daj95376 wrote:ravel wrote:What i wonder is, how SE could solve puzzles 7 and 11 of Oceans gold list above (have no java here), when they need coloring.
My program could only solve nr 7 (23 steps), but i dont trace, if x-wing or UR1 have been used (thought SE only uses LC and subsets ?)
My solver used Templates for many coloring techniques. I ran puzzles #7 & #11 with it enabled and with it disabled. Short contradiction chains following Hidden Singles easily replaced all of the Templates eliminations. Is it possible that SE did something similar?
daj, ravel was refering to coloring within the forcing chains. I too think it's strange that gsf's program needs coloring... My first suspision was that SE would solve them with region or cell forcing chains, AFAIK both gsf and ravel use only contradiction forcing chains. But I just followed a step by step solution to both puzzles in SE that used only contradiction forcing chains, with nothing more than locked candidates or pairs... No uniqueness used at any point.
gsf, is it possible for you to get a pm grid of where your program gets stuck if you only allow locked candidates and subsets in the propositions? I'd be very interested to see what is the next SE move at that point.