champagne,ttt, Paul, Allan a few others most of it all via pm
sharks: was Davids early form of mutifish which then hybridize and eventual msls renamed after an issue occurred in the sharks thread between the author and ronk whom polluted the thread:
Sharks attempted to just use the hidden-sets the same as n fish, until half way through David realized that the hidden and away set intersect between base and cover. Thus always have the same number of digits. That's the balancing act and truth balance to qip david
when looking at 4 sectors where the 9 digits (home is 4 digits {naked set}, away is 5 digits {hidden set}) or vice versa. all 9 digits are exactly counted in all sectors
{as hidden set, givens, naked set}
Which ever set has more then the max cell count is out of balance. This idea halted sharks plus the argument killed it completely as the thread diverted from its original intent and became muddled and hard to follow, David moved the concept on-wards with the new name msls
sk loops loops are the easiest to show as they are 4 sectors with a total count of or (16+16) or (24+8) nets zero uncovered cells.
((4*9)-4 ) = 32 cells holding 9 digits.
sk loops in the usual general naked from are a size 7 naked set in 4 sectors with also hold a size 2 hidden set with all digits of both sets accounted for.
in other words 16 cells left for the naked set to fill. and 16 cells holding the hidden set.
the hidden set version is A size 4 hidden set with 4 sectors holding a size 5 naked set meaning that 24 cells are holding a size 4 hidden set. and 8 cells hold the naked set
the givens in both cases is where the "digestion" part arrives they are counted as part of the naked set
however when cell counting they are counted as "empty"
both end up rank zero.
see the following grid to see what i mean {at least i hope} for the balancing act described above.
they exists at the same time an example: of both on the same grid with eliminations
strmckr's 11.4
- Code: Select all
| 5 137 1467 | 23468 234678 378 | 12 468 9 |
| 346 2 469 | 1 34689 3589 | 456 7 468 |
| 1467 179 8 | 24569 24679 579 | 3 456 12 |
| 13678 4 15679 | 389 1389 2 | 5679 35689 3678 |
| 123678 13789 12679 | 3489 5 1389 | 24679 34689 234678 |
| 238 3589 259 | 7 3489 6 | 2459 1 2348 |
| 24 157 3 | 2569 12679 1579 | 8 469 1467 |
| 178 6 157 | 3589 13789 4 | 179 2 137 |
| 9 178 24 | 2368 123678 1378 | 1467 346 5 |
standard typical Sk-loop - {size 7 Naked set & size 2 hidden set } {eliminates external}
- Code: Select all
| 5 (137) 1467 | 23468 234678 378 | 12 (468) 9 |
| (346) 2 (469) | 1 389-46 3589 | (456) 7 (468) |
| 1467 (179) 8 | 24569 24679 579 | 3 (456) 12 |
| 13678 4 15679 | 389 1389 2 | 5679 3589-6 3678 |
| 123678 389-17 12679 | 3489 5 1389 | 24679 389-46 234678 |
| 238 3589 259 | 7 3489 6 | 2459 1 2348 |
| 24 (157) 3 | 2569 12679 1579 | 8 (469) 1467 |
| (178) 6 (157) | 3589 389-17 4 | (179) 2 (137) |
| 9 (178) 24 | 2368 123678 1378 | 1467 (346) 5 |
the hidden sk version: {size 4 hidden set & size 5 naked set } {eliminates internal}
- Code: Select all
| 5 17(3) 1467 | 23468 234678 378 | 12 46(8) 9 |
| 46(3) 2 46(9) | 1 -46(389) (3589) | 46(5) 7 46(8) |
| 1467 17(9) 8 | 24569 24679 579 | 3 46(5) 12 |
| 13678 4 15679 | 389 1389 2 | 5679 -6(3589) 3678 |
| 123678 -17(389) 12679 | 3489 5 1389 | 24679 -46(389) 234678 |
| 238 (3589) 259 | 7 3489 6 | 2459 1 2348 |
| 24 17(5) 3 | 2569 12679 1579 | 8 46(9) 1467 |
| 17(8) 6 17(5) | (3589) -17(389) 4 | 17(9) 2 17(3) |
| 9 17(8) 24 | 2368 123678 1378 | 1467 46(3) 5 |
Limitations for msls as a designed of row/col design is boxes since it involves muti re counts on digits that in overlapping sectors borkes the counts.
To fix it should move into a system similar to obimath methods and they function pretty good. (haven't tested in code yet, but hand copies show they can)