gsf wrote:we need to revisit SE (sudoku explainer) at some point
I'd like to see a C rewrite from the ground up, for efficiency, portability, and extensibility
the java code is fairly modular, so it would be possible to divide and conquer
given the right perspective we should be able to find the places where it trips up on automorphic permutations
I also believe we can squeeze a lot of cycles out of rating the harder puzzles in the process
Hi Glenn,
I am not sure this would be the right way.
Sudoku Explainer is not performing well, I fully agree, but
1) it's somehow part of the game to face that weakness,
2) To my view, it more due to the set of rules applied than to the coding language.
PS: Unhappily, I canl not participate to the next game(s). I hope to be back mid July.