The first example you just rated was the first of a batch of 5.
Results nr1:3.4(hidden pair)
nr5: at start 9.8 reduces to 9.6 I think
Strange : In your batch of 25 there where 19 max 2.9, 1 3.4 hidden pair 1 with 7.1 and 4 with 9+
Between 3.4 and 7.1 till now no results(searching for x-wing, xy-wing, xyz-wing, swordfish, yellyfish, skyscrapers, kites, turbot crane ... nothing)
Can you confirm this has 9.6 rating:
- Code: Select all
...............9........5...7.2.34..6.......3..5......7..4..8.......96.2...3....9 111112222114122233444155223644555553644455333667777733668777999668788999688888999
- Code: Select all
8....4...6.28.......9..3..5......7..4.......2..34.6.5...7........8............... 999888886999887866999777866337777766333554446355555446322551444332221411222211111