Sports talk (formerly NBA talk)

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Postby udosuk » Thu May 04, 2006 5:53 am

I too would like to see the Bulls beat the Heat... But it looks like a long way before they'll get to the Finals, especially how good the Pistons are right now...

Today Lebron James made another winning basket... I think we have 2 "Jordan"s now, in Kobe Bryant and Lebron James...

But the duel between Gilbert Arena and Lebron is getting more and more exciting...

Hoping to see a few game 7s this weekend...
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Postby udosuk » Fri May 05, 2006 5:51 am

Gosh, another exciting game today between the Suns & the Lakers... Kobe Bryant scored 50 points for the Lakers but they lost in OT... Guess Hud would be glad to see a game 7 in Phoenix this weekend...

Other results: the Bulls lost to the Heat 4-2 and same goes the Pacers to the Nets...
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Postby Hud » Fri May 05, 2006 4:17 pm

This Suns/Lakers series reminds me of the first round of the playoffs in 1993 (I believe). It was best of 5 then and the Suns lost the first 2 games at HOME. They went on to take 3 straight from the Lakers but lost to the Bulls in the finals. I wonder if Charles Barkley remembers that?

I actually didn't know the results til this morning. I just wouldn't get much sleep if I'd watched the game. It's still anyone's series, but I feel a little better now. I also hope Raja Bell keeps his cool tomorrow. I think Kobe is a punk, but he is great. The Suns always beat the Lakers when Kobe has a big game. It sort of takes his teammates out of the flow. Obviously, these are just mhos.
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Postby udosuk » Fri May 05, 2006 4:36 pm

Hud wrote:The Suns always beat the Lakers when Kobe has a big game. It sort of takes his teammates out of the flow.

Kobe scored big this game 'cause Bell was suspended. Anyway he didn't shoot badly this game (20/35 FG, 5/8 3P, 5/6 FT) and almost won it at the end of regulation with another last second shot. His teammates didn't do too bad either (27/50 FG). But Kobe did have 7 turnovers and in a close game everything could be a factor contributing to the final result. Anyway I think the Suns won because their backs' against the wall and they're psyched up with Bell's suspension. So their offensive game was running much better compared to previous games.

In game 7 both teams' backs are against the wall and it'd be a close call. Suns got the home advantage but don't forget the Lakers are coached by Phil Jackson, who's never lost a round one series or any series when his team was leading in games... Of course, everything has a first time...

If the Suns could come back from this 1-3 hole, they'd have a good chance to win the championship because 5 out of 7 teams have done that in the past (the last one being the Pistons in 2004)...
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Postby Hud » Fri May 05, 2006 7:47 pm

No matter who wins tomorrow, it should be a good, entertaining game. There's no love lost between Phoenix and LA, and they have been pretty intense rivals for as long as I can remember. There may be a few chants of "beat LA" heard.

They just showed on TV a long line of fans waiting til noon to buy tickets. A Suns official came out and using a bullhorn, told them all the tickets had been sold. They generously offered each fan a bobble head doll, and a ticket to a WNBA game. Some fans had been there since 6AM.

It's hard to believe, but the Arizona Cardinals have sold out every available season ticket for the next season. The new $440 million stadium is the big attraction. It is an awesome looking place and there was a special on The Discovery Channel about it's construction. Now they need to wind more than 5 games per season. They've been in the Phoenix area since 1988 and have had only one winning (9 and 7 I believe) season.

Sorry to hog the thread.
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Postby udosuk » Sun May 07, 2006 6:30 am

Hud, guess you must be very happy now...

A few days ago I was predicting there would be at least 3-4 upsets in the 8 1st round series... Turns out all 8 teams with home court advantage advanced... And only 1 series went to 7 games... It's so uninteresting when everything progresses "in order"...:(

Spurs vs Mavs
Suns vs Clips
Pistons vs Cavs
Heat vs Nets
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Postby Hud » Sun May 07, 2006 3:24 pm

I had my doubts there for awhile. The Lakers took the Suns out of their game early in the series, and that was the only time all season it has happened. There were some pretty good writeups in today's paper mostly about Leandro Barbosa and Boris Diaw with a little Raja Bell thrown in. Boris Diaw could become a star in the league, and he was a throw in in the Joe Johnson trade to Atlanta last summer. Did you know Boris is a Frenchman? If the Suns can win the first 2 games of next series at home, I might try to watch a game or 2 in Clipperland. I like the format of the 7 game series (2-2-1-1-1). In the finals, it's 2-3-2. It seems funny that we have to play 2 teams in succession from the same city (LA). The Clippers will have a size advantage, but speed is on the Suns side if Nash's ankle isn't too badly sprained.
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Postby udosuk » Mon May 08, 2006 5:21 am

Yes, Barbosa and Diaw were the heroes in the last 3 games, as well as Tim Thomas for his killer 3s in game 6. Nash & Marion were their usual all-star selves too... I knew Diaw is French earlier this season, when some sportswriter claimed he's a better candidate for most improved player than his countryman Tony Parker, which of course turned out to be true... So fancy the performance for the French team in the world championships later in the year...

