Patterns Game Strategies

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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby 1to9only » Wed May 26, 2021 5:35 pm

Hajime wrote:how do you distinguish between the 1st and 2nd puzzle. They are both valid.

The 2 grids:
Code: Select all

After canonicalization: gridchecker.exe --pattern --patcanon < puzzles.txt > canon.txt
Code: Select all

I process canonicalized grids only, as you do not want to process the same grid (where digits are swapped!) again.

After checking for minimal and single solution: gridchecker.exe --solve --minimals < canon.txt > output.txt
Code: Select all
1.23......4...2...5.....3..6..7..1......8...5.2...9.4...31..7.......4..9....3..2.   22   redundant clue 3 at 76
1.23......4...2...5.....3..6..7..1......8...5.2...9.4...31..7.......5..1....6..9.   22   182397456349652817576841329695734182431286975728519643953128764864975231217463598

Filter for valid puzzles: The 1st puzzle is not minimal, but the 2nd would be a valid submission.

As mentioned earlier, an early check that a puzzle is non-minimal or the 1st solve step is a single (x.x/1.2/1.2) eliminates a lot of uninteresting puzzles, this saves considerable processing time later.

Code: Select all

Pre-rate with skfr (other tools are also available): skfr_win64_v2_0_1.exe -iValid
Code: Select all
1.23......4...2...5.....3..6..7..1......8...5.2...9.4...31..7.......5..1....6..9. ED=8.2/1.2/1.2

If the puzzle is a possible submission, then re-rate with SudokuExplainer/PGExplainer before submitting.
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby Hajime » Thu May 27, 2021 6:15 pm

Filter for valid puzzles: The 1st puzzle is not minimal, but the 2nd would be a valid submission.

Thanks 1to9only. I found a bug in my "is_minimal" subroutine. An uninitialized variable :shock: .
But still a lot of x.x/1/2/1.2 rated puzzles/solutions.

So now I consider your tip to perform the is_minimal check earlier. Although...
A BFBT solution check for a filled pattern costs a full-tree-traversal when 0 (error) or 1 (good) possible solutions and a tree-partly-traversal when 2 solutions or more (error). And is_minimal costs 22 x tree-partly-traversal for each given (2 or more solutions, leads to minimal), unless there is a unique solution (full-tree-traversal) when you can stop the search (not minimal).

Also I consider m_b_metcalf's tip to singles check must be made immediately after your step "if all "0" replaced with 1-9".
And also the vicinity search in stead of full search, champagne and 1to9only.

So lots of considerations. No simple decisions and it will take a while.
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby m_b_metcalf » Thu May 27, 2021 6:53 pm

Hajime wrote:A BFBT solution check for a filled pattern costs a full-tree-traversal when 0 (error) ... possible solutions ...

You can avoid this by, before calling your solver, checking first that each empty cell has at least one candidate, then checking that in each r/c/b each value appears at least once as a clue or candidate, and then that there is no clash of 2 values for 1 cell. See the intersection of row 1 and box 2 in this example, a partially solved candidate puzzle with zero solutions for the current game:
Code: Select all
| 1     5     9     | 2     46    7     | 3     68    68    |
| 23    7     4     | 135   8     13    | 125   9     1256  |
| 8     23    6     | 1359  159   139   | 7     15    4     |
| 9     8     135   | 7     145   2     | 145   13456 1356  |
| 6     4     7     | 1589  3     189   | 1259  15    1259  |
| 235   123   1235  | 6     1459  149   | 8     7     12359 |
| 4     123   123   | 1389  7     5     | 6     138   1389  |
| 35    9     135   | 1348  2     6     | 145   13458 7     |
| 7     6     8     | 1349  149   1349  | 1459  2     1359  |

m_b_metcalf wrote:for the Patterns Game the full scan be 'steered', for instance by imposing ... the condition that no value within a horizontal band repeats,[/i]

As an experiment, I asked my solver to produce 1000 minimal valid puzzles with as the only constraint that no value appears more that once in any band. I also reinitialized the scan with fresh starting values after each found puzzle. It took 8 minutes and a selection of the ratings is given below. That's three diamonds straight off and some good high seeds for a vicinity check.

Good luck with your project!

Hidden Text: Show
Code: Select all
1.5/1.5/1.5 218             

2.0/1.5/1.5 252             
2.3/1.5/1.5 211             
2.6/1.5/1.5  64             

3.4/1.5/1.5 792             

4.2/1.5/1.5 749             
4.5/1.5/1.5 362             

6.6/1.5/1.5 289             
6.7/1.2/1.2 590             
6.7/6.7/6.7 541   Diamond

7.1/7.1/2.6  16   Pearl     
7.2/6.7/3.0 151   Pearl     
7.2/7.1/2.6 565   Pearl     
7.2/7.2/2.6 598   Pearl     
7.2/7.2/7.2 408   Diamond
7.3/6.7/3.4 709   Pearl     
7.3/6.7/6.7 253   Pearl     
7.3/7.1/2.6 754   Pearl     
7.3/7.2/2.6 609   Pearl     
7.3/7.3/2.6 921   Pearl     
7.4/6.7/6.7 973   Pearl     
7.7/1.5/1.5 533             
7.8/6.7/3.4 115   Pearl     
7.8/7.8/2.6 427   Pearl     
7.8/7.8/3.4 916   Pearl     
7.9/1.2/1.2  43             

8.2/1.5/1.5 371             
8.2/6.7/3.4 856   Pearl     
8.3/7.4/3.0 577   Pearl     
8.3/8.3/3.4 421   Pearl     
8.3/8.3/7.1 229   Pearl     
8.4/7.8/3.4 737   Pearl     
8.4/8.4/8.2 126   Pearl     
8.4/8.4/8.4 543   Diamond
8.5/1.2/1.2 613             
8.5/8.5/3.4 835   Pearl     
8.6/8.6/2.6 221   Pearl     
8.7/1.5/1.5 810             
8.8/8.8/3.4 545   Pearl     
8.9/1.5/1.5 614             
8.9/8.9/3.4 336   Pearl     

9.0/9.0/2.6 342   Pearl     
9.0/9.0/7.1 505   Pearl     
9.0/9.0/7.2  91   Pearl     
9.0/9.0/8.3 812   Pearl     
9.1/9.1/3.4 363   Pearl     
9.1/9.1/8.2 691   Pearl     
9.1/9.1/8.8 257   Pearl     
9.1/9.1/9.0 815   Pearl     
9.2/1.2/1.2 720             
9.2/9.1/7.1 723   Pearl     
9.2/9.2/2.6 848   Pearl     
9.2/9.2/3.4 442   Pearl     
9.2/9.2/9.0 130   Pearl     
9.3/1.2/1.2 571             
9.3/9.3/2.6 605   Pearl     
9.3/9.3/9.2 184   Pearl     
9.4/9.4/6.7 426   Pearl     
9.4/9.4/9.2 534   Pearl     
9.5/9.5/3.4  61   Pearl     
9.5/9.5/9.0 548   Pearl     
9.5/9.5/9.3   9   Pearl     
9.6/9.6/6.7 428   Pearl     
9.6/9.6/8.3  49   Pearl     
9.9/1.2/1.2 458             
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby champagne » Thu May 27, 2021 8:15 pm

m_b_metcalf wrote:
As an experiment, I asked my solver to produce 1000 minimal valid puzzles with as the only constraint that no value appears more that once in any band. I also reinitialized the scan with fresh starting values after each found puzzle. It took 8 minutes and a selection of the ratings is given below. That's three diamonds straight off and some good high seeds for a vicinity check.

