Continued from hardest puzzle thread:
mith wrote: the 11.3 Denis posted earlier does *not* have a valid non-degenerate trivalue oddagon (at least by my definition); because r1c9 is limited to 123, the three marked cells in box 3 already cannot all contain 123, so the OR branching can be reduced to considering that r2c7 and r3c9 cannot both contain 123.
"My" 11.3 (indeed Paquita's) has a non-degenerate trivalue oddagon (it has indeed many different ones), unless one is willing to add to the definition conditions (such as those you're mentioning) that have never been defined and that are potentially in unlimited numbers. I think you're confusing the presence of the pattern (defined in the precise, simple way I gave in the tridagon thread) with its usefulness in specific circumstances.
In the present case, there are two independent circumstances that make it useless: the one you're mentioning and the very high number of guardians.
This condition was defined (insofar as it is part of the algorithm I use) in this thread:
p328613 (fourth bullet point). This specific post does not exclude degenerate tridagons by your definition, though that is handled in a later algorithm (a trivalue oddagon can only contain all digits in all cells of the pattern if those digits are restricted as givens to a single box which is not aligned with the four boxes of the pattern; a given in any other box will necessarily remove that candidate from a cell of the pattern, since the pattern spans all rows and columns within each box it covers).
It is not merely a matter of usefulness; it is a matter of reduction to a smaller pattern. In this case, the set of cells r1c89+r2c7+r3c9 is a 4 cell pattern with a chromatic number of 4, and the guardians are a subset of the guardians in the trivalue oddagon. We can quickly identify such cases by noting that there is a cell in box 3 which is not part of the potential trivalue oddagon but which is limited to the three digits of the trivalue oddagon, and is quite limited in scope (I can think of one other similar limitation involving the rows/columns instead of the box, but it would be much more unlikely to occur; might add a check for that at some point anyway).
In fact, there is nothing precluding a case where the guardians of the smaller pattern are exactly the same as the guardians of the trivalue oddagon, and in such a case the trivalue oddagon would be exactly as useful as the smaller pattern. Even in cases where the guardians of the smaller pattern are a proper subset of the guardians of the trivalue oddagon, there is nothing precluding the smaller pattern from being useful.
You can choose to not define this case as degenerate, that's your prerogative. It's totally reasonable to draw the line at only considering cells and candidates which are part of the pattern. That said, one could perhaps make the argument that it is degenerate even by your definition in the sense that whatever (unknown) digit goes in r1c9 (which we know is from 123) is excluded from the other cells in the box (r1c8+r2c7+r3c9).
Anyway, I do consider this case degenerate, and specified in my post that my comment was according to my definition. And I have consistently defined it this way since starting to analyze the T&E(3) database for the pattern (it just happens to be the case that all puzzles in T&E(3) currently known satisfy this more restrictive condition as well).