Speaking of which I really look forward to the world championships this year with another exciting tournament looming... USA will no doubt send a much better team than the ones in 2002 & 2004 but many other teams also feature at least 1 or 2 players with all-star to MVP calibre...
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Postby Hud » Mon May 08, 2006 3:02 pm

There's quite a bit of talk here about the US taking a more dedicated squad to the next world championship. Jerry Collangelo who for many years was the architect of the Suns (and majority stockholdr I believe)has overall charge of the selections. The players who wish to play have to commit to lots of training together prior to the games. It's pretty interesting that some of the best players in the league actually asked Collangelo for interviews to join the team. I guess we'll see if it has a better effect than the last debacle we were in. Allen Iverson wasn't invited back this time and he's a bit miffed over it. Basketball really has become an international sport as you know and it is no longer easy to win one of these championships.
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Postby udosuk » Mon May 08, 2006 4:27 pm

Hud wrote:... and it is no longer easy to win one of these championships.

Over the years the U. S. of A. has always been taking for granted that they just need to show up in an international tournament and will automatically grab the gold home... It's the championship for them to lose, not for anybody else to compete and gain it... It's that attitude that made the rest of the world enjoy so much about their demise from the throne...

I think the situation right now is good... No doubt, US will be top favourite if they can fill a team with superstars like Kobe, Lebron, Duncan, Shaq, Wade... etc. But that's not to say other teams don't stand a chance... Argentina, Canada, France, Germany, Lithuania, Serbia... etc all have their share of big stars and also traditional underachivers like China (if they can get Yao healthy), Greece, Italy, Spain, Puerto Rico are outside chance contenders... Even in Australia we fancy our chances... Not relying on Andrew Bogut but on overall quality of local players and teamwork. Even our neighbour New Zealand fancy their chances...

It'd be even healthier if it gets more like soccer... With a slightly hotter favourite (Brazil) but everybody else still legitimate contenders...
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Postby Hud » Mon May 08, 2006 4:47 pm

I really look forward to the next world games. Look for a much more enthusiastic bunch from the US, but many other countries have a ligitimate shot at the crown.

I don't know if this made the news down under, but after Bell was suspended, Kobe said at a press conference that maybe Bell didn't get enough hugs from his mom growing up. When Saturday's game was almost over, Bell's mom hugged him on the court. The crowd went crazy I hear. Shortly later, Kobe walked past Bell's mom, and she asked if he'd like a hug. Kobe ignored her, but wouldn't it have been great for his reputation if he'd have hugged her?

My daughter took her daughter to a game last week and paid $20 (6 gallons of gas) to park. It's a rich man's game now. I suppose you guys are taking a beating at the pump as well. I paid $3.06 to fill up my Toyota Tundra last week. People are really up-in-arms over it, but from all I hear, gas is still a bargain here. I suppose it's due to how much it is taxed? Medical bills, insurance, and prescription drugs are sky high here and rising fast.

Sorry to ramble, but it's nice to hear people from other places points of view.
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Postby udosuk » Mon May 08, 2006 5:09 pm

Hud wrote:I suppose you guys are taking a beating at the pump as well. I paid $3.06 to fill up my Toyota Tundra last week. People are really up-in-arms over it, but from all I hear, gas is still a bargain here. I suppose it's due to how much it is taxed? Medical bills, insurance, and prescription drugs are sky high here and rising fast.

Oh... since you're starting this... Our situation wouldn't be much better than any place else... Especially here in metro area we have a great chunk of tax to pay both the state and the federal governments... Needless to say many here believe we're sc$@#ed (sorry Luna) by Bush and Howard (our prime minister who's the no.1 fan of your country)... Or did they deliberately do this to erase any conspiracy that the war was just an evil scheme to get cheap oils?

Sorry for the rumbling...
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Postby lunababy_moonchild » Mon May 08, 2006 5:42 pm

udosuk wrote:Needless to say many here believe we're sc$@#ed (sorry Luna) by Bush and Howard (our prime minister who's the no.1 fan of your country)...

So, that'll be scunnered then:D , obviously.

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Postby Hud » Mon May 08, 2006 10:44 pm

I just heard the Suns are favored by 5 1/2 tonight. I gave up trying to predict sports many years ago. Most say the Suns will get many open shots, but the key is making some. Kurt Thomas may return to action late in the round if it goes that far. The teams were 4-4 during the season, but I don't place much import on that.

I hate to get into the war and oil, but I guess I did start it. Before it started, I said that even if Saddam had WMDs, Iran and N. Korea were bigger threats. I really think that oil, and revenge against Saddam for trying to assassinate Bush the first were the real reasons for it. OK, now lets get into religion lol.
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Postby udosuk » Tue May 09, 2006 12:43 pm

Another great game by the Suns... 130-123... Run 'n gun basketball is always my favourite... Actually I play in that style too...

Just discovered that Barbosa is Brazillian... And Brazil would feature in the world championship in Japan too... So the Suns have 3 international stars, cool...:)

PS: Political/religious talk ain't really appropriate in here IMHO...
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