Hi Mike,

Interesting, I am not working in this field to-day, and surely no in the near future, but I keep this in mind to test it later if I am still there.
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby m_b_metcalf » Fri May 28, 2021 7:26 am

champagne wrote:Interesting, I am not working in this field to-day, and surely no in the near future, but I keep this in mind to test it later if I am still there.

champagne, It's an old idea, see dml's second post on this page (where by row and column he means band).

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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby Hajime » Fri May 28, 2021 3:02 pm

m_b_metcalf wrote:It took 8 minutes and a selection of the ratings is given below.

Only 1 extra line of code to prevent a x.x/1.2/1.2. I am very happy --> :D .
In section A I fill up the pattern: singles check must be made immediately after ... each cell filled.
In section B the rest of the puzzle is filled, always with a unique solution (if possible, else discarded).
In section C the minimalism is tested.
In one hour this is the result
Hidden Text: Show
Code: Select all
3.96......7...5...4.....8..6..1..5......2...4.8...3.9...58..1.......2..3....9..7. ED=8.5/7.2/2.6
3.96......7...5...4.....8..6..1..5......2...4.8...3.9...58..1.......2..7....4..2. ED=9.0/7.8/2.6
3.96......7...5...4.....8..6..1..5......2...4.8...3.9...58..1.......2..7....4..3. ED=9.0/7.2/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...76..1.......7..5....9..3. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...76..1.......7..3....4..5. ED=9.2/7.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...76..2.......1..4....5..3. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...76..2.......7..5....9..3. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...76..2.......7..4....9..5. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...76..2.......7..4....4..5. ED=9.3/9.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..1.......6..3....5..4. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..1.......6..2....4..3. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..1.......7..4....4..5. ED=9.2/7.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..1.......7..3....5..4. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..1.......7..5....4..3. ED=9.1/7.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..6.......1..4....5..3. ED=9.1/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..6.......7..3....5..4. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..6.......7..1....5..3. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......6..3....1..5. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......6..1....4..5. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......7..3....5..4. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......7..3....6..5. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......7..4....5..3. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......7..1....5..3. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......7..1....4..5. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......7..1....6..5. ED=9.2/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......5..4....4..3. ED=9.0/8.9/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......5..4....6..3. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...79..2.......5..3....1..4. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..5.......6..2....1..4. ED=8.5/8.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..5.......7..4....1..2. ED=7.3/7.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..5.......7..3....1..4. ED=7.3/7.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..5.......7..2....6..3. ED=8.3/7.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..5.......7..2....4..3. ED=8.9/7.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......2..7....7..3. ED=8.4/8.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......2..7....1..4. ED=7.3/7.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......2..4....7..3. ED=8.9/8.9/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......2..4....4..5. ED=8.4/8.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......2..5....7..4. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......2..3....4..5. ED=9.0/8.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......2..3....5..4. ED=8.4/8.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......6..1....1..4. ED=8.9/8.9/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......6..7....7..5. ED=8.9/8.9/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......6..7....1..4. ED=7.3/7.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......6..4....7..5. ED=8.9/8.9/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......1..5....7..3. ED=8.2/8.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......1..3....6..4. ED=8.2/8.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......1..4....4..3. ED=8.2/8.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..2.......1..4....6..3. ED=8.2/8.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..7.......6..4....1..3. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..7.......6..3....5..4. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..7.......5..4....6..3. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..7.......7..4....5..3. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..4.......6..2....1..3. ED=8.5/8.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..4.......6..3....7..2. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..4.......6..7....7..5. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..4.......6..7....7..2. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......1..4....7..3. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......5..4....1..2. ED=8.5/8.5/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......5..3....7..2. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......6..7....7..4. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......6..3....5..4. ED=9.2/9.2/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......7..3....5..2. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......7..3....6..4. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......7..3....1..2. ED=8.5/8.5/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...19..6.......7..5....1..3. ED=8.9/8.9/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...15..4.......6..7....7..3. ED=9.2/9.2/9.1
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...15..4.......2..3....6..2. ED=8.2/7.2/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...17..6.......5..3....9..4. ED=9.3/9.3/9.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...17..2.......6..3....5..4. ED=9.2/9.2/8.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...17..2.......5..4....6..3. ED=9.1/9.1/7.3
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...13..2.......5..3....9..4. ED=9.2/9.2/8.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...16..4.......5..7....7..3. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...16..2.......2..7....7..3. ED=9.4/9.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...16..2.......9..3....7..4. ED=9.2/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...16..2.......9..7....7..3. ED=9.3/9.3/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...16..2.......5..7....7..4. ED=9.4/9.4/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...16..2.......5..7....7..3. ED=9.1/9.1/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...16..2.......7..4....5..3. ED=9.0/9.0/3.4
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..6.......5..3....7..2. ED=9.1/9.1/8.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..2.......5..3....6..4. ED=9.0/8.5/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..2.......5..7....6..3. ED=9.0/9.0/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..2.......7..3....6..4. ED=9.1/9.0/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..2.......7..5....6..3. ED=8.5/7.3/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..2.......7..4....6..3. ED=9.1/9.1/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..5.......7..2....6..3. ED=9.0/9.0/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..5.......6..2....9..3. ED=9.0/7.2/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...14..7.......6..2....7..3. ED=9.1/7.2/7.2
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...46..7.......5..4....4..3. ED=7.1/2.6/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...46..1.......7..2....9..3. ED=9.1/9.1/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...46..1.......5..2....9..3. ED=9.2/9.2/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...46..2.......5..7....9..3. ED=8.9/8.9/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...46..2.......7..1....5..3. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..1.......6..7....7..3. ED=8.5/8.5/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..1.......6..2....7..5. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..1.......6..5....7..2. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..1.......6..5....7..3. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..1.......6..3....7..2. ED=8.9/8.9/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..1.......7..3....6..2. ED=8.4/8.4/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..1.......7..2....6..3. ED=8.5/8.5/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..6.......7..2....5..3. ED=9.1/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..6.......7..2....1..3. ED=9.1/9.1/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......6..5....7..3. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......6..3....1..5. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......6..7....1..3. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......6..7....7..5. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......6..7....7..3. ED=8.9/8.9/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......5..3....1..4. ED=9.1/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......5..7....1..3. ED=9.0/9.0/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..2.......7..1....1..3. ED=8.5/8.5/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...49..5.......6..2....7..3. ED=9.1/9.1/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...45..1.......7..2....6..3. ED=9.1/9.1/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...45..1.......6..2....9..3. ED=9.3/9.3/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.7...45..1.......6..7....7..3. ED=8.9/8.6/2.6
6.28......3...4...8.....9..9..1..8......2...6.5...3.1...14..5.......6..7....7..2. ED=9.3/7.2/7.2
1.95......3...7...5.....6..6..1..9......2...5.9...3.8...76..1.......2..3....8..2. ED=9.1/9.1/2.6
1.95......3...7...5.....6..6..1..9......2...5.9...3.8...76..1.......8..3....4..9. ED=9.1/8.4/2.6

