ryokousha and I have been investigating minimal thermo sudoku for a while - very much like this "Sudoshiki" but not restricted to orthogonally adjacent cells.
The best known in terms of cell count is 21 cells:
CascadeThis comes out to 18 "clues" in terms of the greater-than relationships (but with some of these diagonal). ryokousha has gotten down to 2 solutions with 20 cells - the fact that 17-clue Sudoshiki exist makes me believe 20 cells is likely possible, trading the orthogonal restriction for the connectedness restriction of only three thermos.
We also have a puzzle with 18 "2CT" (2-cell thermos) here:
https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yjy4qfna - that is, 18 clues (some - in fact almost all - diagonal) such that none of them are chained (one pair does share a bulb - that is, the cell is less than two other cells, but there is no direct relation between those two cells). I am less inclined to think 17 2CT is possible, based on the ridiculous geometry tricks we needed to pull of even 18, but can't rule it out either. It's worth noting that this one can be reduced to 16 2CT and 1 given: