Ruud)
11   Puzzle#007 (vidarino)
12   Puzzle#005 (ab)
13   Puzzle#010 (Ruud)
14   Puzzle#003 (tarek/ab)
15   Puzzle#009 (Ruud)
16   Puzzle#029 (vidarino)
17   Puzzle#034 (vidarino)
18   Puzzle#037 (Ocean)
19   Puzzle#041 (vidarino)
20   Puzzle#042 (vidarino)
21   Puzzle#054 (Ruud)
22   Puzzle#040 (ab)
23   Puzzle#001 (tarek)
24   Puzzle#011 (gsf)
25   Puzzle#014 (henk)
26   Puzzle#015 (henk)
27   Puzzle#016 (henk)
28   Puzzle#017 (ab)
29   Puzzle#023 (Ruud)
30   Puzzle#025 (ab)
31   Puzzle#026 (henk)
32   Puzzle#027 (henk)
33   Puzzle#028 (henk)
34   Puzzle#039 (Ruud)
35   Puzzle#044 (vidarino)
36   Puzzle#045 (vidarino)
37   Puzzle#055 (Ruud)
38   Puzzle#008 (vidarino)
39   Puzzle#018 (ab)
40   Puzzle#024 (Mage)
41   Puzzle#035 (tarek)
42   Puzzle#020 (vidarino)
43   Puzzle#046 (vidarino)
44   Puzzle#047 (vidarino)
45   Puzzle#052 (vidarino)
46   Puzzle#053 (henk)
47   Puzzle#036 (Ruud)
48   Puzzle#002 (Ruud)
49   Puzzle#021 (Ruud)
50   Puzzle#022 (Ruud)
51   Puzzle#006 (vidarino)
52   Puzzle#012 (gsf)
53   Puzzle#019 (vidarino)
54   Puzzle#030 (vidarino)
55   Puzzle#004 (ab/tarek)

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Postby vidarino » Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:31 am

The initial post says max 15 puzzles per member, and I have already exceeded my quota by two, but I'd like to throw these two in before calling it a day. Include them in the list or send them to the "almost lost" thread at will.:) But I do believe they deserve to be seen.:)

Code: Select all
| . . 8 | 6 . 4 | 1 . . |
| . 1 . | . . . | . 4 . |
| 9 . . | . 2 . | . . 3 |
| 2 . . | . 7 . | . . 9 |
| . . 3 | 9 . 1 | 6 . . |
| 1 . . | . 4 . | . . 5 |
| 8 . . | . 1 . | . . 6 |
| . 5 . | . . . | . 7 . |
| . . 6 | 4 . 5 | 3 . . |

| . . 5 | . . . | 1 . . |
| . 4 . | . 8 . | . 7 . |
| 1 . . | 2 . 3 | . . 5 |
| . . 6 | 4 5 1 | 9 . . |
| . 5 . | 8 . 9 | . 1 . |
| . . 9 | 3 2 6 | 4 . . |
| 5 . . | 6 . 8 | . . 2 |
| . 3 . | . 1 . | . 9 . |
| . . 4 | . . . | 5 . . |

| . . 2 | 7 . 8 | 9 . . |
| . 3 . | . . . | . 1 . |
| 4 . . | . 2 . | . . 8 |
| 8 . . | 9 . 5 | . . 3 |
| . . 5 | . 7 . | 6 . . |
| 6 . . | 2 . 4 | . . 9 |
| 3 . . | . 4 . | . . 7 |
| . 8 . | . . . | . 9 . |
| . . 7 | 8 . 2 | 5 . . |

Is it Round Puzzle Day today? ;-)

The center box was annoyingly full on the second one, so I'm thinking about scrapping it, but it's still a fun puzzle...

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Postby tarek » Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:03 pm

vidarino wrote:The initial post says max 15 puzzles per member, and I have already exceeded my quota by two, but I'd like to throw these two in before calling it a day. Include them in the list or send them to the "almost lost" thread at will.:) But I do believe they deserve to be seen.:)
Did I say 15 per member or 15 per member per post:D

I think for anyone exceeding 15, some more restrictions should apply (variety, symmetry, difficulty)....or probably just say that entry is guaranteed only if in the top 15. I don't mind if anyone posts extra so long as we are not talking about 1000s that stem from from the same puzzle.

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Postby henk » Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:27 pm

Another one from me, I counted 3 X-Wings and 1 hidden triple, but you might be able to solve it with 2 X-Wings:

Code: Select all
 6 . 3 | . 5 . | 9 . 2
 7 1 . | . 2 . | . 4 6
 . . . | . . . | . . .
 . . . | 4 . 2 | . . .
 2 3 . | 5 . 7 | . 9 1
 . . . | 9 . 8 | . . .
 . . . | . . . | . . .
 1 7 . | . 9 . | . 8 4
 4 . 9 | . 7 . | 2 . 3
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