No diamonds and no ed>9.3 but none x.x/1.2/1.2 :ugeek:
New energy, implementing vicinity will take more time....
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby 1to9only » Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:29 pm

As mentioned earlier, the vincinity search is pretty much a must for the patterns game, e.g.

In Patterns Game 0421, dealer pattern:
Code: Select all
2.86......4...5...6.....9..1..9..3......4...6.7...8.1...53..2.......7..8....8..7. ED=2.0/1.2/1.2

A {-3+3} vincinity search (using private code, and discarding xx/1.2/1.2) yields these valid puzzles:
Code: Select all
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..2......4...3.8...9.7...72..1.......8..9....9..5. ED=9.3/9.2/7.1 ED=9.4/9.4/7.1
1.23......3...4...5.....6..2..7..5......8...9.6...9.4...75..1.......3..8....2..9. ED=9.2/9.2/2.6 ED=9.4/9.4/2.6
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..1..8......4...3.9...2.7...58..1.......9..2....7..4. ED=9.1/8.9/2.6 ED=9.2/9.0/2.6
1.23......4...5...6.....3..7..1..8......4...6.9...2.7...58..1.......9..2....2..4. ED=9.0/7.3/2.6 ED=9.0/7.3/2.6
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..4......1...3.8...2.7...54..1.......9..2....2..8. ED=9.0/3.0/2.6 ED=9.0/3.0/2.6
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......4...3.9...2.7...68..1.......3..2....2..5. ED=8.9/6.7/3.4 ED=9.0/6.7/3.4
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......4...3.9...2.7...68..1.......9..5....2..4. ED=8.7/6.7/3.4 ED=9.0/6.7/3.4
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......4...1.9...2.7...58..3.......9..2....2..4. ED=8.5/7.3/2.6 ED=8.9/7.3/2.6
1.23......4...5...6.....7..8..7..2......4...6.9...6.5...72..1.......3..4....8..6. ED=8.5/6.7/3.4 ED=8.6/6.7/3.4
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..1......4...3.8...2.7...61..9.......3..2....2..8. ED=8.5/6.7/3.4 ED=8.9/6.7/3.4
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......4...5.9...2.7...58..1.......9..2....7..4. ED=8.4/1.5/1.5 ED=8.4/1.5/1.5
1.23......4...5...6.....7..8..7..6......4...1.9...2.8...56..1.......9..2....2..4. ED=8.3/7.4/2.6 ED=8.3/7.4/2.6
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......4...3.9...2.7...68..1.......3..2....2..9. ED=8.3/6.7/3.4 ED=8.3/6.7/3.4
1.23......4...5...6.....7..8..7..6......4...3.9...2.5...56..1.......3..2....2..9. ED=7.1/1.5/1.5 ED=7.1/1.5/1.5
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......1...3.9...4.7...58..1.......9..2....2..4. ED=3.4/3.0/2.6 ED=3.4/3.0/2.6
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......1...3.9...2.4...58..1.......1..2....2..9. ED=3.4/3.0/2.6 ED=3.4/3.0/2.6

1st ED= is skfr rating, 2nd ED= is SE rating.

One game stategy can be to select the highest rated puzzle, and repeat. After 21 iterations, these are possible diamonds:
Code: Select all
1.23......4...1...5.....6..6..1..2......7...8.3...4.5...92..5.......5..7....8..4. ED=10.4/10.4/10.4 ED=10.6/10.6/10.5
1.23......4...1...5.....6..7..6..1......4...2.5...8.9...37..5.......9..4....2..8. ED=9.7/9.7/9.7 ED=9.8/9.8/9.8
1.23......4...1...5.....6..7..6..1......8...2.5...9.4...37..5.......4..9....2..8. ED=9.6/9.6/9.6 ED=9.8/9.8/9.8
1.23......4...5...5.....6..6..7..3......1...4.8...9.2...78..5.......4..9....2..1. ED=9.4/9.4/9.4 ED=9.4/9.4/9.4
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..2......7...8.2...9.4...71..3.......8..9....4..5. ED=9.2/9.2/9.2 ED=9.3/9.3/9.2
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..8......2...1.2...9.4...78..3.......2..9....4..5. ED=9.1/9.1/9.1 ED=9.2/9.2/9.1
1.23......4...1...3.....5..6..7..3......1...2.8...9.4...75..6.......4..8....2..9. ED=9.0/9.0/9.0 ED=9.2/9.2/9.0
1.23......4...5...3.....6..7..6..1......8...2.8...9.4...71..3.......4..9....7..5. ED=8.9/8.9/8.9 ED=9.0/9.0/9.0
1.23......4...5...3.....6..2..6..7......1...8.9...8.4...75..1.......4..9....8..5. ED=8.3/8.3/8.3 ED=8.3/8.3/8.3
1.23......4...5...6.....7..7..8..3......2...1.9...6.4...89..5.......4..2....1..6. ED=7.2/7.2/7.2 ED=7.2/7.2/7.2
1.23......4...5...6.....3..5..7..1......2...8.3...9.4...71..5.......4..6....8..9. ED=7.1/7.1/7.1 ED=7.1/7.1/7.1
1.23......4...5...3.....6..2..6..3......1...7.8...9.4...69..1.......4..8....7..9. ED=6.7/6.7/6.7 ED=6.7/6.7/6.7

1st ED= is skfr rating, 2nd ED= is SE rating. The SE diamonds are possible submissions.

