I found it absurd you think the Lakers are "struggling to win"... They were in a 7-game losing streak before Kobe hits his strides... If I'm Phil Jackson I'd be glad if the team wins every game by 1 pt against any minnow, provided they keep on winning... What's the prize of blowing every bad team by 20 pts but losing to all the good teams?
The main thing is the Lakers found their formula to success - that is to keep feeding Kobe the ball and let him do his stuff... If that's what keeps the team winning I don't see the problem... Especially as I don't see any of his teammates complaining... Jordan was carrying 50%+ of the Bulls offense and they won 6 championships...
I feel unfortunate for the Pistons, as they played well enough to win these last 2 games... Hopefully they'll be strong enough to defend the #1 seed from the Cavs... The Heat is in a mess right now, it seems the mojo after the Wade injury has faded out... Shaq is always in foul troubles and the old players such as Walker, Payton & Mourning are either injured or out of form... Without Wade, they need everyone to play 120% every game and perhaps it's taking it's toll on those aged bodies...
The Rockets are only 1/2 game behind the Jazz at the moment... Some are even speculating their chance to grab the #3 seed, which would need the Spurs to fall into a bad slump... I myself don't see it as a good idea, as a 2nd round matchup with the Mavs is perhaps better than one with the Suns (provided the Rockets
can actually win a 1st round series for the 1st time in the T-Mac/Yao era)... And also there is always doubts about the Mavs-Warriors series... At the moment Lakers is looking more likely to get #6 and Nuggets #7... Wonder which team the Suns would like to face more?
Regarding the vernal equinox questions, I've meant to reply last time but I forgot... Actually vernal/autumnal equinoxes are just 2 of the 24
solar terms in Chinese and other Asian calendars... The
Ching Ming festival (meaning "clear & bright") is the next one after vernal equinox and is a traditional day for Chinese to visit the graves of the dead relatives/ancestors... While Japanese hold their holidays on vernal equinox, Hong Kong people have this holiday on Ching Ming (normally April 4/5) which often is combined with the Easter holidays to form a long weekend (talk about cultural fusion

)... China, on the other hand, cannot use these as reasons for holidays because of the government's atheist/anti-feudalist standpoint... However the people are compensated in the next month with their "golden week" holiday which starts on Labour Day (May 1)...
On the other hand, both HK, China as well as other Chinese countries hold holiday on the
Mid-Autumn Festival, which is parallel to the autumnal equinoxes (though usually not on the same day)... On that day the moon is supposed to be the fullest & brightest throughout the year... Activities include "admiring the moon", eating mooncakes/pomelos and playing lanterns...
I wonder why these stuffs would interest you in the first place...