Likely the source of confusion on definitions is stemming from my conflation of two concepts a couple years ago: that of "singles expansion of a minimal" (which Denis called a min-expand), and this:
denis_berthier wrote:question: can one find "absolute" min-expands, i.e. min-expands that can contain no smaller min-expand; do they always have to be minimal puzzles (with no other expansion than themselves); perhaps add a y/n/? column for mentioning who is an absolute min-expand (the ? for puzzles that haven't been explored); but I don't know id such search is practicable: calculations may involve complex recursive search;
What I call min-expands are what Denis would call (or would have called) "absolute min-expands". (FWIW, the search is very much practical.

With that out of the way:
denis_berthier wrote:mith wrote:A min-expand is defined as a puzzle which is the (unique) singles expansion of each of its own minimals.
That's a new turn (not equivalent to the definition in the first post), but it's a very bad definition, for many reasons:
1) It's very difficult to check: one would have to generate all the minimals of P - possibly thousands;
My definition (P is a min-expand iff P is the expansion of a minimal by Singles) is and has always been:
- easy to check: the main data remain the minimals, the min-expands are just there to group them;
- self-contained: no need to refer to the current state of a database;
The difference in difficulty you are expressing here is primarily because in one case you are assuming you already have the minimals and in the other you are assuming you have to generate all of them. This is true if you already have the closed set of minimals and their singles expansions, sure. The issue is: that is a state of the database. If you have an expanded form on its own, before generating its minimals and their singles expansions we definitely cannot tell if the expanded form is the singles expansion of
a minimal (your definition) nor of
all minimals (mine).
Let's consider something more extreme:
- Is every solution grid a min-expand by your definition? Almost certainly yes, but to show it for a specific solution you either need to generate minimals until you find one in T&E(0), already have a minimal in T&E(0) which has that specific solution, or come up with an algorithm to generate a T&E(0) minimal from the solution.
- Is every solution grid a min-expand by my definition? Almost certainly yes, but to show it for a specific solution I either need to generate minimals until I find one in T&E(1+), already have a minimal in T&E(1+) which has that specific solution, or come up with an algorithm to generate a T&E(1+) minimal from the solution.
It's a pretty similar state of affairs until you start with the assumption of having all the minimals you care about and all their singles expansions. In the context of this search specifically, I am already generating all the minimals, their singles expansions... but also all expanded forms related to them (whether they are singles expansions of minimals or not), the solution grids associated with them... so it's really not much difference in effort whether I am listing the min-expands by my definition or the singles expansions of minimals; one involves grouping things in the expanded database, the other involves grouping things in the minimal database.
2) it's much too restrictive: there can be minimals (probably a vast majority of minimals) that are not minimals of any min-expand in your sense;
This only matters if you are trying to generate all the minimals from the min-expand list directly (and care about having all the related minimals in the first place). Which is unnecessary now that I've provided the full list of minimals.
3) It's useless in practice (other than as a technical tool in your search process): for the previous reason.
- natural: having the same min-expand defines an easy to check equivalence relation compatible with any reasonable measure of complexity (T&E-depth, B, BxB...) - which the SER is not;
- easy to use: all the minimal puzzles that have the same min-expand (and all the puzzles in-between) have the same complexity for any reasonable measure ;
The use, for me, is that the min-expands and max-expands define boundaries for the complexity within a given solution tree. For a given (closed) tree, the set of puzzles with the highest complexity (for any reasonable measure) will include at least one of the min-expands. When I'm searching for trivalue oddagons, if I have studied a 29c min-expand I don't particularly care if I'm skipping a 30c that contains it as a subset. Either the 30c has the same complexity, or the extra given lowers the complexity. It doesn't matter to me whether the 30c is the singles expansion of a minimal or not.
The minimals also don't matter much to me at this point, other than that they are used for generating puzzles. Every minimal in the database has an equivalent complexity to a puzzle in the (full) expanded database (its singles expansion). The expanded database has replaced minimals as the main data, in my view.
The min-expands by my definition are the minimal expanded forms, rather than the singles expansions of minimals. Just as the max-expands are the maximal expanded forms, rather than the singles expansions of maximals (whatever that would mean).
I agree that if you are treating the minimals as the main data, having an equivalence relation between them is useful. And I may well expand what I am publishing to make that information easier to pull out (though again, it's not hard to generate this from the list of minimals I have provided).