Iterate some more ... :idea:

Note: I've chosen Patterns Game 0421 as the strategy seems to work quite well. :lol:
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby 999_Springs » Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:19 pm

patterns game overall statistics and stuff

i got bored so i compiled this. hope some of you may find this interesting

here are some overall statistics from all the patterns games starting from game 17. i didn't include 1-16 because the current er/ep/ed game format wasn't in place until game 14, and for 14-16 the gremlin post was in a slightly different format which messed up my code. i also didn't include the "more" puzzles from the most recent game (422) because they weren't in the gremlin post when i gathered the data

overall stats
total players 44
...with one entry 41
...with one not trumped entry 35
total entries (including trumped and more) 41812
total surviving entries (excluding trumped and more) 25179
total score 2985594
total games 406

total score: Show
m_b_metcalf 582712
champagne 470991
gsf 344134
JPF 268776
joel64 214282
1to9only 193346
Patrice 192836
ronk 118264
Pat 117106
Robbie 95958
dobrichev 81087
Mauricio 71853
papy999 58261
TTHsieh 28966
WosRet 27877
GouinJP 22978
coloin 18434
dinev 17999
ssxsssxs 8712
eleven 8004
tarek 7014
blue 6502
BryanL 6219
CSC 6155
pseudocoup 5857
999_Springs 5822
SCLT 3423
enxio27 2460
200e200w 790
Hajime 711
ronk-Moderator 133
billeioru 34
daj95376 0
draco -19
claudiarabia -19
keith -50
JasonLion -50
Moo -50
Eioru -50
surbier -110
skysea575 -150
qiuyanzhe -154
mario133 -250
urhegyi -1200 - gremlin didn't like this post

total entries (includes trumped and more): Show
m_b_metcalf 9989
gsf 5912
champagne 5540
JPF 3387
1to9only 2966
joel64 2859
Pat 1909
Patrice 1777
ronk 1392
Robbie 1072
dobrichev 859
Mauricio 815
papy999 609
TTHsieh 482
tarek 302
WosRet 291
coloin 284
GouinJP 283
dinev 223
ssxsssxs 146
BryanL 143
999_Springs 107
CSC 83
pseudocoup 80
enxio27 74
200e200w 48
blue 44
eleven 24
Hajime 22
qiuyanzhe 13
mario133 9
surbier 7
daj95376 5
Eioru 4
skysea575 1
urhegyi 1
ronk-Moderator 1
draco 1
claudiarabia 1
billeioru 1
JasonLion 0
Moo 0
keith 0

total surviving entries (excludes trumped and more): Show
m_b_metcalf 6297
champagne 3192
gsf 3028
JPF 2135
1to9only 1741
joel64 1637
Patrice 1288
Pat 1096
Robbie 795
ronk 750
dobrichev 610
Mauricio 577
papy999 460
TTHsieh 291
WosRet 217
dinev 180
coloin 176
GouinJP 142
tarek 113
ssxsssxs 82
CSC 69
999_Springs 65
pseudocoup 55
BryanL 41
enxio27 34
blue 31
eleven 18
Hajime 13
200e200w 12
qiuyanzhe 5
draco 1
ronk-Moderator 1
claudiarabia 1
billeioru 1
urhegyi 0
mario133 0
surbier 0
keith 0
JasonLion 0
Moo 0
daj95376 0
Eioru 0
skysea575 0

total game wins: Show
champagne 85
gsf 49
JPF 45
1to9only 36
m_b_metcalf 35
Patrice 31
joel64 25
Robbie 21
ronk 16
dobrichev 16
Mauricio 11
papy999 8
TTHsieh 7
Pat 7
GouinJP 4
WosRet 4
coloin 3
ssxsssxs 1
999_Springs 1 <-- WOOHOO I'M A GENIUS :D :P 8-) :mrgreen: :geek:

highest score by a player in a game (top 30) (all of these are wins): Show
champagne 7325 in game 226
joel64 7282 in game 114
champagne 6763 in game 93
champagne 6714 in game 145
Mauricio 6711 in game 124
Patrice 6430 in game 133
champagne 6242 in game 183
Patrice 6207 in game 175
JPF 6129 in game 91
Patrice 6083 in game 174
Robbie 6058 in game 361
gsf 6008 in game 109
joel64 5967 in game 126
ronk 5918 in game 148
joel64 5766 in game 190
gsf 5728 in game 105
Patrice 5668 in game 166
Patrice 5626 in game 178
champagne 5620 in game 307
champagne 5566 in game 185
champagne 5528 in game 118
JPF 5524 in game 283
joel64 5458 in game 125
champagne 5447 in game 111
champagne 5409 in game 294
champagne 5402 in game 188
champagne 5371 in game 122
Mauricio 5278 in game 22
dobrichev 5253 in game 268
ronk 5242 in game 154

lowest winning scores (top 20): Show
m_b_metcalf 37 in game 331
gsf 77 in game 144
Robbie 195 in game 337
Patrice 206 in game 171
m_b_metcalf 309 in game 381
JPF 353 in game 55
m_b_metcalf 358 in game 53
Robbie 411 in game 360
champagne 480 in game 169
gsf 595 in game 113
JPF 599 in game 49
gsf 642 in game 21
gsf 692 in game 72
m_b_metcalf 777 in game 116
m_b_metcalf 851 in game 321
gsf 891 in game 44
joel64 908 in game 121
gsf 920 in game 32
coloin 984 in game 287
gsf 1067 in game 151

most entries for a player in a game (includes trumped and more) (top 30): Show
champagne 129 in game 238
champagne 118 in game 235
champagne 93 in game 258
champagne 82 in game 240
champagne 82 in game 259
champagne 81 in game 93
champagne 76 in game 246
gsf 71 in game 20
champagne 69 in game 107
champagne 68 in game 241
joel64 68 in game 114
gsf 67 in game 38
champagne 66 in game 204
gsf 65 in game 196
gsf 63 in game 30
gsf 62 in game 41
1to9only 62 in game 386
ronk 62 in game 124
gsf 62 in game 221
champagne 62 in game 211
JPF 61 in game 403
JPF 61 in game 91
champagne 61 in game 351
TTHsieh 61 in game 20
champagne 60 in game 210
champagne 60 in game 207
gsf 59 in game 148
gsf 59 in game 25
gsf 58 in game 33
1to9only 58 in game 369

