These are nice overlapped jigsaws, but SudokuExplainer is for 9x9 sudokus which I've tweaked to solve other variants of 9x9 sudokus including overlapped ones. But these jigsaws are no longer 9x9, having cells that stick out!
An approximation for JigsawExplainer could be this - solving the jigsaw is not guaranteed:
- Code: Select all
....4........8......2....5.......5..........1.54....9.24..18.6...8......6...9.71. 111223333111122223142223333145555666444555666444475866999975868999777888997787788
.18.6...9......1...9.71..56.4....58.2..........3.......6....9......4........8.... 887787799888777999868579999668574444666555444666555541333322241322221111333322111
Edit: Corrected jigsaw definition. See further below:
I've not tried these in JigsawExplainer.
This latest twodoku is NOT like the previous twodokus posted (aka sensei-1) with 1 nonet overlap. It is a sensei-2 with 2 nonets overlap. So the 'twodoku' solver will not solve this.