creint wrote:Are you planning to implement generalized fishes?
I would love to have that but the short answer is Not anytime soon. X-wings will be caught in Sukaku explainer in at least 3 ways:
1. The old implemented Fish technique will catch any rc X-Wing
2. The strong links algorithm(s) (The same that would catch Skyscrapers and 2-String Kites) and would report them as 2 strong link x loops. These will be caught including if Finned & in any supported variant. Any fish of order greater than N=2 will be caught only if the if the truth/link pattern is 2x2x...N times Where N is the order of the fish. Grouped strong links allows for finned varieties of these fishes but will not catch other fish that do not satisfy these restrictions.
3. Forcing X cycles: These would catch any fish only if the if the truth/link pattern is 2x2x...N times and will not catch finned fish. This will catch these fish in variants too
creint wrote:In windoku there are 5 hidden constraints, but in sudoku x you have also 3 extra hidden constraints of size 5. Locked sets are sometimes possible inside these 3 hidden constraints.
Only the 9 cell hidden Windoku windows are supported (They are not hidden anymore).
I would certainly say that supporting the hidden constraints from Sudoku X would reduce the difficulty: Naked sets (including naked singles), Almost naked sets, Generalized intersections and Strong links would all benefit from it. These will need to be declared in the Welcome window as constraints so that any player understands why this technique was used in that setting. These Sudoku-X constraints could be added (?Easily) but they will need to wait until somebody (usually me
) is free to implement them. As you also mention. If the number of symbols available equals the number of cells in the constraint the we can also take advantage of the hidden sets techniques including hidden singles). More projects and very little time
creint wrote:Is there an option to find all steps on a multi-solution grid in SE?
SE should accept a pencilmark grid. IIRC, if you press Get next Hint it should progress the puzzle until it can't solve the puzzle (Non solvable or more than one solution)
m_b_metcalf wrote:the easiest next step (after basics) in my eyes is an xy-wing (SE 4.2) involving just 3 cells (r4c2, r9c2, r9c3), but SukakuExplainer prefers a more complicated skyscraper (SE 4.0) involving 4 cells
This is definitely the place to query this. I would look at all these turbot fishes as interactions between 2 strong links in location using 1 digit. So they are of same magnitude as an X-Wing (rated at 3.2). The XY and XYZ wing has 3 cells but also 3 digits so they are in theory more complex than the Skyscraper/2-String Kite/Turbot Crane
Just to add more to the debate: The swordfish is rated at 3.8 would what I said about the 2 strong links above make the skyscraper worthy of further demotion?