most surviving entries for a player in a game (top 30, tiebreak by score): Show
joel64 44 in game 114 (score 7282)
champagne 43 in game 294 (score 5409)
Robbie 42 in game 361 (score 6058)
Patrice 41 in game 166 (score 5668)
Patrice 41 in game 298 (score 4097)
Robbie 40 in game 366 (score 4115)
joel64 39 in game 190 (score 5766)
champagne 39 in game 188 (score 5402)
champagne 39 in game 284 (score 5025)
gsf 39 in game 87 (score 5018)
m_b_metcalf 39 in game 211 (score 4759)
Patrice 38 in game 299 (score 5007)
champagne 38 in game 276 (score 4976)
champagne 38 in game 306 (score 4547)
1to9only 38 in game 371 (score 4291)
1to9only 38 in game 368 (score 4150)
champagne 38 in game 298 (score 3842)
m_b_metcalf 38 in game 288 (score 3672)
champagne 37 in game 145 (score 6714)
Mauricio 37 in game 37 (score 5111)
dobrichev 37 in game 312 (score 4998)
Robbie 37 in game 350 (score 4846)
m_b_metcalf 37 in game 212 (score 4506)
JPF 37 in game 51 (score 4284)
gsf 37 in game 74 (score 2733)
champagne 36 in game 183 (score 6242)
JPF 36 in game 283 (score 5524)
champagne 36 in game 197 (score 4919)
JPF 36 in game 408 (score 4699)
champagne 36 in game 273 (score 4644)

most players in a game: Show
10 players: game 126
9 players: game 130
8 players: games 35, 125, 136, 142, 152, 155, 279, 318, 327

most distinct ERs in a game (excluding more): Show
80 ERs: games 284, 298
79 ERs: games 239, 294, 299
78 ERs: game 211
77 ERs: games 254, 260, 306
76 ERs: games 195, 212, 229, 232, 304, 311, 313, 315, 326

most pearls in a game (EP=2.5+) (excluding more): Show
62 pearls: games 284, 315
60 pearls: games 314, 351, 365
59 pearls: games 139, 191, 277, 311, 312, 421

most diamonds in a game (ED=2.5+) (excluding more): Show
49 diamonds: games 269, 315, 368, 373
48 diamonds: games 329, 384
47 diamonds: games 181, 294, 312, 328, 365, 382

most diamonds in a game (ED=2.5+) (including more): Show
49 diamonds: games 269, 315, 368, 373, 384
48 diamonds: games 181, 329, 365
47 diamonds: games 192, 218, 261, 268, 294, 302, 312, 314, 328, 335, 351, 382

highest total game scores (top 20): Show
17087 in game 154
16229 in game 124
15761 in game 126
14942 in game 133
14688 in game 130
14498 in game 125
13952 in game 118
13892 in game 141
13441 in game 20
13313 in game 148
13028 in game 93
12815 in game 91
12735 in game 105
12652 in game 195
12527 in game 129
12390 in game 139
12367 in game 134
12330 in game 226
12217 in game 138
12128 in game 131

lowest total game scores (top 20): Show
22 in game 331
125 in game 144
137 in game 171
224 in game 337
435 in game 53
549 in game 381
709 in game 360
882 in game 113
885 in game 55
1202 in game 169
1261 in game 72
1435 in game 49
1441 in game 44
1601 in game 21
1813 in game 32
1903 in game 41
1906 in game 287
2069 in game 376
2085 in game 43
2220 in game 247

most entries in a game (including trumped and more) (top 20): Show
214 in game 20
208 in game 154
188 in game 93
184 in game 124
184 in game 126
183 in game 130
179 in game 235
176 in game 223
173 in game 133
169 in game 125
168 in game 148
168 in game 193
168 in game 238
164 in game 17
164 in game 99
164 in game 141
163 in game 222
160 in game 118
158 in game 134
155 in game 258

least entries in a game (including trumped and more) (top 20): Show
14 in game 171
16 in game 337
19 in game 144
22 in game 113
24 in game 169
27 in game 381
30 in game 331
35 in game 249
38 in game 44
42 in game 55
42 in game 256
42 in game 290
43 in game 360
43 in game 376
46 in game 43
47 in game 121
47 in game 250
49 in game 321
51 in game 247
53 in game 116

overall ratings table
this table shows how many times each SE rating was played as an ER, EP, ED, pearl and diamond (including trumped and more)
Code: Select all
rating; ER; EP; ED; pearl; diamond
1.0    0    0    0   0   0
1.2  386 4291 4291 386 386
1.5  542 1006 1006 314 314
1.7  486  130  130  41  41
2.0  510 1579 1579 374 374
2.3  514  585  585 193 193
2.5  434  645  645 323 323
2.6  474  628 4975 207 207
2.8  447  800 1368 335 308
3.0  461  838 1463 354 312
3.2  568  444  531 280 171
3.4  449 1425 4569 389 347
3.6  475 1096 1008 375 309
3.8  540  983 1764 332 209
4.0  549  827  477 385 212
4.2  646  971  374 426 220
4.4  628  612  339 374 205
4.5  811  917    2 470   2
4.6  763  439    1 330   1
4.7  652  430    1 272   1
4.8  421   53    0  50   0
4.9  186    0    0   0   0
5.0  625  322   33 180  19
5.1   72    0    0   0   0
5.2  662   79   47  56   5
5.3    1    0    0   0   0
5.4  121   83   28  55  11
5.6  892    0    0   0   0
5.7  836    0    0   0   0
5.8  552    0    0   0   0
5.9  479    0    0   0   0
6.0  314    0    0   0   0
6.1   96    0    0   0   0
6.2  630  293  127 279 110
6.5  734  104    2 104   1
6.6  560  702  760 394 266
6.7  564 1005 1144 396 247
6.8  801  398   35 373  31
6.9  784  210    2 209   2
7.0  591  379  254 361 229
7.1  511  726  986 440 317
7.2  531  908  990 463 318
7.3  546  802  679 454 304
7.4  735  640  237 576 213
7.5  667  516  269 488 224
7.6  640  558  450 467 226
7.7  826  593   86 567  52
7.8  599  627  676 447 253
7.9  847  568   79 552  23
8.0  824  461   18 460   2
8.1  561  108    0 108   0
8.2  637  496  352 485 266
8.3  542  561  614 467 317
8.4  568  596  597 488 308
8.5  647  620  452 543 296
8.6  782  655  219 635 199
8.7  760  597  188 597 184
8.8  605  515  360 506 288
8.9  574  523  446 501 304
9.0  589  553  586 524 314
9.1  613  564  529 543 292
9.2  572  542  740 524 286
9.3  601  579  686 544 256
9.4  606  585  807 549 237
9.5  550  522  412 505 196
9.6  520  478  262 472 166
9.7  515  471  264 466 164
9.8  516  475  308 471 166
9.9  491  459  514 449 183
10.0 443  426  299 415 150
10.1 392  374  163 370 112
10.2 374  329  114 328  89
10.3 399  355  125 354  97
10.4 448  409  245 407 126
10.5 410  376  240 376 115
10.6 388  369  197 367 104
10.7 267  249   54 249  34
10.8 163  139   14 138   6
10.9  59   39    4  39   2
11.0  43   27    1  27   1
11.1  70   55    9  55   3
11.2  58   44    1  44   0
11.3  43   32    0  32   0
11.4  14   11    0  11   0
11.5   3    2    0   2   0
11.6   2    2    0   2   0
11.7   2    0    0   0   0
11.8   3    2    0   2   0
11.9   0    0    0   0   0

these next few are taken directly from the above table
most played ERs (top 10): Show
5.6 892
7.9 847
5.7 836
7.7 826
8.0 824
4.5 811
6.8 801
6.9 784
8.6 782
4.6 763

most played EPs (top 10): Show
1.2 4291
2.0 1579
3.4 1425
3.6 1096
1.5 1006
6.7 1005
3.8 983
4.2 971
4.5 917
7.2 908

most played EDs (top 10): Show
2.6 4975
3.4 4569
1.2 4291
3.8 1764
2.0 1579
3.0 1463
2.8 1368
6.7 1144
3.6 1008
1.5 1006

most played pearls (top 10): Show
8.6 635
8.7 597
7.4 576
7.7 567
7.9 552
9.4 549
9.3 544
8.5 543
9.1 543
9.0 524

most played diamonds (top 10): Show
1.2 386
2.0 374
3.4 347
2.5 323
7.2 318
8.3 317
7.1 317
1.5 314
9.0 314
3.0 312

the list of most played ER/EP/EDs is the same as the list of most played diamonds, so here's a list of the most played non diamonds
most played ER/EP/EDs (non diamonds): Show
1.7/1.5/1.5 246
1.5/1.2/1.2 228
4.5/4.5/3.4 218
1.7/1.2/1.2 199
4.6/4.6/3.4 188
2.3/2.0/2.0 187
4.7/4.7/3.4 179
6.0/1.2/1.2 171
5.8/1.2/1.2 169
5.9/1.2/1.2 168

for each ER, who has the most surviving entries at the end of each game? (excluding trumped and more) (top 3): Show
1.2 (m_b_metcalf, 136), (gsf, 92), (1to9only, 46)
1.5 (m_b_metcalf, 133), (gsf, 83), (1to9only, 36)
1.7 (m_b_metcalf, 177), (gsf, 40), (Pat, 35)
2.0 (m_b_metcalf, 131), (gsf, 73), (joel64, 36)
2.3 (m_b_metcalf, 160), (gsf, 84), (Pat, 23)
2.5 (m_b_metcalf, 110), (gsf, 70), (1to9only, 33)
2.6 (m_b_metcalf, 152), (gsf, 67), (joel64, 25)
2.8 (m_b_metcalf, 108), (gsf, 71), (joel64, 42)
3.0 (m_b_metcalf, 136), (gsf, 68), (joel64, 32)
3.2 (m_b_metcalf, 83), (gsf, 46), (joel64, 33)
3.4 (m_b_metcalf, 117), (gsf, 68), (joel64, 46)
3.6 (m_b_metcalf, 123), (gsf, 68), (joel64, 31)
3.8 (m_b_metcalf, 104), (gsf, 46), (joel64, 34)
4.0 (m_b_metcalf, 84), (gsf, 58), (1to9only, 30)
4.2 (m_b_metcalf, 109), (gsf, 46), (joel64, 33)
4.4 (m_b_metcalf, 74), (1to9only, 36), (gsf, 35)
4.5 (m_b_metcalf, 99), (gsf, 46), (champagne, 33)
4.6 (m_b_metcalf, 97), (gsf, 35), (joel64, 34)
4.7 (m_b_metcalf, 60), (gsf, 43), (champagne, 35)
4.8 (champagne, 58), (gsf, 33), (Pat, 17)
4.9 (champagne, 40), (Pat, 15), (1to9only, 8)
5.0 (gsf, 63), (champagne, 45), (m_b_metcalf, 38)
5.1 (champagne, 18), (Pat, 5), (1to9only, 4)
5.2 (champagne, 50), (m_b_metcalf, 47), (gsf, 38)
5.3 (999_Springs, 1) <-- WOOHOO *shameless self promotion* :D :mrgreen: :P 8-)
5.4 (gsf, 14), (1to9only, 8), (joel64, 7)
5.6 (m_b_metcalf, 89), (champagne, 48), (gsf, 40)
5.7 (m_b_metcalf, 64), (gsf, 43), (champagne, 41)
5.8 (champagne, 70), (gsf, 48), (Pat, 26)
5.9 (champagne, 69), (gsf, 36), (1to9only, 23)
6.0 (champagne, 67), (Pat, 26), (gsf, 21)
6.1 (champagne, 27), (Pat, 8), (gsf, 6)
6.2 (champagne, 66), (m_b_metcalf, 38), (gsf, 37)
6.5 (m_b_metcalf, 65), (champagne, 63), (gsf, 30)
6.6 (m_b_metcalf, 144), (gsf, 45), (joel64, 37)
6.7 (m_b_metcalf, 134), (gsf, 47), (joel64, 38)
6.8 (m_b_metcalf, 65), (champagne, 50), (gsf, 41)
6.9 (m_b_metcalf, 57), (gsf, 41), (champagne, 38)
7.0 (m_b_metcalf, 83), (gsf, 48), (champagne, 37)
7.1 (m_b_metcalf, 165), (gsf, 47), (champagne, 25)
7.2 (m_b_metcalf, 162), (gsf, 50), (champagne, 26)
7.3 (m_b_metcalf, 148), (gsf, 37), (joel64, 33)
7.4 (m_b_metcalf, 73), (gsf, 54), (champagne, 51)
7.5 (m_b_metcalf, 63), (champagne, 51), (gsf, 50)
7.6 (m_b_metcalf, 89), (gsf, 53), (champagne, 47)
7.7 (m_b_metcalf, 76), (gsf, 50), (champagne, 48)
7.8 (m_b_metcalf, 135), (gsf, 43), (champagne, 41)
7.9 (JPF, 56), (champagne, 52), (m_b_metcalf, 47)
8.0 (champagne, 62), (gsf, 45), (JPF, 44)
8.1 (champagne, 73), (gsf, 47), (JPF, 39)
8.2 (m_b_metcalf, 65), (gsf, 53), (champagne, 46)
8.3 (m_b_metcalf, 139), (gsf, 56), (champagne, 29)
8.4 (m_b_metcalf, 172), (gsf, 40), (champagne, 32)
8.5 (m_b_metcalf, 115), (gsf, 47), (champagne, 37)
8.6 (m_b_metcalf, 60), (champagne, 59), (gsf, 48)
8.7 (champagne, 69), (m_b_metcalf, 50), (gsf, 45)
8.8 (m_b_metcalf, 85), (champagne, 43), (gsf, 39)
8.9 (m_b_metcalf, 134), (gsf, 47), (champagne, 44)
9.0 (m_b_metcalf, 154), (gsf, 42), (champagne, 41)
9.1 (m_b_metcalf, 144), (champagne, 40), (gsf, 38)
9.2 (m_b_metcalf, 154), (gsf, 40), (champagne, 32)
9.3 (m_b_metcalf, 137), (JPF, 39), (champagne, 37)
9.4 (m_b_metcalf, 125), (champagne, 39), (JPF, 35)
9.5 (m_b_metcalf, 82), (JPF, 49), (champagne, 41)
9.6 (champagne, 61), (m_b_metcalf, 55), (JPF, 44)
9.7 (m_b_metcalf, 71), (champagne, 61), (JPF, 44)
9.8 (m_b_metcalf, 72), (champagne, 57), (1to9only, 32)
9.9 (m_b_metcalf, 80), (champagne, 49), (JPF, 32)
10.0 (champagne, 56), (m_b_metcalf, 51), (JPF, 41)
10.1 (champagne, 56), (JPF, 39), (m_b_metcalf, 36)
10.2 (champagne, 59), (JPF, 37), (m_b_metcalf, 37)
10.3 (champagne, 62), (JPF, 39), (m_b_metcalf, 35)
10.4 (champagne, 59), (m_b_metcalf, 46), (JPF, 42)
10.5 (champagne, 62), (m_b_metcalf, 35), (JPF, 33)
10.6 (champagne, 63), (JPF, 40), (m_b_metcalf, 35)
10.7 (champagne, 49), (JPF, 29), (m_b_metcalf, 18)
10.8 (champagne, 40), (JPF, 22), (m_b_metcalf, 12)
10.9 (champagne, 20), (JPF, 12), (m_b_metcalf, 6)
11.0 (champagne, 16), (JPF, 9), (Patrice, 2)
11.1 (champagne, 18), (m_b_metcalf, 11), (JPF, 10)
11.2 (JPF, 11), (champagne, 10), (1to9only, 5)
11.3 (champagne, 10), (1to9only, 5), (JPF, 5)
11.4 (champagne, 3), (1to9only, 2), (Patrice, 2)
11.5 (ssxsssxs, 1), (1to9only, 1), (Patrice, 1)
11.6 (champagne, 1), (JPF, 1)
11.7 (champagne, 1), (JPF, 1)
11.8 (1to9only, 2), (gsf, 1)

for each ER, who played the most diamonds with it? (including more) (top 3): Show
note that i have no idea how ties are broken on this thing. not all ties are shown. for example, 8 people have exactly one 5.4 diamond
1.2 (m_b_metcalf, 137), (gsf, 92), (1to9only, 49)
1.5 (m_b_metcalf, 95), (gsf, 84), (1to9only, 43)
1.7 (m_b_metcalf, 19), (gsf, 7), (champagne, 4)
2.0 (m_b_metcalf, 125), (gsf, 72), (joel64, 35)
2.3 (m_b_metcalf, 65), (gsf, 64), (1to9only, 14)
2.5 (m_b_metcalf, 91), (gsf, 56), (joel64, 31)
2.6 (m_b_metcalf, 71), (gsf, 45), (joel64, 22)
2.8 (m_b_metcalf, 81), (gsf, 53), (joel64, 40)
3.0 (m_b_metcalf, 102), (gsf, 50), (joel64, 29)
3.2 (m_b_metcalf, 36), (gsf, 20), (1to9only, 19)
3.4 (m_b_metcalf, 104), (gsf, 55), (joel64, 43)
3.6 (m_b_metcalf, 100), (gsf, 43), (joel64, 28)
3.8 (m_b_metcalf, 72), (gsf, 22), (1to9only, 20)
4.0 (m_b_metcalf, 48), (champagne, 25), (1to9only, 25)
4.2 (m_b_metcalf, 51), (champagne, 35), (1to9only, 26)
4.4 (1to9only, 30), (champagne, 30), (m_b_metcalf, 24)
4.5 (dobrichev, 1), (1to9only, 1)
4.6 (champagne, 1)
4.7 (Patrice, 1)
5.0 (1to9only, 4), (champagne, 4), (joel64, 3)
5.2 (m_b_metcalf, 2), (gsf, 2), (JPF, 1)
5.4 (champagne, 3), (ronk, 1), (Mauricio, 1)
6.2 (champagne, 28), (1to9only, 21), (Patrice, 10)
6.5 (1to9only, 1) <-- this diamond was my idea ;) :P 8-)
6.6 (m_b_metcalf, 106), (joel64, 25), (gsf, 25)
6.7 (m_b_metcalf, 92), (champagne, 28), (joel64, 25)
6.8 (champagne, 10), (1to9only, 6), (Pat, 3)
6.9 (champagne, 1), (1to9only, 1)
7.0 (m_b_metcalf, 38), (champagne, 32), (1to9only, 31)
7.1 (m_b_metcalf, 138), (gsf, 31), (joel64, 21)
7.2 (m_b_metcalf, 137), (gsf, 28), (champagne, 23)
7.3 (m_b_metcalf, 106), (1to9only, 28), (joel64, 28)
7.4 (champagne, 51), (1to9only, 33), (m_b_metcalf, 25)
7.5 (champagne, 52), (1to9only, 31), (m_b_metcalf, 18)
7.6 (m_b_metcalf, 51), (champagne, 38), (1to9only, 17)
7.7 (champagne, 15), (joel64, 6), (m_b_metcalf, 5)
7.8 (m_b_metcalf, 98), (gsf, 27), (champagne, 24)
7.9 (m_b_metcalf, 5), (champagne, 5), (joel64, 4)
8.0 (ronk, 1), (gsf, 1)
8.2 (m_b_metcalf, 42), (champagne, 39), (1to9only, 38)
8.3 (m_b_metcalf, 109), (gsf, 37), (1to9only, 25)
8.4 (m_b_metcalf, 139), (champagne, 31), (gsf, 26)
8.5 (m_b_metcalf, 81), (champagne, 34), (1to9only, 29)
8.6 (champagne, 47), (1to9only, 25), (Patrice, 17)
8.7 (champagne, 48), (1to9only, 33), (Patrice, 16)
8.8 (m_b_metcalf, 61), (champagne, 35), (1to9only, 31)
8.9 (m_b_metcalf, 103), (champagne, 38), (1to9only, 24)
9.0 (m_b_metcalf, 130), (champagne, 32), (1to9only, 24)
9.1 (m_b_metcalf, 114), (champagne, 30), (joel64, 21)
9.2 (m_b_metcalf, 123), (champagne, 26), (joel64, 21)
9.3 (m_b_metcalf, 107), (champagne, 27), (Patrice, 18)
9.4 (m_b_metcalf, 97), (champagne, 24), (1to9only, 19)
9.5 (m_b_metcalf, 56), (JPF, 23), (champagne, 21)
9.6 (champagne, 34), (m_b_metcalf, 28), (1to9only, 25)
9.7 (m_b_metcalf, 37), (champagne, 36), (JPF, 19)
9.8 (m_b_metcalf, 46), (champagne, 29), (1to9only, 25)
9.9 (m_b_metcalf, 58), (champagne, 34), (1to9only, 16)
10.0 (champagne, 35), (m_b_metcalf, 26), (JPF, 20)
10.1 (champagne, 36), (1to9only, 13), (JPF, 13)
10.2 (champagne, 29), (m_b_metcalf, 13), (JPF, 10)
10.3 (champagne, 33), (JPF, 15), (1to9only, 8)
10.4 (champagne, 32), (m_b_metcalf, 24), (1to9only, 13)
10.5 (champagne, 35), (JPF, 13), (1to9only, 13)
10.6 (champagne, 31), (JPF, 17), (1to9only, 14)
10.7 (champagne, 13), (Robbie, 4), (JPF, 3)
10.8 (champagne, 4), (Robbie, 1), (1to9only, 1)
10.9 (dobrichev, 1), (JPF, 1)
11.0 (champagne, 1)
11.1 (champagne, 2), (ssxsssxs, 1)

m_b_metcalf wrote:I notice that 999_Springs lists eight 5.4 diamonds. I find only seven, but there were also at least an additional three submitted as 'more'.

when i did that table, i was following what i thought were gremlin's rules for "rarity" (i.e. count "more" entries if and only if they occur before game 132). since we now know that "more" entries always count for rarity even if they are on or after game 132, i might have another look at that. in all my above tables in this post, i either include all "more" entries or exclude them all, as stated in each one.

speaking of 5.4 diamonds, there are now 11 of them including "more". champagne has 3, and 8 people have one each - this is quite remarkable
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby 1to9only » Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:12 pm

999_Springs wrote:here are some overall statistics from all the patterns games starting from game 17. i didn't include 1-16 because the current er/ep/ed game format wasn't in place until game 14, and for 14-16 the gremlin post was in a slightly different format which messed up my code.

I tend to use the complete list, re-rating with SE the submissions from games 1-13 into the ER/EP/ED format. List was used for S.E. Records, Unique ER/EP/ED ...
I use the results posted in the PG results pages, except games 12-13 are incomplete, but they can be copied from:
game 0012 final :
game 0013 final :
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby 1to9only » Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:33 am

999_Springs wrote:
Code: Select all
rating; ER; EP; ED; pearl; diamond
1.0    0    0    0   0   0
1.2  386 4291 4291 386 386
1.5  542 1006 1006 314 314
1.7  486  130  130  41  41
2.0  510 1579 1579 374 374
2.3  514  585  585 193 193
2.5  434  645  645 323 323
2.6  474  628 4975 207 207
2.8  447  800 1368 335 308
3.0  461  838 1463 354 312

The diamonds appear to be counted as pearls as well...
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Re: Patterns Game Strategies

Postby 1to9only » Fri Dec 03, 2021 1:50 pm

We all have different reasons to play the Patterns Game, here are some of my:

Strategies for the Patterns Game:

- Accumulate (quickly) as many points as possible, this gives the other players no chance to win!

- Accumulate (steadily) as many points as possible, this gives the other players a little chance to win!

- Play low ratings (game 436, I posted 17 of 23 submissions up to and including ED=5.2), this gives the other players a better chance to win! I still won game 436!!

- Play less (game 440, I posted 15 submissions), this gives the other players a better chance to win! Winner 440: m_b_metcalf (28 submissions)

- Play diamonds only (game 441, I posted 15 diamonds only), this gives the other players a chance to win! Winner 441: JPF (10 diamonds)

- Don't play (game 442, I posted more entries only), this gives another player a chance to win! Usually this is JPF! Winner 442: JPF (33 submissions)

- Submit as many diamonds as possible, the record (by a player) is diamond*27 in games 191, 271, 288, I missed joining that group with diamond*26 (game 432)! I won game 432!

- Submit as many rares as possible, when this feature was introduced all submissions were tagged rare (games 124, 125, etc.), but more recently I posted rare-0*24 (game 387), needless to say I did not win the game, as 17 of the 24 were trumped!! As an aside, I think all the possible ratings up to and including ED=4.4 have now been played. There are 2 ratings missing in ED=4.5.

- Always have fun!
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Patterns Games Index

Postby 1to9only » Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:00 am

From time to time, I search the (thousands of) Patterns Game pages for info on a particular game, puzzle, post, etc. It is akin to a binary chop exercise, selecting a page to start with and then jumping left or right a number of pages to home in on the correct page! It is wearisome to do this many times (infrequently!)!

So I created a script that creates a Patterns Games Index that provides direct links to g.r.emlin's posts for Patterns Games 1-443 inclusive.

I intend to update the file every 20 games or so, e.g. after games 460, 480, etc.

The Index looks like this:
game 0440 start LIGHTNING open status status status status status status idle closed
game 0441 start open status status status status status idle closed
game 0442 start LIGHTNING open status status status status status status status idle closed
game 0443 start open status status status status status status status status status status status idle closed
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Patterns Game Stats

Postby 1to9only » Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:24 am

999_Springs wrote:patterns game overall statistics and stuff

I've 'borrowed' 999_Springs's stats idea, and I've produced my own stats for games 001-460!
There are differences:
- I've included games 1-16, as I've SE rated the submitted puzzles and used these ratings.
- I've SE rated all submitted puzzles, and excluded those that are SE mismatches.
All puzzles are from the Patterns Games Results pages.

These are from g.r.emlin's game results summaries (top section, list of highest rated submitted puzzles): 001-460-entries.txt
These are from g.r.emlin's game results summaries (middle section, of submitters, entries, scores, etc): 001-460-results.txt
These are from the list of submitted puzzles list in the results pages, exluding the SE mismatches: 001-460-submits.txt
This is the list of submitted puzzles with SE mismatches: 001-460-mismatches.txt
Edit 02/24: added mores and rare EDs stats: 001-460-mores.txt
Edit 04/26: updated for games 001-460.
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